MaDamundi is definitely dead. In Thanquol it states that he died on the stairs to the pyramid temple right before the moon meteors hit, after a...
I'm 8 years late, but I can sympathize for mr. NexS1, I too have had huge failures with temple guard which make me not want to use temple guard...
Sorry, I meant deep not wide. (which is why I almost never get steadfast on them)
Oh yeah, forgot about steadfast. I almost never use it due to temple guard being stubborn and usually fielding my saurus only 4 wide.o_O
I like them, but only when they're in a large unit, usually with a scarvet/oldblood.
Am I missing something with this tarpit business? I know I myself said that it was a counter, but I honestly don't get how any tarpit can hold up...
I don't get why you would take 200-300 slaves, yeah I get they ate cheap, but really? 300? Even in a 2500pt game that is most of your core and...
I,ve been reading some of the end times stuff and when morsleib falls and destroys lustria did any of the lizardmen survive? I know it says that...
I am assuming that he is not targeted by any spell or rule that cannot target flying units.
Have you done a battle report yet? If so could you post the link? BTW I love the list, saurus infantry is so fun, but I wouldn't do an only...
As always, a little late, but... *cracks knuckles* so magic-wise I'm surprised your taking two lv2's when there is a lv3- tehenhuanin in the...
What do you think about putting my anti-heroe oldblood in a horde like this: around 30 temple guard, slann with obsidian lodestone, soul of stone...
I,ve been making a lot of new lists lately and I have been wondering which units to take. I was wondering which units you think have the most...
That is a good point, cannons do not fire at their target but rather a specific point on the battlefield, so it does not matter if you can see...
I personally dont like this matchup. That 4+ ward will negate 50% of your attacks, so all you have going for you is predatory attacks. If they...
Tetto' Eko is super weak, so if he gets charged he will pretty much be killed instantly, and because of his great special rule that let's you...
That is a hard question against lizardmen in general, except mostly skink lists. The only thing that I can confidently say is dispel scroll,...
That is kinda the point, he is in a big TG bunker with a bunch of buffs and maybe a magic banner. That might help the speed since the slann can...
I've only played skrox once but I don't really think that they're worth the cost, since your opponent can just put all the attacks into the...
I guess I'm a little late to the party but I have an interesting build that I think might be OK. Oldblood Sword of anti-heroes, talisman of...