Lord: Slaan Mage-Priest Harmonic Convergence Wondering Deliberations Channeling staff Heroes: Skink Priest Lv2 Dispel Scroll Lore of Heavens Core: Saurus Warriors 30 Man Squad Musician Standard Bearer Saurus Warriors 30 Man Squad Musician Standard Bearer Special: Bastiladon Solar Engine Chameleon Skinks Rare: Salamander Hunting Pack Total: 1,495 Points So what do you guys think I should add or remove?
Hi, Your slann is too expensive to have in a 1500 points list. needs to be max 325. I think if you need him to be the general for the extra leadership you could run him naked and be a BSB running him in a cheap skink cohort unit staying behind your two blocks of saurus. Personally I would run a scar vet and have a LVL 2 skink priest with a scroll at 1500pts. Get rid of the Bastiladon as you are running stock Saurus the buff is only going to give you I2 which will do almost nothing and once it gets into combat it is pretty much stuffed. I think a Stegadon would be a better option. You need a couple of small units of skink skirmishers with every list. I think a couple of units of 10 with Jav and shields would suit.
From a few games that I have played I found that the slaan with harmonic convergence and channeling saff allows you to almost always dominate the magic phase, so I really dont want to give that up. Also I was thinking of dropping the bastiladon and bringing in some saurus cavalry or rippers or some skinks.
Only thing that hits me head-on is your sheer amount of Saurus. Saurus are decent, some even say good. But 2 units of 30 at 1500 pts is a major investment, well over minimum core, and just below ½ of your army. I'd consider dropping each unit to 24 if you really want that many, and filling up with some Chaff instead. terradons could be afforded in that trade, so could more Chameleons, in fact, 2 units of 5 chameleons could be traded off for those 12 saurus. Now i don't know how many chamo's you're using now, so i'm assuming 5 or 6, but imagine the amount of care an opponent needs in deploying his squishy warmachines if you have 3 x 5. or 2x 5 and 1x6. I'd probably go with the terradons, and find another place to use the leftover points, also to get that extra drop, or buy a cowboy, which could give a lot of mobility and hurt. To be honest, i also think a unit of 20 steadfast Temple guard are to be preferred over 1 unit of 30 (or 24) saurus, and 20 costs approx the same as a saurus unit, with a little discount even! Noone says you need to deploy your lord in them, but when you get to combat, it's gonna be worth it for steadfast. IF you go TG instead, the spare points should be used on skinks for the core req. Do think your orginal list is solid though, but your amount of units is low, and your amount of core is way above demands. Happy tourny :=)