TOW 1000 points v Skaven

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by discomute, Aug 30, 2024.

  1. discomute

    discomute Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
    Aeontezin's Questers (HO) [998 pts]
    Warhammer: The Old World, Lizardmen

    ++ Characters [344 pts] ++

    Aeontezin [233 pts]
    - Hand weapon
    - Heavy armour (Scaly skin)
    - General
    - Cold-One
    - Horned One
    - Bedazzling Helm
    - Charmed Shield

    Skink Chief [111 pts]
    - Cavalry spear (if appropriately mounted)
    - Light armour (Calloused hide)
    - Shield
    - Battle Standard Bearer
    - Ripperdactyl

    ++ Core Units [334 pts] ++

    18 Saurus Warriors [284 pts]
    - Thrusting spears
    - Shields
    - Heavy armour (Scaly skin)
    - Spawn Leader (champion)
    - Standard bearer

    10 Skink Skirmishers [50 pts]
    - Hand weapons
    - Javelins
    - Shields
    - Light armour (Calloused hides)

    ++ Special Units [120 pts] ++

    3 Ripperdactyl Riders [120 pts]
    - Cavalry spears
    - Shields
    - Light armour (Calloused hides)

    ++ Rare Units [200 pts] ++

    Troglodon [200 pts]
    - Venomous talons
    - Venom spray
    - Heavy armour (Scaly skin)
    - Skink Oracle with Hand weapon

    Created with "Old World Builder"

    Skaven [1000 pts]
    Warhammer: The Old World, Skaven

    ++ Characters [332 pts] ++

    Skaven Chieftain [188 pts]
    - Halberd
    - Heavy armour
    - Shield
    - Battle Standard Bearer [Storm Banner]
    - Death Globe
    - Skavenbrew

    Warlock Engineer [144 pts]
    - Hand weapon
    - Warplock musket
    - Level 2 Wizard
    - Warpstone Tokens (D3)
    - General
    - Storm Daemon
    - Battle Magic

    ++ Core Units [262 pts] ++

    30 Clanrats [262 pts]
    - Hand weapon
    - Thrusting spear
    - Light armour
    - Shield
    - Clawleader (champion)
    - Standard bearer
    - Musician
    - 1x Weapon Team [Hand weapons + Ratling Gun + Light armour]

    ++ Special Units [261 pts] ++

    9 Warplock Jezzails [171 pts]
    - Hand weapons
    - Warplock jezzails
    - Pavise

    9 Poisoned Wind Globadiers [90 pts]
    - Hand weapons
    - Poisoned Wind globes
    - Light Armour

    ++ Rare Units [145 pts] ++

    Doomwheel [145 pts]
    - Hand weapons (Claws and fangs)

    Created with "Old World Builder"


    Scenario was the flank attack, and we deployed on the same side

    Turn one - me


    I wasn't stoked with deployment. I did my usual trick of ensuring the hills are on the same side and hoping I win the sides and therefore deprive my opponent of a hill, didn't work.

    The match ups were interesting, my general plan was to have the skinks shoot the doomwheel, have the rippers hit the globadiers and march the rest down the middle.

    The first turn was massive given he wanted to turtle and shoot, basically a whole turn less of me being shot at.

    I moved as planned and it was his turn

    Turn 1 - him

    Straight away it starts to get interesting

    He unfolds a banner which prevents us from flying for a turn. Rippers have a movement of 2!

    The globadiers attack the old blood. They are built for this! Each hit is d3 hits, need a 6 to wound but no armour save..hit 8 times but fortunate for one wound.

    He rolls badly for the rest of the shooting and it's ineffectual. He's disappointed as I've closed the gap quickly and he needed to do some damage.

    Turn 2 - me

    So he'd made an interesting mistake. He expected the rippers to be out for the turn. Movement 2 is bad, but it's still d6 to the charge and they still have swift stride. And a 360 vision. They successfully charge the doomwheel. Also, I forgot to toad something so we randomly rolled for it and the wheel has it. Lucky! The rippers do a few wounds and win combat but doomwheel is still there.

    The Troglodon charges the clanrats. Lucky to get in but I am in. He gets hammerhands off (lucky) and outright kills the general. Wow. Despite my great rolling, Trog loses combat, GG and the rats restrain.

    The old blood charges the globadiers. In retrospect this is a big mistake. I should have hit the clanrats. It would have helped me win combat, but the stand and shoot will be brutal. Old blood gets hit 11 times... For 1 wound! So lucky. He easily takes the globadiers out, 4 flee and he can't catch them. Interesting!

    Turn 2 - him

    The globadiers fail their rally. Massive result for me. They are gone instead of getting a shot at the old blood on one wound.

    His gunline fires on the trog doing 3 wounds. Have 2 left.

    In the shooting phase the doomwheel generates lightning and hits the rippers a lot. Only manages one wound and does 3 itself, blowing it up. Skaven! More luck for me, so much it's a bit of a shame, the 1000games are quite swingy.

    His engineer detaches and tries to kill the oldblood but can't. Looks like a rout.

    Turn 3 - me
    My old blood fails the charge on the gunners.

    Rippers, skinks, Saurus move forward.

    Trog charges and does damage and loses combat. GG and the rats fail to restrain

    Turn 3 - him

    We decided before the game a fun game is better than a fair one,so another unit of clanrats join as a detachment.

    Even so, if appears I've easily won.

    Then....things change!

    His engineer shoots his gun at the old blood, hits, wounds, and I roll a 1 for save. Dead! The engineer casts his MM at the rippers and does 2 wounds to the unit and 1 to the hero.

    The Troglodon doesn't do well in combat and breaks and is now fleeing

    He successfully casts a template that will give the Saurus -1T for the upcoming combat.

    And the gunners, gattling gun and warpfire cannon take out around 6 Saurus.


    Turn 4 - me
    The Troglodon fails to rally - oh dear.

    The Saurus charge. They beat the clanrats by so much the rats flee off the board (he has a high risk high reward set up, protecting the gunners from the rippers but any flee or FBIGO would likely have them off the board). Saurus pursue into the gattling gun.

    The rippers flank charge the gunners. They kill 2-3 and the gunners flee. The ripperducks pursue into the engineer.

    That was a good turn for me, looks like I'm safe.

    Turn 4 - him
    His gunners rally and kill the fleeing trog.

    He flank charges the Saurus with the new clanrats. Saurus do more damage but we GG. A FBIGO would be better.

    Warpfire cannon skills a skink or two.

    The rippers smash through the engineer. They pursue into the warp fire canon.

    Turn 5 - me
    Saurus still GG despite doing more damage, including killing gattling gun

    Rippers smash the cannon and try to pursue into the gunners but fall 1 inch short!

    Turn 5 - him
    The Saurus do more damage but... Flee! Fortunately they are not caught. Some VPs saved there.

    The gunners do two wounds to the rippers. That leaves the hero, and one other ripper on 1 wound. But since that unit was 3 models, 1/3 left (though 1/6 wounds) is zero VPs.

    Overall I've easily won, though it got very tight there.

    What did I learn?
    Skaven are so much fun! Such madness and randomness. I had more luck, but nothing moreso than those globadiers failing to kill the old one. 19 hits needing 3 sixes and he managed 2.

    Overall I think this battle was decided on luck, and nothing else. I just had it when it mattered.

    He made one mistake which was discounting my ripperducks when they had a movement of 2. I made one mistake which was charging the globadiers with my old blood. But I wasn't punished for mine, he was for his. Otherwise I think we both played tactically very good games.

    (Nothing was more game breaking than old blood living through that stand and shoot. He dies, the globadiers harrass the rippers. Who knows how it ends up.)

    One rules lesson that occured to me was that I can actually hide my old blood if he is near my ripperducks as they are both Calvary. It wouldn't have worked this game as you need 5 minimum in the unit. But anything higher than 1000 I will use that trick I think.

    The VPs seemed a bit unfair. It was about 500 to 1000 but all I had left was a hero on 2 wounds, one ripper on 1 wound, and half a unit of skinks. Plus my coward Saurus running to the likes of a few clanrats. And he had a nearly full unit of gunners. Doesn't seem like such a big victory to me.

    It was one of the more enjoyable games I've played. Skaven as so random!

    Edit - my opponent has added his take

    I wouldn't have said it was ALL luck, although that's true that the dice punished my flub more than the Lizardman.

    But what I'm loving more and more about TOW compared to 40k is that it does seem to swing harder based on the dice amplifying a few good or bad decisions, rather than a multitude of rules and interactions and rerolls allowing one to iron out the bad luck

    Everyone loves a big game but this small-ish point value game was a LOT more fun than bigger games, just because it swings so much more readily.
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2024
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