AoS 1000 pts Shadowstrike Starhost

Discussion in 'Seraphon Army Lists' started by Verde, Jul 29, 2016.

  1. Verde
    Jungle Swarm

    Verde New Member

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    After reading the General's handbook and Seraphon battletome, I decided to start a new army. So, I need some comments and giudances to push this army in the right direction.

    Shadowstrike Starhost Warscroll 120 Pts
    Skink Starpriest Leader 100 Pts
    Skink Chief Leader 60 Pts
    40 x Skinks Battleline 320 Pts
    10 x Skinks Battleline 80 Pts
    3 x Ripperdactyl Riders 140 Pts
    3 x Kroxigors 180 Pts

    I do not like the 10xSkinks but I have to fulfill the requirement of 2 Battlelines and I do not have enough points to afford the chameleon Skinks.

    I just wonder if this list is going to work?
    Bowser and dwarfepic like this.
  2. dwarfepic
    Chameleon Skink

    dwarfepic Active Member

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    The skinks do not have enough staying power in melee and mast dedicated ranged units will decimate them. normaly I would have them backed up by at lest six kroxigor and a good contingent of saurus warriors to tank the melee fights. they can be very mobile and useful, but if they are on their own with little support, skinks will crumple before even freeguild state troops. generaly the shadowstrike does not work for 1k points as it cant stay on the board long enough without monsters or big units of kroxigor who cost a lot of points. nice idea, but I think wrong game size.
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2016
    Verde and Bowser like this.
  3. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    I would drop the kroxigor and 10 skinks, make 2 units of 20, and put in either a Stegadon or a Scar Vet on Carnosaur.
    Des_DS and Verde like this.
  4. Verde
    Jungle Swarm

    Verde New Member

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    Thank you both for the advices.

    Since I already ordered two boxes of Skinks from my LGS, I believe I should try splitting them into 2 units with twenty skinks each. Then, I think I should buy the "start collecting box" At least, I will get to have my first dinosaur( scar vet on Carnotaur) and nice unit of Saurus and knight.
    Des_DS and Bowser like this.
  5. kaintxu

    kaintxu New Member

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    Try upping the rypperdactils to 6, make a huge different on what they can take on, and at this amoounts of point it can be a big difference.

    Also use some of your regular skinks to convert into chameleons. I have done that by removing their back fins, and make big round eyes and round tails with greenstuff. Way cheaper than buying the regular ones.
    Bowser likes this.

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