7th Ed. 1000 - Rapid Assalt list

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by Mordechai, Sep 10, 2008.

  1. Mordechai
    Cold One

    Mordechai New Member

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    What do you think about this list for a little friends 1000 points tournament this weekend, there will be one empire, one High elf , one Orks and Goblins and me... each player will play with all players once....

    I´ve maded this list thinking in a fast army, with improved movement on the table....

    as follows:

    - Hero
    1 Saurus Vet-Scar
    + Blessed Sotek - (+1 attack on charge)
    + Blessed Itzil
    + Cold One
    + Light armour
    + Shield
    + Scimitar of the Sun (+2 attacks)

    1 Skink Priest
    + 2th leve wizard
    + Dispel Scroll x2

    - Core
    10 skinks
    + Scouts
    + Blowpipe

    10 skinks
    + Scouts
    + Blowpipe

    10 skinks
    + Javelin and Shield

    10 skinks
    + Javelin and Shield

    - Special
    5 Saurus Cavalry
    + Standart
    + Musician

    - Rare
    3 Salamander Hunting Pack

    Total = 997
    Minis = 59
    Casting = 6
    Dispel = 4

  2. Carlo Marx
    Cold One

    Carlo Marx New Member

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    Down grade the pries to lvl 1 (as a scroll caddy he's not really an offensive caster). It needs saurus, at least one block. Against O&G you'll get overwhelmed and womped.

    In my opinion cav are way too expensive to field in a 1k. So is the General. At 1k I field my gen. at 111 pts (Light armor, great weapon, jag. charm). works great giving LD to the skinks and knocking out those chariots. If you drop 20 pts. off your general you can add 4 kroxigors w/the pts left over from the cav.

    the priest only produces 2 power dice giving you a total of 4 not 6 and 1 dispel dice for a total of 3 + 2 dispel scrolls.

    To put some saurus in there I'd drop the salies and a unit of scouts to add a 20 block of saurus w/ standard and musician.
  3. Mordechai
    Cold One

    Mordechai New Member

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    What about this? I´d love sallies... and i don´t have Kroxs or Terries

    I´thinking on that list now... I believe that using the Hero alone or inside the saurus unit to "suprise" the opponent and leave with him off the unit to alone make an unespected assalt/movement is a great option....

    So here it goes

    - Hero
    1 Saurus Vet-Scar
    + Blessed Queltz (+1 Armour Save)
    + Enchanted Shield
    + Jaguar Charm (Mov 9´)
    + Great Weapon
    + Light armour

    1 Skink Priest
    + Dispel Scroll
    + Dispel Scroll

    - Core
    10 skinks
    + Scouts
    + Blowpipe

    10 skinks
    + Scouts
    + Blowpipe

    10 skinks
    + Javelin and Shield

    10 skinks
    + Javelin and Shield

    - Special
    20 Saurus Warrions
    + Hand Weapon and Shield
    + Musician
    + Standard Bearer
    + BS Quetzl (save +1)

    - Rare
    3 Salamander Hunting Pack

    Total = 994
    Minis = 74
    Casting dice = 3
    Dispell Dice = 3 + 2x dispell scroll
  4. Carlo Marx
    Cold One

    Carlo Marx New Member

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    This looks allot better for a 1k. You might want to switch one scouting unit to javelins to take out war machines since it's easier to take 'em out in CC than shooting.
  5. Lounge_Lizard
    Cold One

    Lounge_Lizard New Member

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    Hi! Just some quick considerations.
    Saurus cavalry: too expensive for medium cav, and the "cause fear", though nice, hardly balances the stupidity rule.

    Kroxigors are THE cream of our army. Use them! (units of 4 are ideal).

    For a more aggressive gameplay, you could try to change your scar-vet to a JsoD, but that is just a matter or gaming preference (though it doesn't hurt to have the most efficient artillery buster in the game).

    The priest... at 1k, either a lvl 1 scroll caddy or no priest at all.

    Well, that was my (not particulary informed) opinion. Hope it is of some use.

  6. Carlo Marx
    Cold One

    Carlo Marx New Member

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    Idk how I missed this the first time through your second list. With the last 6 pts add another skink.
  7. freakndell

    freakndell New Member

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    Well how can i say this kindly........I do not like the list...at all...
    Sorry for that.

    The remarks made by lounge_lizard strike are true! All of them!
    Let's make the rundown....

    Your General is absolutely better in the second list, but maybe not finished....
    If you expect chariots keep it this way (str. 7 does work like magic...) If not.....Sword of might Or something like that is enough. That way maybe you can strike first the second round of combat if you fluncked you attacks...Speaking about attacks, where the SSoSotek, for that one extra attack....or if you expect allotta magic the Sacred Spawning of Teapot, for that one xtra dd??

    Skinks priest.....if you want it...oke....i prefer another Scar-vet with the SSoT for the dd or something. This army is fast magic at 1K is not that great. Yes it can kill a unit of skinks.....SFW! They were made to die. They are disposable heroes!

    20 scouting skinks? What do you expect to run into.......Is there enough scenery for 2 units?

    Well i like your Normal skinks........i do have some affection for those scaly, poisoned stick throwing, cold-blooded......ahum well you know what i mean.....

    Owkey then your special slot........../cry
    'nough said!
    I know you do not have kroxes (they are SO GOOD!) and/or Dons (I really like them as well).
    Those SW cannot keep up with the rest of the army...They are strong, i'll give you that. But move at 4 (the rest moves at 6) and will get flancked! You only have one sided protection...tha sallies. The other side is open season for a smart moving general.
    But on the positive side...Your SW are a better choice that our SCOR...They suck (well at least at this lvl)! bad save, stupidity, bad save and did a mention the bad save!
    The best thing to do.....buy kroxes.....sorry but pound for pound they are our best special. (The dons are second imo)

    And last but not least...tha Sallies! They ROCK!! Puny Elves (T3), weak humans (T3) and nasty greenskins (T2 or T3) all go down with easy. Keep them at all costs!

    Sorry for the critisism, nothing personal, i just do not like the list.....

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