We have a doubles tourney coming up soon, and iv'e been partnered with the resident high elves player. At only 1000pt ea., a slann is out of the question, so instead of relying on the lore of heavens with a skink, i have decided to take a no-magic list. Oldblood Coldone, Enchanted shield, Light armour, golden sigl sword 15 Saurus Full command 15 Saurus Full command 5 Coldone Standard - Blessed Totem 8 Saurus spears banner 5 chameleon Skink stalker Total: 995 pts So i decided to drop an unpredictable magic base in exchange for Saurus who I plan to use for holding the line around the squishy elves. The oldblood and coldones will just charge up and hammer somthing expensive looking, hopefully with an interesting effect. Ive not used Cham. skink before, but i think ill try to use them for warmachine/lone character hunting. Thoughts/CC welcome
I'm going to the doubles weekend using skaven with a friend who has O&G so should be fun Anyway onto the list. I think your saurus blocks should probally be larger but you may be having the same problem I had with half with spears and half with hand weapons. If that is the case it is better if you swap them to what you want now. Personally I prefere hw/s because it is cheaper and you get a parry save which helps when I use my saurus aggressively (no spears on the charge ) I would not personally use a stalker with chamos as I usually go for poisons when I go warmachine hunting, If you are using them as a another set of harasser it may help alsong as you rememeber. The unit of eight spear saurus is going to have no affect, either use more spear saurus with it or replace the spears with hand weapons and hand it to your 2 units of 15. Then with the saurus I would run a unit of 20 with HW/s and full command (these go 5x4 and will take the watch tower in the watch tower scenareo) and a unit of 18 full command with Hw/s (6x3 these will help hold the line and dish damage) Hope this helps and Good Luck Josh
lol you cant even have 8 saurus, unit size 10+ combine the saurus units, 30 saurus can do much more than 2x15 of them. are you sure your partner has a mage? a army without magic is even a failed list (not even mentioning the game) 5 chamos wont do any good. use at least 10 dont need a stalker. so I´d change the oldblood for a scar-vet (and put him in the saurus unit), add 4 more chamos,buy a skink priest with plaque of tepok (goes in chamo unit for look out sir) what about this? HEROES - 165pts skink priest plaque of tepok scar-vet Lt. Armour, shield CORE- 360pts 30 saurus HW, full com. SPECIAL- 308pts 9 chamo skinks 5 CoC jaguar standard RARE- 150pts 2x sally total: 991pts
In 1k, I run two squads of 25 saurus, one with spears, one without. Its more flexible than taking only HW/s. In 2k games (it will be due to 1k each XD) that amount of saurus is ideal. The amount you have, isnt really In your game, are the % limits for your army shared with the HE player? Or is it per player? If its spread across, you stack saurus, Chameleons, Sallies and a steg, and let him take the magic. My suggestion: 25 saurus warriors FC HW/s 25 Saurus warriors FC Spears / shields 635 on core 5 Chameleon skinks Ancient Stegadon 970 in total, You could pick up another few chameleons or something, thats me just spit balling, but my main point is, more saurus, they rock!