8th Ed. 1000pt WEEIRD Probably Awful Skink List

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by Skinkferno, Sep 28, 2012.

  1. Skinkferno
    Jungle Swarm

    Skinkferno New Member

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    Okay, I recognize this list is at least unconventional, at worst awful. But, I think at this low of points, it may actually work

    10 skink skirmishers
    10 skink skirmishers
    10 skink skirmishers
    10 skink skirmishers
    10 skink skirmishers
    10 skink skirmishers
    10 skink skirmishers
    10 skink skirmishers
    all with blowguns

    7 Camo Skinks

    1 Skink Priest- lvl2- diadem of power
    1 skink chief- BSB

    150pts left over...

    The idea with the bsb is to use him to run about the army providing moral to the shaky skink units. With his speed and 12in influence he can cover a lot of ground.

    There's the potential of 174 poisoned shots a round. My dispel capabilities will be solid with the diadem. Essentially I'll just keep moving, run between their unit blocks and stay out of line of sight.

    Part of the issue here is money. I'm open to buying something else to fill out the 150 points, but I want to use all 80 skinks (as I already have them).

    Any thoughts? How quickly will I be obliterated with this list?

    The general will be the skink priest.

    I love the cloak of feathers idea for the chief. He should be able to island hop from cover to cover with that speed.

    Salamanders are intriguing... I could get 2 for 150 pts...
  2. Ragnar

    Ragnar New Member

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    I think that if you play this list right, you will lose all of your friends.

    Also, if you play this list wrong, you might get totally obliterated.

    Doing all skink skirmishers is something I have always wondered about, I personally love playing with my skink skirmishers and dancing them just out of line of sight each turn, leaving my opponent to spin around in circles while getting poisoned to smithereens.

    Try and keep your skinks out of the charge arc if you plan on doing this list.
  3. Old Mossy

    Old Mossy Active Member

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    My initial thought is that this can totally work. You're going to have to use the movement phase like a pro, though. But:

    1st, who is the general? Only model in the game that can be both general and BSB is the Slann (AFAIK).

    Whoever it is, protect him at all costs. Likewise for your BSB if you end up taking one. At this low points, with this type of army setup, your opponents only real option is to get their juicy 100 bonus points. Which then allows them to try and maybe cause a lot of fleeing.

    Using the priest's casting phase defensively should help with that. Heavens has a couple of great ones in that regard.

    Another goal might be to try and keep your opponents unit's separated, so he can't pin yours.

    Maybe try to use the chamo skinks to wreck his deployment. Try and lure him into a position where you can spend a couple of turns pin-cushioning a tasty unit of his.

    But yeah, I've never played a list like this. Have a crack, though. Should be fun. Let us know how it goes.

    EDIT: Lose your friends? Only if you continually bring the same list, surely.
  4. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    I did an army swap with my dwarf collecting friend and he played a 2750 point list with 10 skink chiefs, 30 Chamo Skinks and every single other point spent on blowpipe skinks.

    The skirmishers kept fleeing from every charge to split apart my line letting his chamo skinks savage my war machines and smaller units. The only kills I got was when I roll 10 or higher on the charge and caught a fleeing skink unit.

    The game was unsatisfying but it won't probably cost you friends, at least not at the 1000 point level as long as you don't play it all the time.

    The roving BSB is an intriguing idea, try giving your BSB the cloak of feathers or a terradon to make him even more mobile. Remember skink skirmishers won't normally last in close combat so try to use the BSB to reroll rally tests, not break tests.

    I'd recommend more Chamo Skinks, to save money you can convert (or simply paint) blowpipe skinks into Chamo Skinks. Some Salamanders would not be amiss either.
  5. lordberti3

    lordberti3 New Member

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    Salamanders! Just put a couple of those in your army and you'll be away :)

    It will give you a hand in some stronger units but also I don't think you'll get any decent units in at 150points (more skinks maybe)
  6. Huichi Mixi

    Huichi Mixi New Member

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    I think panic test will be a problem for you, with so many small units on the board then panic could spread through your army. You will have trouble with any armoured troops since bowpipes and javs with normal skinks are all strength 3 attacks, sallies could fulfill this role to some extent.

    People will try and kill your bsb if he is running around on his own and decent generals will achieve this since you are avoiding combat and so have nothing to stop his advance over the table.

    This list could work for you but you will have to be the king of the movement phase and I wouldn't use it often since it will be frustrating for your opponent.

    Fast armies (cav heavy) will also be good against your list since they can be redirecting into your other units all the time from charges (making you flee with multiple units every turn).

    Your list will be great against any monsters or warmachines though :D

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