8th Ed. 1000pts VS Tomb King

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by gapton, May 17, 2012.

  1. gapton

    gapton Member

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    Unit 1:
    Scar Vet on Cold Ones, light armor, extra weapon, spear, luck stone
    123 pts
    CoC x 5 , SB with banner of swiftness
    210 pts
    [total 333pts]

    Unit 2:
    Scar Vet, light armor and shield, Enchanted Shield, Burning blade of Chotec
    118 pts
    Saurus x 24 , with full comm
    294 pts
    [total 412 pts]

    2 units of 10 ranked Skinks
    [100 pts]

    1 unit of Salamander, with 1 extra handler
    [155 pts]

    TOTAL : 1000 pts

    I am planning to use the CoC with swiftness (M8), with a Scar Vet with 5A, for a very fast and deadly charge into smaller units.

    The main block of Sauruses will have a Scar Vet with -2AS and Flaming Attacks, this will be sent straight after their biggest block of troops containing any significant characters.

    I don't expect much from the 2 x 10 Skinks, they are there mainly for quickly marching towards the Caseket and either absorb some firepower from the archers, or if the TK player choose to ignore their poison javelines, might have a small chance of taking out the Casket.

    Salamander should provide some much needed firepower, due to the lack of skinks. Also, last time I used them they got killed before even firing once. TK should be pretty scared of Salamanders due to their flaming attacks. Perhaps the Salamanders and Skinks will distract the TK player enough to let my very fast CoC and large block of Saurus do their jobs :)

    From my previous 3 games against TK, once I got into Close Combat, victory is only few dice rolls away :rolleyes:

    That's why I am concentrating more on close combat unit this time. (plus he complains a lot about the poison shooting of skinks :D )

    Although without any Skink Priest, I feel this is a solid list!

    Please share your thoughts :smug:
  2. Kharn The Betrayer

    Kharn The Betrayer New Member

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    Honestly hard hitting hammers like CoC arent as effective vs tomb kings cuz they cant run from combat rez and theyll just grind your coc to death, id personally just take tons of saurus and some teradons to get at his heirophant (if you kill the hierophant the army starts to die) gl
  3. Qupakoco
    Skink Chief

    Qupakoco Keeper of the Dice Staff Member

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    I like the basics of your list, but I have issues with the Scar-vets.

    SV1: Spear works on the charge, but then you can't use the extra hand weapon. I'd pick one or the other, but I am leaning towards the extra hand weapon due to the relatively low toughness of TK. You should be wounding on 2's anyway, right? Plus, what happens if you get charged? Wasted points, IMO.

    SV2: I am pretty sure that shield + enchanted shield is on the no-fly list. I could be wrong though. Consider swapping that out for Crown of Command or finding some points to make him a BSB.
  4. gapton

    gapton Member

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    Good point, I completely forgotten about the Terradons (I'm a new player and I only have 2 Terradons so I cannot yet field them until I get the third)

    When I was coming up with the list, I was going to use my CoC to charge into smaller units, for example a lone group of archers (perhaps 15 to 20 of them) , or a unit of 6 or so Archer Cavalries.

    The plan was not using the CoC to charge into 60 archers with characters in it, that was the job of the Saurus unit (24 of them with full comm and a strong scar vet)

    I don't know the typical strategy of TK, but from the previous 3 games with my buddy, they seem to favour one HUGE unit with tonnes of Skeletons, with two to three very small units (archer cavalry, lone casket, lone wizard etc). One time he did two groups of 30 archers, one with hero one without.

    So I was thinking, if he went with the one huge unit tactic, the CoC , especially with Movement of 8, can easily flank them, hold perhaps one turn, then have the Saurus charge into them. He should have a hard time choosing to reform to face my CoC or Saurus, either way, I am sure the CoC combined with the Saurus will swallow his unit like nothing.

    If he breaks it up to two units of archers. Perhaps 30 each, CoC will be on a mission to take out the unit that has no characters. The main Saurus block will then proceed to handle the one with one or more high points characters.

    I don't know if the logic and planning is solid so feel free to criticize :D
  5. gapton

    gapton Member

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    Oh yea my mistake, thanks for pointing it out. I was equipping him with spear only because I thought of Cold One + Spear as one complete package hahahahaha. I originally equipped him with spear, light armor and shield. 5+ AS +2(armor and shield), +2(Cold Ones) = 1+ AS

    I don't see that many high strength hits coming from the TK so 1+AS seems a bit of an overkill. That's why I swapped out the shield in exchange of the hand weapon, having forgotten about the spear.

    So I am going to swap out the spear saving me 4 points, I will also remove the musician in the Saurus block, giving me 10 points that I can spend on having 2 more salamander handlers (2 sally and 9 handlers in total)

    That should make it exactly 1000 points.

    SV 2:
    I thought, magic shield is allowed only if you already have shield? I forgot where I hear it from, but someone told me that a character that wears light armour can only use magic armour that says "light armour", and if the character originally does not have a shield, he cannot equip a magic shield. That's why all magic armour are noted as either "shield, light armour, heavy armour" and so on.

    As I am a newbie I cannot confirm (or find the paragraph in the BRB) about this, so I just took his word for it.

    So for my on-foot scar vet, his AS goes like this: 5+ AS , +2(Light armor and shield) making it 3+, but I am "enchanting" the shield to give an additional AS resulting in a final 2+ AS.

    Is this correct?
  6. gapton

    gapton Member

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    I just came up with the idea of swapping one scar vet with an old blood.

    1) I have won him 3 times in a roll, so this time perhaps I should use a more extreme (risky) list instead. Risky list makes for a fun game I think, and instead of an all-round list that has proven to give him a headache, a risky list probably have more obvious weaknesses for him to spot and use to his advantage.

    2) With not many choices of a Lord at 1000 pts, having two scar vet means the total of them cannot exceed 250 points combined. Using an Old Blood as lord, I can have up to 250 pts for the old blood himself, and up to 250 points for the scar vet himself (or take a Skink Priest).

    3) Currently the two scar vets added up to a total of 237 pts. With 13 points remaining I cannot make a BSB.


    My only concern is that, I have a feeling that Scar Vet is so much more cost-efficient than an Old Blood !!!!

    At a 60 pts premium, you get an extra 1WS, 1I, 1W and 1A. Also slightly more expensive upgrades.

    However if I am swapping one scar vet out with an Old Blood, I would probably need to ditch the salamanders.

    With almost no skinks, I feel I will miss some of the poison shooting. Or perhaps with such a powerful close combat setup, I won't ? :D
  7. Qupakoco
    Skink Chief

    Qupakoco Keeper of the Dice Staff Member

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    Aah, I see your confusion with the shield issues. In reality, each item is a separate piece. You don't have to buy the mundane stuff and then upgrade it to something fancy. You just pick the thing you want. The item type listed in front of magical armors is to show you what type of armor it counts as. So if you take the enchanted shield, you cannot use the mundane one since it already counts as a shield. I had to look it up to be sure. It's explained in the main rule book on page 503.

    So the enchanted shield counts as a shield but gives you a 2 point boost to your armor save, rather than 1 point like a normal shield does. Similarly, magic armors count as the armor type mentioned while providing the additional magical awesomeness. Does that make more sense?

    Back to your list though:

    **removed the Terradon nonsense. I had my threads crossed**

    If you are saving 10 points on Scar-Vets, I would highly recommend adding Venom of the Firefly Frog to the gear of the dual-weapon guy. You won't be dissapointed.

    And yes, the Scar-Vet is awfully more cost effective than the Oldblood. I'd only take one if you are itching for a Carnosaur.

    I've only ever played 2 games where I didn't include skinks and I did miss the poison shooting. But in the spirit of fun, why not try it? If really want to learn how to play your army it is a good idea to try everything out. Heck, bust out a Razordon if you want.
  8. Kharn The Betrayer

    Kharn The Betrayer New Member

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    If he brings multiple units (say 3 or more) small units your cold ones can still serve a purpose, I would just keep the unit at a minimum, cuz it is all you need to hunt small units. Also, if you really want to even out the game drop the sallies since they're crazy good vs horde type armies like TK.
  9. Kharn The Betrayer

    Kharn The Betrayer New Member

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    Also you can throw some cohort skinks his way to make him happy :D one of the few things smellier can go up against and expect to win

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