so im going with my lol brother ( his first tournament) to a duo toernament. he will be taking his VC and i will go with the stegadon rampage. these are the lists: Vampire Dread knight ench shield crown of the damned Vampire bsb Dreadknight Drakehof banner 30 zombies 24zombies 6 wolfs Varghulf 8black knights FC Barrows banner Tot 1200 pt my list 2x Skink Priest L2 on EOTG 2scoll en diadem 1x10 skirmishers 1x10 cohorts 3 razordons... i think this combo is quite a tough one. 2 stegadons, varghulf and a fully equipted knight unit gives the opponents many choices to consider. eventually using the zombies as bait, tarpit, etc and giving my skinks a more survive chance then when going solo ( becouse the zombies take in the skink role). the tournament alsso said that effects, spells etc that effect friendly units effect your partners units to. so my 2 engines will have a good time defending lizzies and undead with his 5+ ward.