So we have been playing an "evolution" series of really odd events (usually yielding points to the person who lost the worst). This week is 1300 pts however there is no 25% req for core, and I think the idea is to take all heroes and lords. Points this time are scored based on how many enemy heroes/lords you kill (4 for a hero, 8 for a lord). I am not really in the running for 1st place anymore so I am not worried about bleeding victory points to other players by taking lots of heroes, then again I have no plans on rolling over either. There are a lot of crazy combinations of heroes and lords here to choose from, perhaps too many! I am guessing that a death slann would be appropriately deadly. However there is the no magic option which would allow me to take 6 SV cowboys, 2 chiefs on terradon, and an OB on CO (all with almost maxed out gear). Finally there is the dino option of just using the chiefs as a surrogate for the ancient stegs and an OB for the carnosaur. I don't know other armies all that well, but I believe there are a number of hero/lord riding a cannon, and it is not quite clear if you can just bring a cannon (they said there is no 25% core req, not that you could not bring core, or anything else). For that reason I believe there will be a lot of cannons so I should spread my points as thin as possible and not even consider an OB or Slann. Any thoughts as how to approach this sort of build? It will be 1v1 6 turns normal usage of arcs for charging and what not. As a final preface, this group is much more experienced than me, but most of the players do not appear to bring cheesy lists, so laughs are typically worth more than wins. Oh, and no named characters, generic only.
You cannot bring Characters only, as you need at least 3 units to have a viable list (unless that rule is changed as well). BRB pg 134. So while the Core req. is gone, you need to field at least 3 units to have a valid army. If you still want to run mostly lords and heroes, fret not! field 3 units of 10 skink cohorts without anything
Why bring a ton of heroes if it's the only way for your opponent to collect points? Why not bring one hero and a bunch of stegs for impact hits and camo skinks for poison? If you get tabled, you lost 4 points. If you happen to kill a hero, you tie. Kill 2, you win. Although to avoid going full cheese, I think you should bring 1 hero and 1 lord. We don't have cannon options, and pretty much all of our heroes strike last. I'm sure you are going to run into a lot of killing blow. As good as Scarvets and Oldbloods are, I don't think LM is the army of choice for your hero brawl scenario, fearing cannons and killing blow. Best of luck though.
Post Mash Report: So I decided to go with all heroes and lords and found that most of the other players did this as well (only the skaven player wanted to cheese with cannons, no surprise). I was told last minute that we were allowed to bring special characters so I thought Kroq-Gar would be a great canidate. The List: Kroq-Gar OB on CO, AoD, Dawnstone, Sword of Striking SV on CO, AoF, GW SV on CO, Glittering Scales, Opal Amulet, GW Cheif on ripper, spear, Egg of Quango Cheif on ripper, spear, OTS Opponent 1 WE: Treeman Ancient lvl something Life Lvl 3 on unicorn Metal Glaive lord on eagle 2x war dancer heroes. Summary: Rippers did a great job of putting the pressure on the lone metal mage, keeping her on the run. Irregardless the mage was able to delete both SVs with some pretty simple rolls. Eventually she was caught by rippers and destroyed by the egg of quango. Kroq-gar and the OB made short work of the treeman and then the eagle w/ glaive lord. Many saves were made but Kroq-gar did fall. His war dancer heroes were ineffective yielding no wounds the entire game. Big victory. Opponent 2 DoC: Demon Lord flying, crazy stats (lvl 4 metal) Demon Lord flying, reasonable stats 2 flamers (they are heroes apparently) 2 somethings on spinning disks (both lvl 1 metal) Summary: On first turn the WoM brought upon Khorn's fury, which dropped a rock lobber template on top of Kroq-gar and one of the rippers, destroying them both. He then proceeded to delete another SV with his lvl 1 metal signature spells. I moved forward. Another round of magic, and another SV deleted. I charge. I find that once I got into battle I did rather well, after 3 rounds of combats it came down to the OB against the Demon Lord with crazy stats. I was able to put a few wounds on but inevitably fell. Minor defeat. Lessons learned: I was the only dummy not to bring metal to a hero fight (and probably the most vulnerable to it) DoC random magic chart is hazardous to my health Despite our sub par initiative, Lizards can still dish a beating in a hero fight. In all it was a refreshing scenario to play and the matches were rather quick. I suppose if I were to go to another one I would try for a tooled out death Slann with plenty of vassals, though no magic keeps things simple.