8th Ed. 1500 Informal tournament

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by Lawot, Jan 23, 2014.

  1. Lawot

    Lawot Active Member

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    My friends and I are going to do a round-robin, in which I'll be facing the following:
    Dark Elves
    High Elves
    Orcs & Goblins

    I expect to see Witch Elves from the DE, the Phoenix & Phoenix Guard from the HE, and...well, who knows? But probably Savage Orcs and Squigs of many shapes and sizes from the O&G.

    Here's my working list:
    Slann (High Magic)
    Focus of Mystery

    Skink Priest (Beasts)
    Level 2
    Dispel Scroll

    Scar Veteran
    Cold One
    Great Weapon
    Light armor

    Skink Skirmishers x 10
    Javelins and shields

    Skink Skirmishers x 10
    Javelins and shields

    Skink Skirmishers x 10
    Javelins and shields

    Skink Skirmishers x 10
    Javelins and shields

    Skink Cohort x 20
    Kroxigor x 1

    Chameleon Skinks x 8

    Ripperdactyl Riders x 5

    Salamanders x 2

    The goal is to surround and shoot the enemy until they die.
    The Rippers are new for me...and I'm wondering whether a) they'll just be the target of all the early shooting/magic) and b) 5 of them is overkill at 1500. They might also find themselves on Phoenix-hunting duty.

    This will be my first time using a Skink-based army. Thoughts?

    Ah, and one more thing: though this is a "friendly" game, we usually do our best to pull out every dirty trick in the book against each other. Nothing is too competitive or filthy for our table.
  2. The Hunted

    The Hunted Active Member

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    All skink lists are interesting but tough to play. Watch your Slann carefully because even more than usual: your army falls or rises with the living of your General.

    You might want to add a BSB, because you will be fleeing a lot.

    Maybe 1-2 units of skirmishers can use the blowpipes. I like having at least 1 in my armies, they are the designated unit to go after phoenixes, giants, hydras and other big monsters. Hand of Glory on blowpipe skirmishers is just cake.

    The skink cohort+kroxigor...I don't know. It could work out perfectly, or it could just stumble and crumble.

    Rippers are a decent and dangerous unit. But vs ASF from elves...they suffer heavily. The elves will inflict too much a toll on them before they even get to strike, which is quite bad.

    If you think you can make the Skroxigor and rippers work, you're in for a golden time. If you're having second thoughts; dropping both units and adding in a Stegadon is a solid and reliable choice.
    The stegadon will be best friends with your Slann. He needs the high leadership to function well and in turn the Stegadon can protect the Slann from all kinds of nasty units getting in the way of things.

    That's all I have to say, good luck in your battles!

    The Hunted
  3. Lawot

    Lawot Active Member

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    Well, I thought about your advice, and dropped the Krox, as well as reducing the Rippers to 4. I added in a Skink Chief BSB on a Terradon - hoping to keep him away from shooting, but able to move to wherever he's needed. We played 2 out of 3 rounds, and I was one for one...

    In the first game...well, I learned about all-Skink armies being difficult. First round was against High Elves, who brought a block of Phoenix Guard, a block of Sea Guard, two bolt throwers and a Phoenix. By Turn 2 I knew I was in trouble, and when I finally conceded, I had claimed a mere 5 Phoenix Guard.

    Round 2, against Orcs and Goblins, I had a little more of an idea what I was doing. I kept his Savage Orc Big 'Uns busy while I wiped out the various Snotlings, Goblins and Squigs that he brought, and then closed in on his Orc unit from flanks and behind with Rippers and Scar-Vet, while weakening him with Shadow Magic. A solid victory, by the end.

    Thanks for the input! If we ever finish Round 3, I'll be going up against Dark Elves!
  4. The Hunted

    The Hunted Active Member

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    Sounds like some sound changes, I particulary like the BSB! One of my favorites (I should use that guy more...)

    All-skink armies is live and learn. Especially learn, as skinks die alot :D
    Once you get the hang of it (or starting to) you can actually deal real damage to units and win some games. Just keep on trying!
    Also no shame in going back to 1-2 units of saurus to finish the deal, and after you get win some games; drop the saurus. It's what I have done to practice my skink-skills, so to say. I found it to be pretty effective.

    I currently do use Saurus again, because I just like messy combats and rolling lots of S4 attacks :)

    Good luck vs the Dark Elves! Witch elves should be a juicy target :bored:

    The Hunted
  5. Lawot

    Lawot Active Member

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    Yeah, I was surprised at the BSB...I thought he was going to get shot to pieces, but a single Skink Chief on a Terradon just doesn't seem like a big enough threat, I guess, for my opponents' to give up shooting at Salamanders, Scar-Vets, Slann, and Ripperdactyls. He was perfectly safe all game long.

    I think in a bigger list I'm going to stick with at least a block of Saurus or Temple Guard, but this was a fun foray into the ridiculously awesome and frustrating world of the Skinks at war!

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