8th Ed. 1500 pts vs Dark Elves

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Tactics' started by SouthofNorfolk, Oct 29, 2014.

  1. SouthofNorfolk

    SouthofNorfolk New Member

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    Hey all

    I am entering a campaign match against Dark elves tomorrow. Any advice on how to take them down?

    Its going to be 1500pts and he will definitely bring a large unit of Witch Elves with a Cauldron of Blood.

    How should I go about bringing the plans of the Old Ones to fruition regarding this?

  2. Man0waR

    Man0waR Member

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    Bring Salamanders.

    Also you should go for skink priest/chief with ruby ring of ruin and a bastiladon. 2 cheap bound spells that really put a hurt into their chaff.

    If you manage to win the chaff war, that horde of WE will be easy to thin with salamander template.
  3. SouthofNorfolk

    SouthofNorfolk New Member

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    Thanks for the advice. I'll take a Lv.1 Skink Priest with RRoR. I currently haven't got a Bastiladon but have a Steg that I can proxy with.

    Or would you recommend that I use the Steg as a Steg and take more salamanders instead of the Bast?

    Also as our campaign is using the Endtimes percentages for army composition (which I think has just been announced as standard) I'm thinking of taking my Slann and giving him Harmonic Convergence & Higher State of Conciousness. The Lore will be High or Light.

    Then maybe add a second Lv.1 Skink Priest and try to out magic him.

    What do you think?
  4. Link_t_c

    Link_t_c Member

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    I think it sounds like a plan
    However does it sound like a plan that works? I think so
    Be carefull of point sinking with your slann. I recently did this with a scarves carno in 625 pts and lost because he brought a cannon anticipating it, and 2 salamanders would be a great option.
  5. Kinks
    Jungle Swarm

    Kinks New Member

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    I wouldn't have said that magic was a good move against the WE/Cauldron horde. The unit gets a 5++ in addition to Magic Resistance (1).

    Personally, I either ignore it completely (it is horribly unwieldy) and redirect it into open space all game OR pepper it with lots of small arms fire, including Salamanders.

    I play against DE's a lot. The horde has never been a problem for me. Suffice to say, I have only ever been caught in combat by it once (with a unit I actually care about).

    Watching my opponent pull his hair out from constantly reforming and maneuvering his 600 point death star the whole game, while I dismantle the rest of his army is extremely satisfying.

    That said, I do have a problem with 1+/4++ Pegasus heroes flying around and sniping things. Horrible.
  6. SilverFaith

    SilverFaith Member

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    Magic against a WE+CoB is mostly Save or die spells, which gives no saves, magic resistance or not. Dwellers is quite effective here.

    Salamanders are also pretty strong against these guys.

    Otherwise, redirecting them to infinity and beyond works as well.

    I generally pepper it with no-save spells if possible (not always a possibility, unfortunately, though Fiery Convocation puts out quite a bit of hurt, even with a 4+ save), throw a salamander or two at them, maybe a rock throw as well, and then by turn 4, when I've generally taken care of his supporting blocks, I clamp down on him with at least 2 charges, preferably no front charges, and then proceed to cause as many casualties as possible. If they have no front rank of attacks, it quite easy to beat them, robbing them of their super frenzy, and giving you a good shot at breaking them. Even better if you have a Cold One bus available for rear/flank charging.

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