7th Ed. 1500pt First Tournament

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by Odd Monkey, Aug 20, 2008.

  1. Odd Monkey
    Jungle Swarm

    Odd Monkey New Member

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    Hello here is my list. The idea was to have quite a lot of mobility and be durable. It was a host
    of quetzl but the tournament isnt allowing sacred hosts. The scar vets are supposed to be sort of opposites within the army one can kill anything and the other one is impossible to kill.

    Saurus Scar-Veteran
    Great Weapon, Light Armour, Shield
    Magic Items:
    Charm of the Jaguar warrior , Venom of the Firefly Frog
    Sacred Spawnings:
    Blessed spawning of Quetzl , Blessed Spawning of Sotek Total = 163

    Saurus Scar-Veteran
    Light Armour, Cold one
    Magic Items:
    Enchanted Shield, Aura of Quetzl, Biting Blade
    Sacred Spawnings:
    Blessed spawning of Quetzl, Itzl Total = 180

    Skink Priest
    Magic Items:
    Dispel scroll (x2) Total = 115

    Saurus Warriors (x16)
    Musician, Standard Bearer, Spawning Champion
    Sacred Spawnings:
    Blessed spawning of Quetzl Total = 252

    Kroxigor (x3) Total = 174

    Salamander Hunting Packs (x3) Total = 195

    Skinks (x10)
    Scouts Total = 70

    Skinks (x10)
    Scouts Total = 70

    Skinks (x10)
    Scouts Total = 70

    Skinks (x10)
    Scouts Total = 70

    Terradons (x4) Total = 140

    Grand Total = 1499

    All comments welcome I am quite willing to change this list and buy different models so any suggestions would be appreciated. I think the tournament has a lot of dwarf and empire players but all in all the field is quite diverse, except I am the only lizards player.


    ~Odd Monkey
  2. Dreq-Kai

    Dreq-Kai New Member

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    I wouldn't take Venom of the Firefly on your JSoD, as, unless I'm mistaken, that no longer allows him to crunch opponents armor.

    I personally find, as well, a GW is more handy than the Biting Blade, you may lose an armor save, but I find the +2 strength is more valuable against most opponents.

    Other than that, the list is good. I'd consider two Saurus Blocks of Ten in a battle of this size, but hey, thats just preference.
  3. Ninjaskink
    Cold One

    Ninjaskink New Member

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    Well, first off on your Killy Scar-Vet, you can't have both the Charm of the Jaguar Warrior and the Venom of the Firefly Frog, as they're both enchanted items. I'd say drop the Venom, and as Dreq-Kai suggested, go with the great weapon. The JSoD build you have is a proven build and the only issue with the GW is that you lose a point of armor in close combat to gain +2 strength. Your attacking last when not charging will probably happen anyway, so the ASL rule isn't that big of a handicap.

    Second, ensure that you make your mounted Sacr-Vet your general. While this might be a bit of a no brainer, you will need to specify this.

    Third, your Saurus unit will only effectively get the rank bonus with a frontage of 5. As such, your unit of 16 will either have an extra guy in the rear rank or will need to be adjusted, in this case drop the one guy unless you really want the big block, in which case point fiddling is in order.

    And finally, I'd suggest giving one of your skink units the scout option with the points saved on the venom. March blocking is another crucial function provided by the little guys and with blowpipes you can start shooting up the enemy early.
  4. Odd Monkey
    Jungle Swarm

    Odd Monkey New Member

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    Thanks for the heads up on the venom that was just a bit of a lapse of concentration I think (I wrote this late at night). Btw the great weapon will only provide a +1 strength bonus as the scar vet is mounted I am not sure this is worth -2 to his save but it might under some circumstances. All the skinks already have scouts. Cheers for the advice so far.

    Here is a revised version:

    Saurus Scar-Veteran
    Great Weapon, Light Armour, Shield
    Magic Items:
    Charm of the Jaguar warrior
    Sacred Spawnings:
    Blessed spawning of Quetzl , Blessed Spawning of Sotek Total = 148

    Saurus Scar-Veteran
    Light Armour, Great weapon, Cold one
    Magic Items:
    Enchanted Shield, Aura of Quetzl,
    Sacred Spawnings:
    Blessed spawning of Quetzl, Itzl Total = 174

    Skink Priest
    Magic Items:
    Dispel scroll (x2) Total = 115

    Saurus Warriors (x16)
    Musician, Standard Bearer, Spawning Champion
    Sacred Spawnings:
    Blessed spawning of Quetzl Total = 252

    Kroxigor (x3) Total = 174

    Salamander Hunting Packs (x3) Total = 195

    Skinks (x13)
    Scouts Total = 91

    Skinks (x10)
    Scouts Total = 70

    Skinks (x10)
    Scouts Total = 70

    Skinks (x10)
    Scouts Total = 70

    Terradons (x4) Total = 140

    Grand Total = 1499
  5. Ninjaskink
    Cold One

    Ninjaskink New Member

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    For your mounted Scar Vet, the spear is usually the best option as you get the shield bonus in close combat and the +1 to strength on the charge. The great weapon suggestion was for your Scar Vet on foot with the jaguar saurus build.

    The other thing to remember is that unlike 40k, your skink scouts have to be in or behind some form of cover to start the game (unless they're the chameleon type). This Does include deploying in water features, as opposed to just features with trees or rocks like everyone else. And since most Warhammer FB games have only two or three pieces of usable cover, this severely hampers your ability to use all of those scouting units. So while having one or two units with the scout rule is good, having all with said rule will usually gain little benefit (unless you're playing with Lustria rules). I can't find the reference in the new BRB, but it's in the lizardmen book pages 26 and 27.

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