8th Ed. 1600 point tourney tomorrow last bit of advice...

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by eugeniusgenex, Sep 1, 2012.

  1. eugeniusgenex
    Jungle Swarm

    eugeniusgenex New Member

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    I am having a hard time to decide between:

    1) Slaan 275 3 Disciplines: Focused Rumination Focus of Mastery Becalming Cogitation Dispel Scroll, Life


    2) Slaan 275 2 Disciplines: Focused Rumination Focus of Mastery Cupped Hands, Life

    For the first one I have a Scar Vet in a block of Saurus,

    But for the second I feel I would have to take a Skink Priest with a DS scroll,

    Concerns: Smart dispels of Throne of Vines on option one

    ***Note the Slaan is in a block of 20 TG
  2. Huichi Mixi

    Huichi Mixi New Member

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    First I'ld like to suggest that the cupped hands on your slann is largely redundant when using life. This is because 90% of the time you will hopefully have throne of vines active, you're unlucky or doing something wrong if you don't. Throne of vines will protect you from the miscasts so you can't pass them onto enemy wizards.

    I've played a 2k game when I used a slann with life and had a skink priest too. I found it was rare I had any power dice left for the skink to cast any spells once the slann had done his thing. Yes I had Focused Rumination for extra power dice each spell and I was successfully casting about 4 - 5 spells per turn with the slann. Sometimes I even had a spell or 2 left to cast with the slann and had run out of power dice. You could take the priest with the slann but the points you're spending on his magic casting ability and dispelling ability will be wasted most of the time. If you roll well on the winds of magic, it is possible you could be casting the priest's spells too.
  3. eugeniusgenex
    Jungle Swarm

    eugeniusgenex New Member

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    Or I could play against Dwarves like I did today and it wouldn't matter because dwarves magic resisitance needs a nerf BIGTIME. Oh yes and I won haha. Chameleons took out his cannon FIRST turn. Took six turns with all his stupid dispells, but I won.

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