7th Ed. 1k + 1.5k lizardmen list vs vampire counts

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by cauqkaiitza, Dec 11, 2009.

  1. cauqkaiitza
    Jungle Swarm

    cauqkaiitza New Member

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    Hi, I'm a rookie with 2 main enemies: orcs and goblins and vampire counts. I have the dilemma of not being able to tailor a specific army list for one without it losing against the other. My resources are limited: exactly one lizardmen battalion(20 saurus, 12 skinks, 10 temple guard and 8 cold ones) and what the shop owner will lend me. I can use my pieces as non-special characters and my skinks as skirmishers, but my choice is pretty limited against guys with a lot more choice then me and a. cheap units and characters (orcs and goblins) and b. an unstoppable general and more wizards then i can afford (vampire counts)> ive got to vs either one or both of these guys on Saturday (afternoon: 2 pm ish) and I'm hoping the wise and mighty Slanns and Oldbloods of the hallowed halls of Lustria Online can provide me with a good army list at the points cost described and with my relatively minuscule army by then. please, work your magic, people!
    your humble priest,
    Cauqkaiitza (or bookage1 in the tongue of the old ones -or the nearest equivalent i could find-)
  2. Fyrsten
    Jungle Swarm

    Fyrsten New Member

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    first off: i don't think you can even assemble 1000 or 1500 points with the figures mentioned, if we say you use all you got there, and you pump them with everything you can, you will get this:

    12 skink skirmishers with blowpibes 84 points (without brave)
    20 saurus warriors FC 250 points (i recommend using hand wep. and shield for better saves)
    10 temple guards FC 265 points (this includes magic standard, chose totem of propechy so that you cause fear, against VC it's gold ! and for the champion a magic item worth up to 25 points i recommend Burning Blade of Chotec, since this is a magic weapon and your VC opponent might have wraiths, so only magical attacks work here, and you champion does magical attacks with he's burning blade, in addition against everything else, you will cause -3 armour save, -1 for the strength bonus and -2 for the weapon, as for the unit in close combat, always use hand weapon and shield, which makes you have 2+ armour save on your temple guards)
    8 cold one cavalry FC 370 points (it's a good idea to use Huanchi's blessed totem magic standard here, +d6" on charge, since these already cause fear it will be useless to take the same as the temple guards. and for the close combat purpus i would use hand wep. and shield since this will grant them 1+ save, but on charge it's a good idea to use spears, +1 strength which then in the charge round will grant you 3+ save)

    so all in all you got 969 points with this little list i made you, and exactly 0 heroes which might be a pain in the ass for you, since you will only have 2 power dice which to use nowhere and 2 dispell dices which is fairly weak and completely worthless against VC. i will recommend you getting 1 skink priest and 1 ancient stegadon at least this grants you 440 points with engine of the gods, lvl 2 priest and 50 points of magic items, which might be usefull if those were 2xdispell scrolls against VC and 1 dispell scroll and plauqe of tepok against orcs and goblins (one extra spell) as for the engines purpus, these 15 extra points will grant you magical attack within 2d6" of the steggie, it hits all units, and does strength 5 against undead, this CANNOT be dispelled in anyway, so free magiacal attacks every round! and it even hits units in close combat and you will have 5 power dices and 4 dispell, the priest can use 4 dices for casting attempts since he is riding the engine, which grants him lvl 3 for casting purpus but doesn't grant you 3 spells.

    as for the tactic, i can only say that againts VC you will have to focus on 1 regiment at a time, unless he's general is not in a regiment, then go for him, and the army will crumble loosing men every turn, but go go go with all units at the same regiment, break them down and kill them all in 1 turn, and he can't raise them, when they're gone, they're gone! watch out for wraiths with banshee (if he does have any) they will move towards your skinks or the steggie, since the banshee howl will do 2d6+2, everything he rolls that is above your leadership will cause wounds against you, (eg. he does banshee howl on your skink skirmishers, he rolls 7+2=9 and your leadership is 6 so you loose 3 men (no saves allowed other than ward save) there's panic test on your skinks and you can't even fire back at him with blowpibes because he's etheral unit. so take them down with magic before they reach you.
    as for the Orcs and goblins i can't help you since i only played 1 game against this army, but bevare of fanatics, they're pain, and you can't see them in he's regiment

    i really hope this will help you a lot, but try to ask your lads if you could just use stand-ins (if it's a friendly game) this will make it lot easier for you, just buy some movement plates and nominate what the plate stands for. and it will grant you the oppurtunity to get more heroes for the game, i recommend using all 3 slots (2 skinks and 1 scar vet)

    but do contact me if you are allowed to use stand-ins i could help you with a better list then.


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