7th Ed. 1k List, First Try

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by Ironhide, Aug 4, 2008.

  1. Ironhide

    Ironhide New Member

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    I am new to Lizardmen and Warhammer Fantasy in general. I have decided to play Lizardmen. I am going to get the Battalion Box set, a Scar-Veteran and a Skink Priest when I first buy stuff. Using just what is in those sets, this is what I have come up with.

    Saurus Scar-Veteran
    -Light Armour
    -Blessed Spawning of Topek
    -Scimitar of the Sun Resplendent

    Skink Priest
    -Level 2
    -Dispel Scroll (2)

    Saurus Warrior (12)
    -Standard Bearer
    [Scar-Veteran joins here]

    Saurus Warrior (12)
    -Full Command
    [Skink Priest joins here if able]

    Skink Skirmishers (12)

    Skink Skirmishers (12)

    Saurus Cavalry (5)

    Total Points: 998
    4 Power Dice, 4 Dispel Dice, 2 Scrolls

    there seems to be alot of magic in my area so i took the priest for that reason. Any criticism and advice is welcome.
  2. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    Not a bad balanced list you got there, but I will suggest what I usually do, turn the scar vet to a JSoD (look around the forum for some builds on him) you can keep the spanning of tepok on him, and give him BSoSotek and just a gw. If you need extra points get rid of the braves and a few skinks from each unit, also I suggest a bigger block of Saurus warriors rather than the 2 12 sized ones. Another thing to concider is having your Skink Priest free roaming, that way he can have 360 line of sight rather than the units.
  3. SohCahToa

    SohCahToa New Member

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    Edit:Dang, Craken already got to most of my points :shamefullyembarrased:

    I just have a couple of suggestions for your list.

    First, drop the brave upgrade on your skink units. The advantage conferred by a the upgrade is negligable, especially when armed with blowpipes (the whole unit will be aiming to hit on 6s). Furthermore, on the topic of skinks, I would suggest giving one unit javelins+shields and dropping their scouting ability so that you can use them as missle screeners and charge redirectors. This should free up 22 pts that you can use elsewhere (more on that later).

    Secondly, if you are investing so many points into anti-magic, I think that a JSOD upgrade would serve you better than a Tepok blessing. This way you can be more proactive, hopefully allowing your skink priest to get off some spells later on. Not only that, but a JSOD would allow for war machine hunting (skinks, especially with blowpipes, are not great in the role).

    Thirdly, you should place your Skink Priest within a skink unit if you place the hero in a unit at all, as the skinks will allow the priest to move at his full movement rate and have a 360 LOS.

    Finally, you may want to re-think the unit size of your Saurus units, as you will only gain rank bonuses when the unit has a frontage of 5.

    If you switch around the points some you may find that you will have enough points to spare to invest in a 6th SCOR, which will help in outnumbering basic missile units and other 5-strong heavy cavalry units (which is good as you cause fear).
  4. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    Sorry SohCahToa LOL
  5. Ironhide

    Ironhide New Member

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    I have taken your advice and changed my army list. Let me know what you think of Take 2.

    Saurus Scar-Veteran
    -Light Armour
    -Great Weapon
    -Blessed Spawning of Topek
    -Blessed Spawning of Sotek
    -Charm of the Jaguar Warrior

    Skink Priest
    -Level 2
    -Dispel Scroll (2)

    Saurus Warrior (12)
    -Standard Bearer

    Saurus Warrior (12)
    -Standard Bearer

    Skink Skirmishers (11)

    Skink Skirmishers (12)

    [Priest will join one of these]

    Saurus Cavalry (7)

    Total Points: 999
    4 Power Dice, 4 Dispel Dice, 2 Scrolls

    Hope this is better. any further advice is great.
  6. SohCahToa

    SohCahToa New Member

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    My first suggestion would be to drop the BSoTepok. As I previously mentioned, the JSOD should facilitate mage hunting in most cases, meaning that 3 dispel dice and 2 scrolls should be more than enough (especially in a 1k game)

    Secondly, 12 is going to be a very awkward number for your Saurus. Keep in mind that a 4x3 unit will not recieve any form of rank bonus. A unit of 15 and a unit of 10 probably would work well enough.

    Thirdly, I would suggest dropping the SCOR down to my suggested size of 6. You will not run into many situation in which you can fit all 7 cavalry bases into combat (easier done with 6), and even if you do a unit that is 7 wide is going to have a greater difficulty manuvering.

    Beyond this, the list looks solid.

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