8th Ed. 1k list

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by LrMoruthane, May 3, 2015.

  1. LrMoruthane
    Jungle Swarm

    LrMoruthane New Member

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    Dear lizardmen fans,
    Hi!! Im from Chile and starting into this great game. I'm not english native, so please forgive me if i write wrong.
    Next week i'm having my first tournament, and i'm building a 1k list.
    I have this miniatures:
    1 lizardmen batallion
    1 saurus regiment
    1 terradon riders regiment
    1 bastiladon
    1 scar vetetan
    1 skink priest
    1 tetto eko
    I was thinking in this list:
    1 tetto eko
    2x15 saurus with sword/shield (musician an standard)
    11 cohort skink (w/tetto inside)
    3 terradon riders with javellin
    Scar veteran in cold rider with shield and light armour.
    I need opinions and upgrades.
    Please help me!!!
    Thank you :)
  2. airjamy

    airjamy Well-Known Member

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    You have quite a lot of miniatures for 1K, that is good. First i'd like to give you some basic tips, for starters you almost never field units of sauri under 20. Ill write a list for you with comments on why i choose what.

    Tetto eko. Strong choice in general, you will have a lot more magic then most of your opponents. Do not forget that his main feature is that he gives Vanguard to d3 units, you will almost always want to move up your Saurus Warriors.

    Scar vet. You have no unit for him to hide in, if you put him on a Cold One, you will need Cold one Knights. Drop him for this list.

    30 Saurus Warriors. Full command, make this your main beatstick.

    10 Cohort Skinks. This is just your Tetto bunker, do not expect them to shoot nor move them in range to shoot, they are here to keep Tetto safe. Always take javelins and shields on non-Chameleon skinks.

    Bastiladon. This will be mainly a support unit to keep at the side of your Sauri. He defends the flanks and ups the initiative of the Sauri when that is neccesarry. The I buff will be useless against Elves, but it might matter against Undead and Ogres. Another strong feature of this model is its magic missile, try to cast it every phase with around 2 to 3 dice, if you have the dice for it.

    3 Terradons. These will be your warmachine hunters. Dont mind the firebolas upgrade, its bad. Go for close combat with warmachine crews asap, hopefully while not being shot to bits. Do note that they have Vanguard from their own rules.

    If you cut the Scar Vet you should have room for around 2 to 3 units of 10 Skink Skirmishers. Ad those in the list, give them javelins and shields. Use them against monsters(poison is very good against monsters) and to redirect charges, shoot stuff. Do not be afraid to throw units of skinks away in the greater scheme of things, they are very cheap after all. With this list and decent play you should be able to win something in your tournament.
    LrMoruthane likes this.
  3. Rettile

    Rettile Active Member

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    I mostly agree with airjamy, just a couple of thoughts:

    Scar vet: if you have the one on cold one he's way better than the one on foot, for sure. Remember you could use him as an oldblood and give him powerful items to reach 1000 points faster: this way you'll probably have an unkillable lord but fewer units, so decide which way you prefer. If you have the one on foot use one or 2 of your riders as scarvets (use bits to make them more hero-looking).

    Saurus warriors: don't buy more, you have enough of them. If you only play with friends you could, for now, field 20 saurus warriors and 20 temple guards (the 10 you have from the batallion box and 10 saurus in the last ranks). 20 are a bit few, but at 1000 pts it could work. If you want to field only one big infantry unit, though, go for 30+ saurus. You should have 6 more saurus warriors, so if you choose to field both SWs and TGs you could add them to one of the units. Remember to buy temple guards, you'll need at least 2 boxes.

    Skinks: i'd go for skirmishers even on a bunker for Tetto since the better mobility is huge if compared to first rank made of ws2 t2 skinks IMO. Buy more of them, and then buy more. And then more. And more. Skinks are never enough, i feel like we should write it on the forum background (something like "the will of the old ones: buy more skinks!"). You could use them as chamos if you play against friends and your friends love warmachines.

    If you field your priest as long as Tetto make him lv1 and pick lore of beast.

    I'm sure i'm forgetting something... oh, sure! Buy skinks! Welcome on the forum, mate, remember to introduce yourself ;)
    airjamy and LrMoruthane like this.
  4. LrMoruthane
    Jungle Swarm

    LrMoruthane New Member

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    I did some changes with your quotes so, here we go.
    Tetto'eko - 185 points (still don't know how it works his Loremaster ability. ¿Can he uses all the spells of Lore of Heavens-?)
    30 Saurus regiment Full command (don't know still if sword/shield or javelin. ¿This depend on how offensive u want to be?) - 360 points
    10 Skink cohort (for tetto bunker) (dont know still if full comand or not) - 80/50(no full command) points
    1 Bastiladon with solar Engine - 150 points
    3 Terradon Riders w/ champion - 115 points
    This leave me 110/140 points and i don't know if put 1 skink priest (with lore of beast and dispell scrool), a Saurus old blood or a Scar-veteran on cold one, with light armour, shield, Great weapon and a magic item or something.
    (I'm trying to buy more skinks but, in my country, we have a 1 month delay for our miniatures :/ so it's a bit difficult)
  5. airjamy

    airjamy Well-Known Member

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    Loremaster means he has acces to all the spells of a certain lore, in Tetto's case the lore of heavens. If you still have difficulty with the rules i would advise you to fully read to rulebook (BRB is the common abbreviation on this site) and the read the relevant parts of the tactica on this site, we have a great tactica if i do say so myself. Link: http://www.lustria-online.com/threads/8th-edition-lm-tactica-index-newest-link-april-20th-2015.8681/

    I thought you got more skinks in a battalion, but it seems you do not get more then 12. Even more magic in this low ammount of points wil not really help you i think, Tetto will be wanting to use most of your power dice. I would use a Scar Veteran BSB with your models, rerolls on all leadership tests are very strong. I would give him something like the BSB upgrade, a Great Weapon and the Gamblers Armour for 3+ 6++, and i would get him the Glittering Scales if you have a bit more points to spare. Both are decent builds for low point games.
  6. LrMoruthane
    Jungle Swarm

    LrMoruthane New Member

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    But, when you say "acces to all spell" it's mean that i can use, in any magic phase, the 7 spells? (I know that is almost imposible, but just i.e.)
    I ask this because some people say that Loremaster only allow you to choose (not random) the spells. In this case, 2 spells. (Lvl 2 mage)
    Which one is correct?

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    Loremaster means that your wizard knows every single spell in his lore. That means that if you had enough power dice, you could cast all 7 (8 in the case of High Magic) spells each and every turn. There is no need to roll for spells and no need to choose spells... loremaster gets you ALL the spells of the lore it is designated for.
  8. LrMoruthane
    Jungle Swarm

    LrMoruthane New Member

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    Alright!! I know which armies i go against:
    High elves
    Orcs and goblins
    Dark elves
    Wood elves
    Wish me luck !!!
  9. pipe stark 77
    Jungle Swarm

    pipe stark 77 New Member

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    como te fue en el torneo?
    cuenta que funcionó y que no, que cambios harías!!
    Saludos desde Chile a Chile! xD

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