In short: - added summoning rules from GHB for unused spells and EotG; - Paragon of Order can be used only once on the same unit per turn; - Thunderquake effect declared in charge phase. Suprisingly I found no other changes; - Starbeast Constellation gives +d3 CP at the start of the battle; - if Scar-Vet's on Carno CA used on unit twice, it generates two bonus attacks on 6's to-hit rather than 1; - toad can be placed even if Rippers in Reserves; - Light of Dracothion is 15" even if used by Slann; - obviously, core rules from the battletome no longer used. I attached PDFs. You can check it on community site by yourself.
When you summon a unit with EoTG the can move normal in the following movement phase? because nowhere in the warscrolo of EoTG writes that that was the movement of the unit for the following movement phase ??? Also if you summon ripperdactyls in the first hero phase with EoTG you can use bload toad normaly ?
It doesnt say when in the hero phase you place the Blot Toad so I guess you could place the toad(s) after EotG have summoned.
What happens if you summon Ripperdactyls post the first Hero phase of the game? Are you still able to place a blot toad?
Nope. The toads can only be placed in your first hero phase. Therefore it can be a good idea to bring some ripperdactyls from the start.
I suppose you could bring multiple Ripperdactyls units allowing you to spread out your Blot Toads so that any of your units may benefit from them.