7th Ed. 2.5 Skink army

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by Carlo Marx, Sep 2, 2008.

  1. Carlo Marx
    Cold One

    Carlo Marx New Member

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    So I've been inspired by all the skink armies that have been popping up so I wrote up my own just for fun.

    HEROS: 653
    Old- blood- light armor, scimitar of the sun resplendent, enchanted shield, jag. Charm, BS sotek – 268
    Skink chief- light armor, javelin, scout, sacred stegadon helm-115
    Priest- lvl 2, diadem of power- 135
    Priest- lvl 2, 2 dispel scrolls- 150

    TROOP: 714
    X2 10 Skinks- javelins, scouts- 70
    6 swarms- 360
    10 skinks- javelins- 60
    x2 11 Skinks- javelins, scouts- 77

    SPECIAL: 702
    4 kroxigors- 203
    4 Kroxigors- 203
    10 cham. Skinks- stalker- 156
    4 Terridons- 140

    RARE: 430
    3 Salimanders- 195
    Stegadon- 235

    TOTAL: 2499
    Models: 88
    Units: 12

    or there's this one:

    HEROS: 714
    Old- blood- light armor, scimitar of the sun resplendent, maiming shield, Carnosaur, BS sotek, BS Itzl – 478
    Skink chief- light armor, javelin, scout, sacred stegadon helm-115
    Priest- diadem of power- 135

    TROOP: 654
    X2 10 Skinks- javelins, scouts- 70
    6 swarms- 360
    x2 11 Skinks- javelins, scouts- 70

    SPECIAL: 702
    4 kroxigors- 203
    4 Kroxigors- 203
    10 cham. Skinks- stalker- 156
    4 Terridons- 140

    RARE: 430
    3 Salimanders- 195
    Stegadon- 235

    TOTAL: 2499
    Models: 77
    Units: 11
  2. Sammy the Squib

    Sammy the Squib Member

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    6 swarms used to be the first thing in my army in 6th edition, but in 7th I couldn't seem to justify the points for them, how have they been working for you? :)
  3. Ninjaskink
    Cold One

    Ninjaskink New Member

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    The only thing I can see an issue with is the venom on all of your Old Bloods.

    First, if he has the jaguar charm you can't take the venom as they're both enchanted items.

    Secondly, all of your Old Blood builds have the Scimitar of the Sun Resplendant. So the venom won't be adding anything to your attacks as it only affects mundane weapons.

    It's 15 points in each army that will go to waste, so I suggest dropping the venoms in each and pick up three skinks for your troubles.
  4. Carlo Marx
    Cold One

    Carlo Marx New Member

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    the swarms, never used 'em since 7th. They're there cus I didn't want to add saurus and had enough skinks to field.

    Thats right, I forgot about the Frog and it mundane only. I didn't read through the list just remembered it was 15 pts and awesome.
  5. Daeghrefn

    Daeghrefn New Member

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    Couple of posts here lately about a skink army... are these actually effective tactically? I can picture in my mind the battle going either way... poison is awesome, and there are fewer things more fun (to me, at least) than rolling a tremendous number of dice for a lot of double shot blowpipe skinks! :) At the very least this looks like it would be fun to play.

    You guys have inspired me! Here is my preliminary skink army list, 1,000 points. Any suggestions would be welcome! It's mostly a just-for-fun list, but winning is fun too ;)

    General: Skink Chief
    Sacred Stegadon Helm
    Blessed of the Old Ones

    Skink Priest
    level 2 upgrade
    Cube of Darkness

    Skink Priest
    level 2 upgrade
    Rod of the Storm

    4 squads - Skink Skirmishers x10, blowpipes (40 total)

    Chameleon Skinks x 10

    Salamander x 3

    The chief has no shield because I found myself 2 points over the limit. If he gets into close combat he's probably done for anyways, so I wasn't too worried about it. He has Blessed of the Old Ones because I'm kind of a purist, and wanted to paint him albino. And it might come in handy...
    The two priests are there to stop those nasty spells, since I expect to meet a lot of magical resistance at this points level from the local players. The priests are both lvl 2 because I like the lore of heavens. :) Also, I think the items I gave them will be fun to utilize. These characters are basically meant to build upon the annoyance factor of this type of army to my opponent.

    Finally, I just crammed as many more skinks in the list as would fit. They all have blowpipes, because I want to fire as many shots per turn as possible. The number of wounds generated by non poison shots will be insignificant, so I don't mind taking penalties and shooting only for 6. Gotta have the chameleons, since no scouts in the other units. And I flat out don't believe in 1000+ points of lizardmen without salamander hunting packs. There are no kroxigors to accomodate this, and I really wrestled with that. But in the end, this army is all about shooting. An enemy unit in close combat is one that I can't pepper with hundreds upon hundreds of poisoned darts, so the salamanders won out in the end.

    Like I said, any comments or suggestions are appreciated!
  6. Carlo Marx
    Cold One

    Carlo Marx New Member

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    I could see an all skink army failing miserably from all that low LD.

    As for this new list. blowpipes really aren't good enough to have every unit armed with 'em. One is quite sufficiant and javelins are more versitile and make the skinks more survivable. drop the blessed mark of the old ones and use the pts to fluff out your chief, i.e. light armor, shield, javelin or blowpipe or two hand weapons, scout. and drop the cham. skinks for kroxigors since you have no heavy hitting units.

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