The local gaming store has been running a Mighty Empires campaign for the last few months. Base army size is 2,500 points, although there is a 10% penalty for non-painted or based miniatures. I've been consistently running a 2.5k army at minimum, often bolstering it with gold from my mines. The point of the pre-amble is that the following list is my refined all comers basic 2.5k: Aescul'pax- Slann Mage Priest (Lore of Life) Focused Rumination, Focus of Mystery, Dispel Scroll, Seeds of Rebirth 20 Temple Guard with full command Ironcurse Icon Mon'Hekaii, the Watcher- Saurus Scar Veteran (Battle Standard Bearer) Sword of Strife, Enchanted Shield, Light Armour 24 Saurus Warriors with full command 25 Saurus Spearmen with full command Old Reliable- Engine of the Gods with level 1 Skink Priest Insurax- Stegadon 4 Kroxigor Salamander with extra handler 15 Skink Skirmishers I'm yet to field this exact force- the army has evolved through the campaign, and to date I've managed 4 Massacres, 1 win and 2 losses. Thoughts and comments always appreciated
What other armies do you most commonly fight? ( which armies are most common/have the most neighbouring tiles etc?)