7th Ed. 2000 Anti-Dwarf Carnosaur List

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by Lizard_of_Mictlan, Aug 26, 2008.

  1. Lizard_of_Mictlan
    Jungle Swarm

    Lizard_of_Mictlan New Member

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    So my friend ended up getting 2000 points worth of dwarfs. To my knowledge I will be facing a cannon, a unit of miners, at least 2 Bolt Throwers, an Anvil of Doom, and a mess of warriors. To Confront this I have decided to dominate the movement phase with a rampaging assortment of Dinosaurs. Let me Know what you think.

    2000 Point Army List "The Dino Crisis"

    Oldblood on Carnosaur 507
    Shield, Light Armor, Blessed Spawning of Itzl, Blessed Spawning of Quetzl, Blessed Spawning of Sotek, Aura of Quetzl, Bane Head, Sword of Battle, Maiming Shield

    Scar Veteran 138
    Charm of the Jaguar Warrior, Great Weapon, Light Armor, Shield, Blessed Spawning of Sotek, Blessed Spawning of Quetzl


    14 Skink Skirmishers 84
    javelins and shields

    14 Skink Skirmishers 84
    javelins and shields

    14 Skink Skirmishers 84
    javelins and shields

    11 Skink Skirmishers 77
    Scouts, Blowpipes


    4 Kroxigor 232

    3 Terradons 105

    5 Saurus Cavalry 265
    Full Command, Huanchi's Blessed Totem


    Stegadon 235

    Salamander Hunting Pack of 3 195

    Total points: 20000

    I plan to send the Carnosaur up one flank to hunt the general. The Cold Ones will assist in this. The Other Flank will be occupied by the Stegadon who will be supported by the skink screened Kroxigor unit. The middle of my line will be filled with the other two units of skinks who will screen the salamanders until they get into range. The Terradons and JSoD will be on War machine duty, with the JSoD targeting the Anvil. Does this seem like a decent approach? I am new to the concept of no Saurus, but I like the idea as they have failed me against everything except O&G.
  2. Ninjaskink
    Cold One

    Ninjaskink New Member

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    One thing to remember when facing the dwarves, and especially against an army like the one you described, is that you'll really need to pay attention to screening your large targets with LOS blocking terrain if youwant your big dinosaurs to make it to the enemy line. Pay special attention to that cannon, as you'll get a Str 10 hit with no armor saves and it'll hit you with d6 wounds. The bolt throwers will also be dealing d3 wounds for each hit, so concentrated fire from his war machines can bust up your Carnosaur and Steg. I'd also be wary with my cold one cavalry if he has any more ranged units (like thunderers and/or quarrelers) as their 3+ save makes them quite vulnerable to their firepower.

    As far as the list itself, the number of skinks in each unit is one higher than I see in most other lists, but since I'm unsure how this might help or hurt them I see no need to change it.

    Your JSoD costs a bit more than what is usually preferred (since his main goal is to kill as much as possible before being killed... note that's inevitability I'm throwing in there) so be sure you want him to be that expensive, since it's VPs you're giving your opponent.

    I'm not sure if I'd go full command on the cold one cavalry, especially with only five guys. I'd consider dropping the champion, and after taking out a skink a piece out of your 14 skink strong skirmishers, grab one more rider. The standard and musician can stay (standard has to in this case) for your SCR generation and now the unit can't get challenged.

    And lastly, I know it's a list tailored against dwarves so I won't fault you for it, but you have no magic/magic resistance. So against any army except the stunty ones, this would be a huge oversight.
  3. Dreq-Kai

    Dreq-Kai New Member

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    In my game against dwarves recently, I found that the Stegadon can rout a block of average Dwarf Warriors itself [In the front mind you, though likely just lucky]. If you get any Giant Bow Shots, direct at the target unit, and when you hit, you can generally kill enough to rout. Just be wary, as if a block o stunties next to that charges, Steggy is dead.

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