8th Ed. 2000 Lizardmen List

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by Sodono, Nov 29, 2012.

  1. Sodono
    Jungle Swarm

    Sodono New Member

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    Hey all,

    I'm still a little new to the game, and I am looking for some thoughts and advice on my list. One thing I do want to mention first is, I currently do not have any salamander models and really really need/want some. Until then, I have to do without.

    x3 Disciplines
    - Focus of Mystery and Rumination
    - Soul of Stone
    - Cupped Hands of the Old Ones

    Saurus Scar Vet
    - BSB
    - Shield
    - Shrieking Blade

    20x Saurus Warriors
    - Standard Bearer and Musician

    20x Saurus Warriors
    - Standard Bearer and Musician

    25x Skinks
    - 3x Kroxigors
    - Standard Bearer

    6x Chameleon Skink

    6x Chameleon Skink

    14x Temple Guard
    - Full Command

    Ancient Stegadon

    This list is exactly 2000 points. I appreciate all help and advice and look forward to seeing what y'all have to say.


  2. Kharn The Betrayer

    Kharn The Betrayer New Member

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    You should really find a way to squeeze in 6 more TG, mabye drop some Saurus and just combine both Saurus blocks into one big one. Cheers
  3. ADustyMan

    ADustyMan New Member

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    I'd say drop Soul of Stone, its not really needed. Trade out for Becalming, possibly. Whats the lore, Life? With thrones and cupped hands you really should not miscast more than once every 10 games.
  4. Sodono
    Jungle Swarm

    Sodono New Member

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    Yes, I am currently running Life. I was tossing around that third discipline anyways, definitely can see how I dont really need Soul of Stones though.

    Also the Scar Vet runs in one of the 20 warrior units. I had debated making one large unit of Warriors but every army I have played already has more units than me and I feel like with one large unit, it would be too easy to tie them up and move around them or avoid them.
  5. Rhodium

    Rhodium New Member

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    1) triple miscast protection is not needed. Swap soul of stone with becalming to give yourself some magic defence since you don't have a scroll caddy

    2) make the slann the BSB, your scar vet bsb is woefully under equipped, a 4+ non rerollable AS with no ward, he will die very quickly because everyone knows how useful a BsB is to an army and will target it. If I ever run a scar vet BSB he is rocking a 1+ rerollable armour save with a one use 4+ ward.

    3) shrieking blade is useless, fear is rubbish in 8th, people rarely fail it, if they do, you hit on a 3 against most troops already, all that it changes is that they hit you on a 5 rather than a 4, but they aren't failing the fear test anyway, if you only want to spend 10 pts, take the venom of the firefly frog, grants magical poisoned attacks.

    4) you need more armour on the scar vet, charmed shield or dragonhelm along with dawnstone or luckstone should be taken

    5) not fancy a skink priest to carry a scroll? Not required but often handy

    6) I would bump the two saurus into one and increase the TG, 14 is not enough to keep a slann from dying, you already have 4 combat units, 3 is enough

    7) the stegadon is a points sink and like I said you already have 3/4 combat units, I know models will restrict you but you should swap the steg points for some armour on the scar vet, some skink skirmishers units and terradons, that will help you with unit numbers and stop people tying you up and dancing around your combat units

    8) and as you said, get some sallies!
  6. Sodono
    Jungle Swarm

    Sodono New Member

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    Ok, I have tweaked the list a bit.

    x3 Disciplines
    - Focus of Mystery (Life)
    - Focus of Rumination
    - The Becalming Cogitation
    - Cupped Hands of the Old Ones
    - BSB

    Saurus Scar Vet
    - Shield
    - Dragon Helm
    - Dawnstone
    - Sword of Battle, Berserker Sword, or Sword of Might?

    Skink Priest
    - Dispel Scroll

    39x Saurus Warriors
    - Standard Bearer and Musician

    10x Skink Skirmishers
    - Brave

    24x Skinks
    - 3x Kroxigors
    - Standard Bearer

    6x Chameleon Skink

    6x Chameleon Skink

    20x Temple Guard
    - Full Command

    As of right now this comes out to 1998, I sacrificed 1 warrior and 1 skink to make room for a 20 point weapon on the scar-vet. Not sure which one would be the best for him.

    Also, I wound up with some Cold One Riders as well. I haven't really seen where they can be worth it. Is there anything that makes them worth using?
  7. ADustyMan

    ADustyMan New Member

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    I'd say Berserker Sword. Coldblooded leadership 8 should make it reliable to pass the frenzy checks, and you gain the immune to psych rule.

    Cold ones are nice, cause they have a 2+, and they're a little better than other cavalry on the grind since they're strength and toughness 4, but I swear you'll fail your stupidity check every time without fail when you simply must charge to win a combat that'll swing a game. Generally though, Cold ones are sub-par compared to just about every one else's knights.
  8. Sodono
    Jungle Swarm

    Sodono New Member

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    Well, I actually can't run a 20 point weapon on the Scar-vet, woops. He can only have 50 points of magical items, leaving 15 after dawnstone and dragon helm.
  9. ADustyMan

    ADustyMan New Member

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    Try the Gold Sigil Sword. Initiative 10 Saurus are mean
  10. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    I'd give your Slann or TG Champion the Iron Curse Icon. 5 points is cheap protection for your Temple Guard. You only need to save one TG every third battle to pay for itself. Any artillery not thrown at the Stegadon will be sent at your Temple Guard.

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