Hey guys! I have a 2000 point tournament coming up at my local gaming club and I would love some help with making a decently competitive list. I tried this list against my brothers skaven army and it didn't do super well. He took four slave tarpits, a doomwheel, warp lightning canon, grey seer, bsb, 40 stormvermin, 40 plague monks w/plague banner, and a plague priest. My list was: Slann, bsb, wandering deliberations Scar vet, cold one, armour of destiny, great weapon Scar vet, cold one, light armour, charmed shield, sword of might Skink priest, lvl 1, dispel scroll 24 saurus hw/s, musician, banner 3x10skirmishers 8 chameleons 2x3rippers 28 temple guard full command There will be high elves, dark elves, skaven, ogres, empire, warriors, dwarves, and vampire counts making an appearance. What do you guys think I should change to make a stronger list? Any advice would help this is my first tournament and I want to make a solid list!