lords- slann focus of mystery,focused rumunation,becalming cogitation cube of dark, cupped hands,-470pts lord total=470 heroes- skink chief LA,sword of strife,charmed shield,luckstone-107 pts skink chief LA,ogre blade,enchanted shield-102 pts skink priest dispel scroll-85 pts hero total=229 pts core- 40 saurus warriors spears full cmd -510 pts 18 skinks full command 2 korxigor 1 cheif here-222 pts 18 skinks full command 2 kroxigor 1 cheif hee- 222 pts special- 14 temple guard full cm -275 pts 6 chameleons-72 pts special total=427 any constructive critisism would be helpful THANKS!
First off, I apologize for sounding harsh. I just pointed out what I found sub-optimal (not necessary bad, but not the best it could be either) in the army, which was quite a few things. Secondly, I am correct that the enchanted shield costs lizardmen players 15 points rather than the 5 points listed in the main rulebook. In the lizardmen army book, on the first page of the magic items section under "Common Magic Items" it is stated that the enchanted shield costs 15 points. In the case of conflicting rules (such as different point costs), games workshop says that the rule in the army book is used, rather than that in the main rulebook.