Spoiler: My list === Eleuminotl's Hunters [2000 pts] Warhammer: The Old World, Lizardmen === ++ Characters [780 pts] ++ Eleuminotl [345 pts] - Hand weapon - General - Battle Standard Bearer - Transcendent Healing - Elementalism Skink Chief [89 pts] - Cavalry spear (if appropriately mounted) - Light armour (Calloused hide) - Ripperdactyl - Charmed Shield Skink Chief [86 pts] - Cavalry spear - Light armour (Calloused hide) - Shield - Ripperdactyl Aeontezin [260 pts] - Hand weapon - Heavy armour (Scaly skin) - Shield - Cold One - Giant Blade - Bedazzling Helm - Horned One ++ Core Units [596 pts] ++ 20 Saurus Warrior [341 pts] - Thrusting Spears and shields - scaly skin (counts as heavy armour) - Shieldwall - Spawn Leader (champion) - Standard bearer - Musician 10 Skink Skirmishers [55 pts] - Hand weapons - Javelins - Shields - Light armour (Calloused hides) - The Vanguard 5 Jungle Swarms [200 pts] - Hand weapons ++ Special Units [624 pts] ++ 3 Ripperdactyl Riders [126 pts] - Cavalry spears - Shields - Light armour (Calloused hides) - Ripperdactyl Champion 3 Ripperdactyl Riders [120 pts] - Cavalry spears - Shields - Light armour (Calloused hides) 5 Cold One Riders [189 pts] - Cavalry spears - Shields - Heavy armour (Scaly skin) - Pack Leader (champion) - Standard bearer 5 Cold One Riders [189 pts] - Cavalry spears - Shields - Heavy armour (Scaly skin) - Pack Leader (champion) - Standard bearer He had - storm vermin deathstar, BSB with +D3 combat res and something that gave the unit swiftstride - grey seer on screaming bell with headsmans axe and illusion and lore familiar - 2x clan rats, one lot ambushers - jezails Eleuminotl is a Slann who loves speed. Have a few proxied cold ones (Dark elves and plastic dinos) to try them out. Deployment & Turn 1 (Ambushers on side not actually deployed) I had overloaded into a flank. The swarms would take down the doom wheel and hold up the screaming bell. The cold ones would storm down the centre. The Saurus would go where needed and pressure the bell to get into combat. I liked how it looked. On his turn the swiftstride storm vermin caught me by surprise and charged my cold one knights. They took two down and they broke. The followed up and just clipped the old blood Aeontezin who was about to get orbed by the master assassin Shooting took out two more knights in the unit that had failed stupidity. Turn 2 - me The column of crystal was dispelled so it was on! The Saurus (flank!) and the 3 unbroken knights charged his deathstar. The master assassin hit with the orb, however Aeontezin managed to pass his initiative test! Combat was easily won by the greenscales and the storm vermin fled. They were pursued by two sets of cav, so it was 3d6+1 vs two tried of 3d6. In a massive result, we were unable to catch the quick buggers. The swarms killed the doom wheel and pressed on. The rippers charged the globadiers, beat and broke them, couldn't catch them but they were off the board next turn.. Turn 2 - him Aeontezin was stuck out in no man's land after that terrible pursuit. He was lit up by every type of shooting under the sun and the last one finally claimed his last wound. Brutal loss. His doombell.charged the rippers who decided to flee, this was redirected into the swarm. His clanrats made a charge needing a 6 to connect with the two cold one knights left and took one out. We GG. His storm vermin fail to rally needing a 6 and are right next to the board... One more turn Turn 3 - me After that disaster the cold one knights out of screen rallied but the rippers kept running. The four rippers decided to try to take on the Bell and charged. Combat was dead even. This was not a good idea. The lone cold one knight champ continued to hold against the rats. The Saurus marched towards the jezails. Turn 3 - him His rats can't get my lone Saurus cold one down - if only they all had this pluck. His swiftstride storm vermin rally! Damn His ambushers arrive and stare down the rippers & bell The Bell wins combat, we FBIGO and the Bell can't catch us, haha. Good result! Turn 4 - me My 3 cold ones charge the rats and connect. We win combat but the slow coaches can't run them down. Sensing the game is lost the rippers charge in on the clan rats. Some poor rolls and we lose and GG. The Saurus have a massive charge to make, needing a 5 or 6 to hit the jezails, and fail. Absolutely brutal. Skinks take a wound off the Bell but 8 wounds? Never going to happen. Turn 4 - him His Bell turns to shoot at the skinks. His rats flee off the table but the storm vermin get the 6 they need for a looong charge into the Saurus. The jezails kill one rider. The last ripper dies and it's just the hero. We are taking more down but they keep winning and we GG. I roll terrible in this combat in general. But I roll well in the storm vermin vs Saurus. We GG (their BSB+D3 combat res is huge) but we take down more than them. I also get off plague of rust and the... 5+ ward spell loads for very little effect. Turn 5 - me Brutal combat continues in the centre. He keeps winning but I do more damage and GG. More bad rolling with the ripper and I have one wound left, we again GG. The cold ones make their charge into the Jezails. It's not an easy combat given the supporting attacks but I roll terribly doing a single wound (5x 3+, 2+ and 4x 4+, 3+ plus their save) and he does 3 wounds back, 2 are unsaved at 3+ and they are both dead. Terrible rolling. His high rolling continues with a failed leadership test and they overrun out of position. Turn 5 - him His ratling gun kills the lone cold one champ. More bad rolling and the hero GG but we have been doing damage and it's starting to eat into the unit. The story in the middle is the same... We are loosing res, taking a model.or.two but doing more damage. However we have a lot less. Turn 6 - me The hero decides to spring into gear and finally does enough to win combat! They FBIGO and I've got a charge next turn. I might yet win this combat. The centre continues on... Man it's close! Not much happens with the Bell, Slann or Skinks Turn 6 - him His weapon team charges my hero..we kill a few clan rats until the last wound is taken with an epic killing blow. The middle of the combat is locked. He has 5 rats and a hero at the end, I have 4 Saurus and my champ. No one gives an inch but we are both under 25% It's a massive victory for him 1444 vs 646 but it felt very close, slightly better rolling in the last round my hero would be there, the clan rats would be dead, and his deathstar might have died. Oh well. Breakdown I think I should have put.more attacks into the bsb while I could. I really don't like elementalism, the spells I got didn't help. 5 cold one knights is not enough, they need to be 7+ so when you lose a few from shooting you still have an effective unit. Rippers are fun but never do that much. A really fun game.
Hi, nice battle report. Great to see you're using units that don't com in to play that often. I want to field the jungle swarms myself in a unit of 4, but that equals 32 potentials skinks with poison javelins. The reason I want to play them is because it seems fun to pin a unit down. Skinks won't pin. What's your oppinion on this? That's the reason you've chose them? I understand where you're going with the idea of 7+ cold ones. But 7+ potential stupid cold ones seem a risk. I've had the luck of not getting targeted at the cold ones in my (+-10) games with Lizards so far.
Well, its important to recognise this is a narrative army and not a competitive one. Even in terms of social games, I would rank this as a low powered option. In terms of your questions a) Skinks don't always have good targets, and it is never more obvious than against skaven. They have blocks of infantry. Also important to note that random movement (doomwheels and their abominations) does a great job of negating how useful they are, firstly you can't hide behind their vision arc, secondly you can't stand and shoot. Swarms are terrific anvils and can pack a surprising punch with their poison attacks, but there is little reason to take them competitively as we are forced to take a unit of saurus and you don't want more than minimum core. b) It is a good point about cold one stupidity, best you can do is try to keep them within 18" of the Slann for as long as you can. We desperately need a cheap way to get a scar vets leadership to 9 and the unit would be a lot more effective. I don't honestly know about 5 vs 7 but I do think I will take at least 6 in the unit next game.
I like narrative armies, I've been trying out some stuff as well recently. I'm list building with Swarms, terradon riders, hero on foot. So no competitive intention here. Thanks for your opinion on swarms vs skinks. Very usefull.