8th Ed. 2200 vs O&G

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by david l, Jan 23, 2013.

  1. david l
    Chameleon Skink

    david l New Member

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    Another game in my ongoing league. Last 1800 point battle can be found here.
    The league rules that matter are war machines dealing D3 wounds max, naked monsters getting 5+ armour, the option to buy light/heavy armour for monsters at 10/20% of their base cost, the option to field Transformation of Kadon monsters as rares, and a serious cap on shooting that really limits my ability to field skink skirmishers (and the enemy's ability to field artillery).

    Slann, BSB, all Death, ethereal, discard 6s, extra dice
    Cupped Hands, Crown of Command, Standard of Discipline

    scar-vet, cold one, light armour, Charmed Shield, Dawnstone, Sword of Might
    scar-vet, cold one, great weapon, Armour of Destiny
    40 ranked skinks, 4 Kroxigors, full command
    4x10 skirmishers with blowpipes
    5 chameleons
    Mountain Chimera (550 points) (and yes, experience shows he seems to be worth at least that many points)

    Ethereal protects the Slann from most things, and he will hang out in a skirmisher unit to get "look out sir" against Foot of Gork.

    Do you think the general list idea is flawed?

    I figure the Death Slann gives me a chance to mess up an enemy Chimera with the leadership snipe, or a Fire Dragon with Purple Sun. The snipes and Purple Sun should also do great against O&G generally. I'd love to get Bane Head on the Slann, but that means dropping the Crown of Command. Do you think Bane Head or Crown of Command is better?
  2. Ferocious
    Temple Guard

    Ferocious New Member

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    depends on yourself and your moving skills

    if u can make it work without letting your slann see any combat go for bane head
    if u think u lack a bit in moving, or you tend to use slann for blocking enemy units keep the crown of command

    overal list looks nice =:)
  3. Lawot

    Lawot Active Member

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    Any idea what sort of army you'll be facing? Orcs and Gobbos can do a lot.
    This is definitely a list that will rely on good movement, especially if your opponent brings an Orc-heavy close combat list. Black Orcs, Boar Boyz and Savage Orcs could ruin your day if they get into the flank of the Skrox. That said, you've got plenty of skirmishers to dictate the flow of battle with, and they should keep you safe from Fanatics and Mangler Squigs.

    If I were to fight your army with O&G, I'd use wolf riders and chariots to break your Skirmisher bunker. So I think in my eyes, Crown of Command will be more helpful.
  4. david l
    Chameleon Skink

    david l New Member

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    My enemy can field anything. Last game I know of he went for a big orc block (probably savages, but I'm not sure), fanatic delivery night goblins, chariots, and Great Fire Dragon.

    My hope is the scar-vets can handle chariots for me.
  5. Ferocious
    Temple Guard

    Ferocious New Member

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    scar vets can handle almost anything ;)

    my scar vet with a 1+ reroll, held up a steam tank for 3 turns so, he can do it ;)
  6. david l
    Chameleon Skink

    david l New Member

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    I have actually have two games against Greenskins. The first was last night and the enemy looked like this:
    Orc Warboss on Wyvern, Sword of Striking, Stubborn Crown, 4+ ward, Charmed Shield
    pair of level 2 night goblin shamans
    night goblin BSB
    goblin on a spider
    2x40 night goblins, nets, NO fanatics
    horde of squigs
    2x5 wolf riders
    arachnok spider

    Lore of Death was not very impressive. I did snipe a goblin shaman turn 3, but basically we were then in combat and I had almost nothing to cast. Chimera ate the giant and then spent the game chewing on night goblins. Arachnok charged my Skrox and died in 3 rounds. I managed to get the great weapon scar-vet into the Wyvern. He lasted until after the Skrox finished the Arachnok, and they joined in the fight. Scar-vet did 4 wounds to the Wyvern before dying, and the Skrox finished off the bird, but then took a long time to kill the Warboss. Soulblight did help a little, and Doom and Darkness was a threat then, but I would have been so much happier with Pha's Protection or Speed of Light.

    Oh, to let the scar-vet charge the Wyvern, a unit of skink skirmishers had to charge out of the way. They charged into a goblin unit, put 6 attacks on a shaman and killed him!
  7. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    A Death Slann really suggest Salamanders. You can use Soulblight to make enemies more prone to burning and use Doom and Darkness to make enemies more prone to panicking.

    Death attack spells aren't just for characters, they can be used against any single model. Spirit Leech in particular can be used effectively against many things. This include chariots and giant monsters (these things don't often have great leadership).
  8. david l
    Chameleon Skink

    david l New Member

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    The problem was everything was in combat. There were a couple viable targets for the direct damage after turn 2, but they were far away chasing skinks.
  9. Eladimir

    Eladimir New Member

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    Did you go with bane head or crown of command.

    I vote crown just in case, ie the flying warboss could sneak in a charge.
  10. david l
    Chameleon Skink

    david l New Member

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    Crown of Command. Once the Wyvern (and his magic weapon) was tied up, the Slann was scaring away the squig herd. They didn't want to engage the ethereal stubborn leadership 10 re-rollable.
  11. david l
    Chameleon Skink

    david l New Member

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    Played the other game Saturday. Enemy list:
    Orc level 4 with 4+ ward
    Black Orc BSB with 4+ ward armour
    both in 40+ Big'Uns with +1 leadership banner (NOT in horde)
    2 goblins on spiders with stuff
    both in 8 spider riders
    6 trolls
    2 pump wagons
    4 spear chukkas
    2 wolf chariots
    Great Fire Dragon

    The spider characters and the trolls (magical vomit) are the only real threat to the Slann.
    Blood and Glory scenario.

    The level 4 failed to get Foot of Gork, so his magic phases were pretty worthless. Twice I simply allowed the wizard snipe spell against the Slann, and both times it did nothing (wound on a 4+, save on a 4+, then only D3 wounds ... it should not do much).

    LZ1: I'm not too worried about his spear chukkas, and I want my magic to do some damage, so I advance little.
    9 to 5 magic phase. Leadership sniping a chariot dispelled. Strength snipe pump wagon killed it. Doom and Darkness trolls (he never dispelled it). Purple Sun only went 12" for no affect, and the miscast did nothing.
    Shooting wounded a chariot and killed a spider.

    OG1: Spider riders fail animosity, delaying them a turn. The 2 wolf chariots charge into Sword of Might. They bounce off his armour, he kills a chariot, then runs down the other chariot. Great Fire Dragon uses his breath weapon to wipe out chameleons before they can be annoying. One spear chukka does a wound to great weapon scar-vet.

    LZ2: I continue to play a waiting game. 3 to 2 magic phase. Leadership snipe does no damage.

    OG2: I messed up with the scar-vets, thinking they were hidden behind a hill. Dragon can see over, charges into flank of one with an overrun into the other. First scar-vet killed.

    LZ3: Chimera charges into Fire Dragon. Slann advances towards orc block while SKrox turn east to face the spiders.
    12 to 6 magic phase (rolled double 6s, then also channeled. I never channel except when winds are double 6s)). Leadership snipe is dispelled. Strength snipe on level 4 rolls well and gets a wound. Purple Sun kills the Fire Dragon (needed a 4+ on the artillery dice), thus saving the scar-vet.
    Skinks take out a spear chukka.

    OG3: Spiders advancing towards Slann, still out of range of SKrox.

    LZ4: Chimera charges orc unit.
    11 to 7 magic phase. Leadership snipe kills a troll. He allows Soulblight on the orcs (although it doesn't much matter) to save his dice for Purple Sun. I stop casting. Chimera kills BSB and some orcs.

    OG4: Thanks to D&D, trolls fail stupidity, preventing them from approaching the Slann. Spiders advancing on Slann and are able to get past the SKrox. I messed up, although the great weapon scar-vet is available to block.
    But it doesn't matter because the Chimera kills a bunch of Orcs, wins combat, and they fail the break test with the BSB already dead. Big'Uns and general flee off the table, which is auto-win from Blood and Glory. Not that the scenario mattered, because even if he had somehow killed the Slann, I have one at that point.

    Conclusion: I took Death so I could Purple Sun the Great Fire Dragon, and it worked! Snipe spells did a little bit, and D&D got me a failed Stupidity test. The important difference from the previous game was this game so no combats where magical support was relevant (except Purple Sun).

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