8th Ed. 2250 Monster List

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by Moniker, Sep 10, 2012.

  1. Moniker

    Moniker Member

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    So you'll notice a theme with this list - using all my monster models!

    -Fencers Blades
    -Glittering Scales

    Skink Priest
    -Engine of the Gods
    -Level 3
    -Plaque of Tepok
    -Opal Amulet (+4 ward vs first wound)

    Skink Priest
    -Dispel Scroll
    -Ruby Ring of Ruin

    36 Saurus Warriors, FC
    10 Skink Skirmishers
    10 Skink Skirmishers

    1 Stegadon
    6 Chameleon Skinks
    6 Chameleon Skinks

    1 Ancient Stegadon
    1 Salamander
    -Extra Handler

    The Oldblood is for carving through his troops, the first Priest is essentially a lvl 3 wizard and the second is scroll caddy/magic gun for the spirit hosts one of the guys always brings. They'll also ideally use the signature spell for further protection against people trying to shoot my monsters.

    The four units of skinks should lay down enough fire to take care of most enemy shooting and artillery and the Stegadons are meant to be Stegadons, and the Salamander is a Salamander.

    My main weakness that I see is a lack of BSB. I could drop either the Salamander or a unit of Chameleons and the Opal Amulet for a horrendously cheap Chieftain with a banner to wander around praying nobody notices him.

    Thoughts, ideas, criticisms?
  2. Qupakoco
    Skink Chief

    Qupakoco Keeper of the Dice Staff Member

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    3 Stegs and a Carnosaur? The cannon crews are going to have their work cut out for them. Especially with that 5+ ward bubble and the hail of poison from the Chameleons.

    Stegs are all stubborn, so you really only need the BSB to hang out behind your Saurus block. There are a lot of them though, so staying steadfast shouldn't be too impossible. You'll have to keep their flanks safe.

    If you take a Skink BSB just keep him behind the Saurus. He'll get the 4+ LOS save if nothing else. Or put him in a unit of skinks.
  3. Moniker

    Moniker Member

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    I always forget about their stubborness. That's very true. Plus with the Saurus in a 6x6 block you're right about them being steadfast. I don't expect they'll be whittled down too much either, as people tend to get a deer in headlights look when faced with one or two Stegadons, let alone three and a Carnosaur.

    There aren't a huge amount of artillery pieces in my gaming group to be honest, besides a notable Ironblaster. Heck, as my secondary army is Empire I suppose I'm the worst offender.

    I think I'll see how she goes rather then tweaking it. Thanks for your thoughts.

    Please, if anyone else has any thoughts or ideas do share.
  4. Hinge

    Hinge New Member

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    I have been playing a Carno/double steg list on the tournament scene for the last year, so can speak to this type of list from the perspective of several regional metas.

    Carno- Forget the glittering blades/fencer blade combo. Your opponents will be aiming at the Carno most likely anyways.

    A couple of items to think about.

    Charmed shield. If you are hit by a cannonball, the lord will survive and can then pop into the suarus block, denying your opponent the points.

    ToP-makes the lord survivable and one tough hombre.

    Burning blade-Your lord strikes before the Carno, allowing him to pull regen before the carno strikes. Sure you will run into the odd dragon helm character, but the Carno does not hacve flaming attacks and can eat him.

    Other Tricksters Shard-Lets make sure that enemy character has a tough time making a ward save. We don’t want the Carno’s teeth blunted.

    The above 4 items are what my Carno Lord packs.

    Another item would be the Crown of command. This would give you 4 stubborn models! Just go all in on defense in this case.

    Next, Terradon! You will need them to help hunt down warmachines. On the way they can gank the odd chaff. I find two units of chameleons and a unit of terradons tends to put a lot of pressure on warmachines and may cause your opponent to make less then optimal targeting decisions.

    You will find the list fast and maneuverable and a total blast to play. I have been able to win against dwarven gun lines and double Ironblasters. It is Death Magic that has been the Achilles’ heel. Purple Sun and Spirit Leach will wreck the army. Doom and Darkness makes those stubborn checks worrisome.

    Good luck

  5. Moniker

    Moniker Member

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    Thanks, that's great advice! Admitedly, my game is supposed to be in like... fifteen minutes... Depending on when buddy shows. May have time to fiddle with the Oldblood - I'll let everyone know how she goes!
  6. Moniker

    Moniker Member

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    Woo! So the first game was against a buddies new Tomb Kings gun line list. Firstly - holy crap thats a lot of shooting.

    So it went bad right from the get-go. A screaming skull catapult killed ONE saurus. I rolled two sixes and a five, and they ran... only two inches! Yes! I can still save them! At which point they failed again in my turn and ran off the board. Ugh. Kept playing, cause I wanted to see if I could pull a victory out of my ass, and it was fun but not luck.

    The re-match went better. I ended up winning, with ONLY my Saurus left on the board. It would have gone more my way, but for both games his two screaming skull catapults were SNIPERS. Literally only scattered twice in two battles. The MVP's were definitely my Chameleons. They killed a Warsphynx, a Casket of Souls, one of the Skull chuckers, and whittled at his archers.

    I think you're right - I definitely need some Terradons. I'm thinking I may have to take out the Baby Steg to fit them in. It was the first time I'd used an Ancient Stegadon (That didn't have the Engine on it) and I was very impressed at its shooting.
  7. Qupakoco
    Skink Chief

    Qupakoco Keeper of the Dice Staff Member

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    Sounds like it was a blast. (a blast of screaming skulls to your face, that is) They won't always be that good, but yeah more warmachine hunters are better for our army.

    If you drop the baby steg you can fit another salamander in there with the terradons. I always take at least 2 sallies.
  8. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    I thought the whole point was to have three Stegadons?

    Maybe if you swapped an Ancient Steggy for a second baby and trimmed the two Chamo skinks down to 5 models, and drop the Skink Priest with the EOTG to level one. If I did the math right you can take three Steggies and three Terradons and keep under 2250 with that spread of units.
  9. Moniker

    Moniker Member

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    I'll fiddle about and see if I can come up with a variation or two. Thanks guys.

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