8th Ed. 2250 No Saurus

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by Moniker, Jan 13, 2013.

  1. Moniker

    Moniker Member

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    So I got curious about a list without Saurus, Southlands style. This is what I came up with. I don't know how I would play it... What're your thoughts?

    Lords 525 pts
    Slann Mage-Priest Battle Standard Bearer Extra Disciplines (Immune to Mundane Weapons Free Power Dice Loremaster Negate Enemy 6's) Cupped Hands (Pass on Miscast with a 2+ to enemy wizard with LoS) Divine Plaque of Protection (2+ Ward vs all Ranged Attacks)

    Heroes 380 pts
    Skink Priest Engine of the Gods Dispel Scroll

    Core 568 pts
    28x Skink Cohort Full Command 3 Kroxigors
    10x Skink Skirmishers
    10x Skink Skirmishers
    19x Skink Cohort Musician

    Special 421 pts
    1x Stegadon
    3x Terradon Riders
    8x Chameleon Skinks

    Rare 355 pts
    1x Ancient Stegadon
    1x Salmander Extra Handler
  2. Rettile

    Rettile Active Member

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    in my opinion it would be a difficult list to play: you're magic is very good, but you haven't models who can really hurt in close combat. No fighter lords or heroes, and only a good close combat unit (skrox). However skink will die easily, and then kroxigors. Two stegadons are nice, but you have two hammers and no one anvil, i think. If your magic phase goes bad, you lose. However if you're luck with magic and very good in redirecting you could do something nice. And, in my opinion only one salamander at 2000+ points it's a sad thing.
  3. david l
    Chameleon Skink

    david l New Member

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    What lore on the Slann? My usual answer would be Light, but three stegs makes Life look really good.

    To me the Engine of the Gods is a mistake. You need the second Ancient Stegadon in combat smashing things, because it is a major chunk of your hitting power. But doing that makes the priest likely to get killed. You can make him more survivable by adding the Dawnstone, but I just don't think the Engine is that valuable anyway. You might even drop the priest entirely. And you can fit 2 Ancient Stegadons into rare by losing the extra snack for the Salamander.

    I think the main SKrox unit needs to be bigger. 28 skinks disappear awful fast, even with buffs. I would remove the second cohort and put those skinks into the first cohort.
  4. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    I have yet to try this yet, because I'm still putting together my massive collection of Kroxigor. I think a Southlands Style list needs at least two big blocks of Skrox. Maybe three.

    Stegadons are at their best when they are supporting a block of fighty infantry and you only have one of those on this list.

    My own inaugural Southlands list is likely going to have a Metal Slann. I'm sure Life will work great, but it's a bit vanilla for my tastes.

    Your Slann seems overly equipped but that's just my humble opinion.
  5. Eladimir

    Eladimir New Member

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    Cool, list but I agree with the above, I'd pull back on the magic a bit a get another block of Skrox (assuming you have 3 more kroxigors)
    28 isn't a bad number. Upto 30 would be good.

    I have an 1800 list that I'm running that has 2 blocks of Skrox and 24 saurus. But I'm a bodies and blocks kinda player.
  6. Ferocious
    Temple Guard

    Ferocious New Member

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    really like this list, kinda how i play ;)

    want some tips?

    go lore of death on the slann,
    doom and darkness + a terror charge from a steg = one feeling unit ;)

    you can take out those nasty chargs with death sniping and debuff his units, also, bunker slann in a skink unit and purple sun away ;)
  7. Lawot

    Lawot Active Member

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    The old Southlands list had an option to take 2 Skink characters as one Lords choice, and each could take 75 pts of magic items. If you're playing a friendly, you might consider asking to make a house rule like that, so that you're not locked into a Slann for a Lord.

    I really like the list. I've played an all-skirmish list before, and it was overwhelming to my opponent. Fortunately, it was also only 1k, or it would be infuriating as well.

    I don't have much experience with Skinks as combat blocks, but the cohort of 19 doesn't look useful to me - too small to tarpit, too big for a cheap redirector. Anyone else see a use for them?

    Slann also looks overpowered to me...but if you want to go for slowing everyone else down while you blast them with magic, that might be viable?

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