Old blood, scimitar of the sun, shield, carnosaur, armor of destiny Lvl 2 skink priest + engine of the gods + diadem of power Core *18 Saurus/FC +Scar Vet w/hero slayer, armor of the lucky adventurer, shield *18 Saurus/FC +Scar Vet w/sword of battle, maiming shield, light armor *18 skink skirmishers *18 skink skirmishers Special *3 Terradon Riders Rare *Salamander (2) pack w/ extra skinks *Salamander pack (2) w/ extra skinks The idea here is to divide the army into two wings. Each wing consists of a double salamander pack, a saurus block and a character (either the oldblood or EOTG) screened by one of the skink skirmisher clouds. Ideally, the skinks screen the enemy into charging a saurus block; the oldblood/EOTG then comes in for a flank charge, with salamanders providing support. The terradons help where needed, or hunt war machines. Any thoughts/suggestions?
first of all: no individual pts values!! you can give the number of pts for eatch group of units (special- 500pts, rare- 250pts for example, but not point valaues for a single unit or char.!! on to the list: i think it looks pretty solid with 1 exeption, the saurus units are too small. It´s more likely that they will get slaughtered when fielded in groups that small. (tough i know I guy who manage to kill a unit of 21 swordsmasters) what you could do that i think would work better is to make 1 unit of perhaps 29 saurus and put them in the middle of your line. also give them spears and let the enemy charge them. this way they will get laods of attacks and wipe out a major part of the enemy unit. I really like that you´re putting a scar-vet in the saurus unit(s). I do the same thing in my lists and It seems to be working well be carefull with your Oldblood since he seems to be walking arouns alone, and will therefor become a target for shootning. good luck!
Thanks--I took out the points values, sorry! Appreciate the feedback. I feel like the forums here seem to go around in a lot of circles regarding what the ideal size of a saurus block is. I figure a 6x3 formation with HtH weapons allows me to get into good base contact. If I give them spears, won't I need to put them into a four-rank configuration to make them viable? Are people having success with 20-unit saurus blocks?
well at least so far (that´s not much though) I have been doing fine with units of 29. then I also put a scar-vet in them. imo, spears are good, just make sure to use them in the right way (not the left. lol) If you have a nice unit of spear saurus, put them somewhere central in the battlefield. and make THE OPPONENT CHARGE YOU. If you charge him, you will not gain any extra attacks. and you will have used extra points just to LOSE the 6+ ward save. that sucks.