7th Ed. 2250 points for tournament

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by Strim, Jan 4, 2010.

  1. Strim

    Strim New Member

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    Hi all! I'm here again with a list you will call cheesy (and maybe it is, but i don't mind :))

    My friends and I are organizing a "friendly" tournament (as if such a thing ever existed :)), and we all want to win.

    I will play against:

    - Daemons of Chaos (Full Nurgle with the Great Daemon of Nurgle and Epidemius (the special character that gives all nurgle units lots of bonuses) and 2 units of Tzench incinerators of 6 models each)
    - Vampire Counts (full Magic with at least a Black carriage and a big big unit of Tumularies)
    - Tomb Kings (again, full Magic)
    - Warriors of Chaos (without a single infantry unit! he plays an all-cavalry list with the super ogre-dragon, don't know it's name in english)
    - Dark Elves (don't know what he is going to use)
    - Skaven (new codex, quite cheesy list with the super plague monks unit and a grey seer)
    - Orcs and goblins (this army doesn't really troubles me)
    - Dwarfes (at least 6 war machines... i hate that army...)

    So... just imagine what i'm going to use... :)

    - Slann + Focus of Mistery + The focused rumination + Trascendent healing + The becalming cogitation + BSB + Cupped hands of the Old ones + Dispell scroll = 520 points (GENERAL)
    - Skink priest + Level 2 + Rod of the Storm + Engine of the Gods = 415 points
    - Skink priest + Level 2 + Blood statuette of spite + Dispell scroll + Engine of the Gods = 440 points
    - Saurus scar-veteran + Great weapon + Light armour + Shield + Charm of the jaguar warrior = 124 points

    - 10 skink skirmishers = 70 points
    - 10 skink skirmishers = 70 points
    - 10 skink skirmishers = 70 points

    - 3 terradon riders = 90 points
    - 3 terradon riders = 90 points

    - Ancient stegadon = 275 points
    - 1 Salamander + Extra handler = 80 points

    TOTAL: 2244 points

    Power dice: 12 + extra dice for the slann because of the focused rumination
    Dispell dice: 8 + 2 dispell scrolls

    So... I know it's cheesy, but the same can be said for the others, so i don't mind. I expect problems with the Warriors of Chaos (because of it's high movement), the Daemons (because of the tzench incinerators and the nurgle daemon) and the Dwarfes (because of the war machines). How would you play against them?

    And, of course, what do you think about the list?

    Thanks in advance for the advice.
  2. tas.tanis
    Jungle Swarm

    tas.tanis New Member

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    HAHA i think it's funny that people always talk about hating 2 engines, but i think that you should totally be able to use them. Im not super great but figured i'd reply because no one has yet. lol.

    I think that the biggest problem with the build is that there is nothing to really tie your opponent down. This is one of my own tactics, but if I have 2 or more stags, I would get a saurus block and attack my stag with a character to it. That gives them immunity to terror, as well as making the group stubborn. this can hold up an enemy cavalry charge and then your other two can use burning alignment or impact hits to kill it.
  3. JohnMavrick

    JohnMavrick New Member

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    In a tournament full of blocks of cheese I think your army is just fine! There is nothing wrong with cheese so long as you can expect others to bring their own brand as well!

    I personally don't use up all four hero slots. I would probably drop one of your priests along with his steg. You need to points to bulk out your army and you have a wwwhhhole bunch of points tied up into four units. If he takes out half of your character selection your in real trouble no matter which two he takes out. I mean you have well more than half your army tied up in just your hero selections. Cannons and bolt throwers and rock lobbers and the like would eat you alive!

    [quote- 10 skink skirmishers = 70 points
    - 10 skink skirmishers = 70 points
    - 10 skink skirmishers = 70 points.[/quote]

    I see absolutely nothing wrong with your skink choices. Excellent! However I don't see what most people call our meat and potatoes. You need at least two good sized blocks of saurus. Minimum of two units of 5x3 w/ spears, mus. and standard. You've gotta have units that can take charges and strike back with impunity. You have no staying power in your army what-so-ever.

    [quote- 3 terradon riders = 90 points
    - 3 terradon riders = 90 points.[/quote]

    Excellent choices, wouldn't go any other way, especially given the Tomb Kings, Dwarves and Elven effinity towards war machines.

    [quote- Ancient stegadon = 275 points
    - 1 Salamander + Extra handler = 80 points.[/quote]

    Some hard hitters and panic providers. Problem with the Salamander though, your armies are either high leadership or ITP. I might drop the Salamander in favor of those saurus regiments.
  4. walach

    walach New Member

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    the ancient with no rider seems a bit lonely... i'd really consider dropping the scar veteran for a skink chief with the stegadon warspear.

    against the warriors, it should be cake to get the skinks out front and then counter charge with the stegadons no?

    against dwarves, well you have the 5+ ward save from the engines - i'd try and keep everything inside that. and pray for some bad shooting rolls... does he tend to stack runesmiths too? if not the magic should make the war machines thier priority, and pick a lore accordingly of course :)

    i have yet to see any army work well against demons. unless he's taking the anti-lore of light magic banner, then go for light and try and dazzling brightness.... well anything you can! i managed to get it on a bloodthirster, and he was destroyed in that combat round.
    failing that, i guess fire magic would at least ignore the regeneration saves. definetley avoid lores with spells that ignore armour saves (as there wont be many) or psychology based.
  5. Bibamus

    Bibamus New Member

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    if i'm not mistaken the lore of life Howler's Wind spell ignores shooting of S4 or less at units within 12", that should take care of the flamers for a few turns. i suggest poisoning the GUO to death. alternatively you want lore of shadows since nurgle units have I 1 and a succesfull pit of shades can really destroy his nurgle bunker. lore of life has the added advantage of healing your stegs and slanns (even 2 W models) to full so your stegadons can survive longer seeing as you're points are in them.
    the jag saurus can be nice against dwarves but nothing more... you might be better off with a war-spear on that lone steg instead of teh scar-vet, or drop both and get some saurus with spears for anvils.
    you might also want a diadem of power on one of your skinks if you think VC and TK will trouble your magic phase. against VC 2 DD will make a difference and maybe against TK aswell, otherwise the scroll is beter, your choice.
    i wouldn't worry too much about WoC. you can dispell his gateways if he spams them and spirit of the forge will take care of all the chaos knights if you stay away from them long enough, the marauders will barely do any damage on your stegadons and they shouldn't cath any faster stuff.
    lore of fire against skaven and keep wall of fire up on the plague monks while poisoning his furnace, that should take care of them, also spam fire spells at the abomination so he doesn't get his "I'll be back!" roll.

    regarding the slann: i'd rather use higher state of Consciousness with a lone slaan since that will only allow daemons to hurt him, while transcendent healing can be ignored by flaming attacks (i.e. flamers, the only deamon that will get a chance to touch him)

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