7th Ed. 2250 Slann

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by dirtydan17, Aug 4, 2009.

  1. dirtydan17

    dirtydan17 New Member

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    I've been toying around with my lizardmen for, oh, the last fifteen years or so, but I just started playing at my local club and such. Most posted lists don't seem to be anything like what I come up with, so lets take a gander at what I've come down to.

    Slann (425)
    BSB, Full Lore, +1 PD, Negate 6s, 25 pt banner (usually huanchi's)

    20 Temple Gaurd (358)
    champion with venom of the firefly frog, standard bearer

    Skink Priest Lvl 2 (390)
    EotG, Plaque of Tepok

    Skink Priest Lvl 1 (90)
    Cloak of Feathers

    Skink Chief (340)
    Stegadon and Warspear

    6 Cold One Riders (250)
    Champion and Standard bearer

    15 Saurus Warriors (189)
    Champion and standard bearer

    10 skink cohort (50)

    10 skink skirmishers (70)

    10 skink skirmishers (70)

    Please let me know what you think and what sort of tactics and changes you might use with an army like this
  2. thesecondman
    Temple Guard

    thesecondman New Member

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    I believe you may have mis-directed a few points.

    Firstly, you NEED to take cupped hands of the old ones. Do you have any idea how cool it is rolling six power dice to FORCE a miscast, so that you can bounce the 'double one result' on the miscast table onto a vampire lord on top of a zombie dragon? No? me neither, cos Im using a Carnosaur this year..but next year...ooooh.

    -The Skink cohorts (yes they are classy...but they are terrabad. bad man! Baaaad! >.<)

    -The 6's discard ability on the Slann. Why is it a waste? Cos not everyone has mages. Its 50 points that are wasted when playing against quite a lot of armies. You have heaps of dispel dice, often enough to blunt or decimate your opponents magic phase, and 50 points could be troops that are useful against every army.

    -The Second skink priest. I know your going for a magic heavy army, but this guy is really pants. He's level one, and he uses budget heavans magic. One slann and one Engine.otgods Skink is prolly enough, and you won't get slammed by judges as you only have 7 magic levels. (Don't worry, with the Slann its like you have 10-11 with focussed rumination, not to mention the EotG lowering his lores casting value).

    -Saurus Cav are really expensive and their stupidity can lose you games. Yes, they hit kinda hard, but only if the actually move instead of sitting there going "lol, we're worth heaps of points and we like to move 3.5 inches forward instead of charging..gg we lose ur game lololo".....(if you drop them together with the above you will have a legitimate amount of points to play about with, like getting razor/terradons, or some chameleon skinks for march blocking or just more straight up saurus....

    -.....Normal saurus warriors with 6 frontage armed with spears (i take units of 18) are really good. Don't take saurus without spears bro, they get 2 attacks with spears from the second rank this edition.

    -2 Stegadons might very well get you marked down in composition scores in a real tournament. If your tournament organisers have downs and don't mind, then go guns, cos 2 of them is pretty fricking good.
    To be fair though, you could take eight......

    This is an opinion based post, you don't have to agree with me. Good luck with your army and gaming regardless of how you choose to build your army in the end.
  3. camo-skink
    Chameleon Skink

    camo-skink New Member

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    i would also second the thought of getting terradons. they are great for charging flanks and rears, and also picking off war machine crew early in the game. they're also great at blocking charges since they will most likely rally and move thanks to the cold blooded and hit and run abilities. just remember to drop their rocks before you become a charge block since it's one of the terradon's most valuable assets.
    one last note, you forgot to add on the 15 points for the plaque of tepok.

  4. Sammy the Squib

    Sammy the Squib Member

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    Less of this
  5. teknistmajjan

    teknistmajjan New Member

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    Do not listen to this madman. Skink Cohort is one of the best redirect units in the game. For 50 points you get something that can move up to 12", throw javelins and redirect things you do not want to be charged from or keep people from hitting you in the flank. I never play one single game without atleast 2 units.

    If we were not using a WPS comp system which punishes cohorts that are below 75p i would bring 4 to the table every single time, it is the only unit in the whole list you really can throw away with a smile on your face and know that they have done their work.

    So use them, go with 2 atleast and focus on the movement part of warhammer, thats were the battle is won.
  6. KroxigorsFTW

    KroxigorsFTW New Member

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    If only you were looking at my list. Although my unitwas 22 with 2 kroxigor....

    Back OT:

    List looks quite good, and honestly, not much (if anything) has been said that i wouldn't have said. Although, on thing i would say is, the flying Skink Priest may not be needed in most games (i've heard one of the most useful things to do it fly him beside a cavalry unit and cast the hunters spear and shoot them in the side, cavalry unit, most likley dead.) But other then that, just listen to the other posters (they hit the nail on the head.)And good luck.

    Just out of interest, i was wondering, how old are some of your models?
  7. dirtydan17

    dirtydan17 New Member

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    My oldest stuff dates back to the Lizard/Breton era boxed set. Saurus, skinks, krox, sallies, terradons, etc.

    I'm trying to figure out what to do with my old slann but thats another topic.

    I'll be back with changes and results as soon as I get some games in (infants make warhammer hard to play lol)
  8. DonkeyHotep
    Temple Guard

    DonkeyHotep New Member

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    Your playing hero-hammer, knock it off, that's my best advice.

    My worst advice is don't immediately discount the ranked skinks as a combat unit, they can seriously muck up units that don't have a darn thing for CR, even rank+outnumber counts for a lot, and I tend to give them an extra rank just so they can stop things like tree men or unlucky giants.

    The problem I have with terradons is that the thing you mostly want them to fight is warmachines right? But terradons are themselves super weak against pew pew, so gettint behind the line can be a problem when people just turn around and pew you. It is likely a difference in the metagame that I face, but versus dwarves/empire, they just gonna get shot up.

    Also, I'd replace the champion on the cavalry with a war banner, +2 to CR is nicer then +1 Attack.

    Further, why do you feel the need for 20 temple guard?
  9. KroxigorsFTW

    KroxigorsFTW New Member

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    I'd be fielding 20 TG if i had the points. Reason? Thats 6 in the fron, 4 on each side of the Slann (in both ranks he's in) and then another rank of 6 to protect the flank. Rock Solid....
  10. thesecondman
    Temple Guard

    thesecondman New Member

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    Skink cohorts = free combat rez and victory points to your enemies. mabye they are 'ok' as throw-away units (i prefer skink skirmishers), but put any kroxigors in any of the units and they become a waste.

    terradons - can march block entire armies, kill mages who are in dumb places, AND kill war machine crews.

    Temple guard - never run away and are tough and strong. the more the better.

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