So this is my first time taking Lizzy to a torny im usually a undead man myself and play kings/vamps so wanna see what you fellas have in mind. Slann bsb 455 The Focused Rumination higher state of consciousness Bane Head plaque of tepok Scrollx2 warbanner Skink Priest lvl1 115 blood statuette of spite rod of the storm scar vet 149 glyph necklace charm of jag warrior great weapon la shield x12 saurus Warriors 144 spears x12 saurus Warriors 144 spears x12 saurus Warriors 144 spears x10 Skink skirmishers 70 blowpipes x10 Skink skirmishers 70 blowpipes x11 Skinks 113 Kroxigor(1),banner x11 Skinks 113 Kroxigor(1),banner x4 Terradon Riders 120 x4 Terradon Riders 120 x3 Kroxigors 165 x3 Kroxigors 165 x1 Salamander hunting pack 80(4 handlers) x1 Salamander hunting pack 80(4 handlers) 2247
Pretty interesting list, looks like a nice balance but it doesn't have much hitting power from the looks of things.
Yeah no big expensive unit of doom going to try force mistakes and get points here and there with magic and shooting and hopefully weaken things up for krox/sauras to finish up with the mixed units coming in from the side. think the 5+ ward on scar vet is worth it or should i go 2+ward for 1st wound
i would take the 3rd unit of saurus out and give the other 2 units 6 more guys 3x6 for max hitting power and an extra rank, lose the skink/krox units and try and get a EotG worked in there somehow i would also give the scrolls to the priest cause he's not your main caster, if you can't work the EotG add more sallies, a regular steggie, or just another 6x3 unit, your scar-vet only has 2 wounds so i would give him the 2+ so that he basically gets 3 wounds but like i say that is what i would do go with what works for you
Well i really want to stay away from a slann/eotg setup as it does get frowned upon i think its way to much magic and i don't wanna be hit for comp to much. with the saurus i think they work really well as 12 there not expensive at all and i fell you will use all the points that they are worth in the game going to 6x3 i think they just cost to much and fighting for there points can be hard. Yeah i agree with the +2 ward cause i can see myself taking 2 wounds and not saving any and just ends up being a waist with the 2+ it will see it points(he is really just a chariot or mage out in the open killer). Thanks for the reply's guys keep em coming! edit: sorry with the skink i have him with them because i see the lil guys running a bit and i would rather have him run away with the 1 use onlys then the scrolls + i want bane head on the slann with the plaque. skink can wait for them scrolls to be used then poke his head out use the 1 use only then go do his thing and hide for that DD wont mind if he dies to much he did his job.
While fluffy I do not care for the mixed skink and kroxigor units. Admittedly I have not used them yet so perhaps table top experience would change my vote, but I see them as too much of a liability since your opponent is going to wail on the skinks to rack up decent kills and leave the kroxigor alone so they hopefully flee from combat res. My proposal would be to drop the two skink/kroigor units in exchange for unit of temple guard to shield you slaan. Plus the TG + Slaan unit is a wonderful tarpit if you need one. Ethereal is wonderful and all, but honestly it isn't that hard to pin the Slaan down in combat and win my static res since the Slaan won't be racking up the dynamic res generally (although a Slaan with Bears Anger would amuse me to no end). Furthermore, if you put him in one of your other units he is occupying the front rank and is removing some your actual fighters, not to mention at risk for challenges and character assassins since you have no champions in the units to accept in the Slaan's place. That's my 2 cents in anyways.
hmm well this is a list with temple guard tbh i haven't played with them yet does it restrict the slann much with los? Slann bsb 405 The Focused Rumination Bane Head plaque of tepok Scrollx2 warbanner Skink Priest lvl1 115 Fly rod of the storm scar vet 149 amulet of itzl charm of jag warrior great weapon la shield saurus Warriors 162 x12 spears,muso ,banner saurus Warriors 162 x12 spears,muso,banner saurus Warriors 162 x12 spears,muso,banner Skinks 70 x10 blowpipes Skinks 70 x10 blowpipes Terradon Riders 150 x5 16x temple guard 316 banner,champ,muso,+d6 charge Kroxigors 165 x3 Kroxigors 165 x3 Salamander hunting pack 80 x1(4 handlers) Salamander hunting pack 80 x1(4 handlers)
Concerning LOS, in what way are you thinking it would be lessened. If anything it is enhanced to a degree. The Slaan must have LOS as per the shooting rules to hit a target with magic missile, but other wise can chuck non-magic missile spells around as normal. However, when a Slaan is in a unit of TG he counts as a large target for his LOS purposes, which means he can fire his magic missiles over intervening models, including those that are currently engaging the TG unit he is in.
I think your first list looks quite interesting, and since it doesn't have any pts sinks but the slann and you has more than two of any type of units you're fielding, you dosn't have to be too worried about loosing a unit or two either. The ide with so small saurus units isn't something I would fancy most of the time, but in this case it might work as it gives you the ability to flood the enemy with more units.. I guess you'll have to come up with another tactic than the classical anvil/hammer, becous you really doesn't have a decent anvil, only two heavy hammers. hmmm, if the terrain permits it, you could go for a "refused center" kind of tactic. fielding the rather small saurus units in the center and the faster kroxies out on each flank. the saurus should be able to hold a charge becous of the cold blooded rule, and if they don't, it doesn't really matter that much as your main force is at the flanks. Your terries and kroxies will advance through any forrest or water terrain and come around your enemy and hit him from both sides at the same time. the skinks should be a shield for your saurus to help them survive enemy fire. The slann you hide behind an obstacle and use your skink as eyes( you should probably have another skink if you use this plan as it would be very easy to take out one and leave your slann blinded) Your second armylist kind of switch the focus around, making a bulking 700 pts unit makes it a rather juicy target But now you've got yourself a mighty anvil that is going to be a though nail to break. This army is more like the ones I use to go with, but I prefere saurus groups in 15 and I usually go with some bigger dinos as well... my biggest concern is that you lack the ranks and fast flankers if you're up against superior infantry so pick your fights wisely.. Good luck