Scenarios: 3x Battleline, B&G, battleline w/ 200pts Objective in the center Note: About 1/3 of participant (about 30) are going to play WoC, thats why Skroxs. if DP(s) get in combat with saurus warriors, I'll get raped, with 9 S6 I could theoretically do some wounds on it (even if hitting on 5s) Note sure about generals lore, Heavens is good, but I think Skroxies would need light more, but then I would have less "outs" against WoC w/ dual prince
If your oppenents are smart then you will only get 6 s6 from the krox as the DP just makes contact with 4 skinks which are on one side stopping one krox from attacking. Swap biting blade for a sword of might or burning blade to kill chimeras and trolls. I'd go bigger on the chamo units just to bring down the models with weight of fire but thats a personal thing. GL
This is allowed since the BRB states that maximization is for "models in base contact" vice number of models fighting - a subtle difference that I just noted so thanks to Irish Lizard for that! However, after the first turn, the skrox can do a combat reform to get all 3 krox into a fighting position. Not that this has ever made a lot of difference for me as the krox still need 6's to hit (high DP WS + mark of nurgle), 3's to wound followed by DP saves of 4+/5+. Furthermore, there is the recovery of wounds through soul feeder or the nurgle lore attribute giving extra wounds & toughness!!
Testgame; 0-20 to empire. I was too passive (=cant win empire in camping if table isnt good enough for you), magic let me down so my ranged damage output was close to 0. Cannons are just awfull vs. Skroxies, kill couple Kroxigors and they are pretty useless in combat. Saurus warriors would have been better in this match. IMO one scar vet need fireward just because of DoCs flaming cannon, changing the gear.