Hello long time no see! Its getting time to field my lizardmen for the first time ever and could use some pointers about my the list circuling in my head! Im lost about what lore to give my slann, unit sizes and model choices in general. Would this be a fun yet balanced list? Can i counter most things? Please leave your thoughts Lizardmen 2400. LORDS: 425. Slann Mage Priest, lore?, Harmonic Convergence, Becalming Cogitation, Channeling Staff, Obsidian Amulet, BSB. HEROES: 388. Scar Veteran, Light Armour, Egg of Quango, Enchanted shield, Sword of Striking. Scar Veteran, Cold One, light armour, charmed shield, Sword of Might, Dawnstone. Skink Priest, lvl 1, Lore of Beasts, Dispell Scroll. CORE: 670. 40 x Saurus Warriors, musician, standard, Spears, (5wide/8deep). 10 x Skink Skirmishers. 10 x Skink Skirmishers. 10 x Skink Skirmishers. SPECIAL: 449. 20x Temple Guard, Full Command, Banner of discipline. 4 x Terradons, Fireleach Bolas. RARE: 468. Ancient Stegadon, Sharpened Horns, Engine of the gods. Salamander Hunting Pack, 1 extra handler. Salamander Hunting Pack, 1 extra handler. TOTAL: 2400. So the slann obviously goes with the templeguard. The scarvet on foot joins the saurus go give them some more punch, skink with a skirmisher unit.
Re: 2400 please review Here's a few notes: #1) Drop the Obsidian Amulet. You will almost never use Magic Resistance. It doesn't work against the "big spells" (Dwellers, Transmutation, Dreaded 13th, Pit of Shades, etc) and it doesn't work against Hexes or Magic Weapons or Magical Attacks. #2) Your Sword of Might Scar Vet will live longer if you give him the Armor of Destiny and a Great Weapon rather than the Sword of Might and Dawnstone (unless you are expecting to run into ethereal things). Ward Save > Armor Save because of all the high Strength things and spells/abilities that ignore armor. Save the Dawnstone for a second Scar Vet cowboy. #3) Don't precommit yourself to 5x8 with your 40 Saurus. Allow yourself to be flexible and run them 10x4 if that is the better match up for a particular game (you can decide how they will be ranked when you deploy them) Also, when not going horde, a common frontage for Saurus is 6 wide (because they are on 25s rather than 20s) Don't be afraid to go 6x7 with a partial 7th rank. All that being said, 40 is a lot of regular Saurus. #4) Temple Guard are much better than Saurus. I would actually recommend dropping some regular Saurus and adding more Temple Guard. The closer to 30 Temple Guard you can get, the better. #5) I think the Banner of Discipline is overrated. 3-dice Ld 10 is practically insignificantly better than 3-dice Ld9. If you have extra points and a Magic Banner slot, then I wouldn't argue against it, but I'd rather the Razor Banner or Skavenpelt Banner (or both!) on my Temple Guard any day of the week and twice on Slannurdays! #6) Magic Lore. Depends on your play style really. Loremaster of High is a pretty good jack-of-all-trades (especially considering the Lore Attribute) but I think it takes a bit of experience to use it well (especially the Lore Attribute). I don't think I'd like High Magic without Loremaster, though. I think Life is a good starter Lore (You want to get Throne of Vines and Flesh to Stone. The signature is nice on the Temple Guard, Regrowth can keep your regular Saurus in a fight longer than they should be, and Dwellers can be game changing). The Lore Attribute can keep your stegadon and Scar Vets in the game long past their expiration dates, too. Light is another fan favorite. Saurus with I10 WS10 and/or ASF are beasts. And there are some nice Magic Missiles in there (especially against undead/deamons). If you find yourself going up against Warriors of Chaos (or anything with lots of high armor saves) you can try Lore of Metal. It's pretty powerful against the right matchups, but it can really fall flat against certain (Most?) armies.
Re: 2400 please review Thank you for the informativ post, very helpful! Just a few things! #1) I choose the Amulet because of protection against miscasts, my slann would have a 2+ Save against it and my templeguard a 5+. Correct me if im wrong here, if so i also dont see the point of it . #2) i actually do encounter alot of Etherials and this was supposed to be my answer to them, expensive i know . Same goes for the scarvet on foot with saurus, hes there for Etherials and to give the unit some more punch. #3) agreed 40 is alot, my thinking was that with 40 and 5x8 that they werent going anywhere, and with spears they would have 20 attacks and another 4 (+egg of Quango) from the scar veteran they would hit pretty hard. But i agree, i have been thinking about 30 6x5 and add 2 more skirmishing units. #4) yes 26 was my first thought but points became an issue . Would you say that running less then 30 is a waste of points? Would realy like to field these guys hehe. #5) Haha yea razor standard looks tasty. But on 20 guards it seems like a waste, will definalty consider it if i choose to expand the unit! #6) High or life was my thinking aswell. Thanks again buddy! Please leave additional thoughts below if you have any!
Re: 2400 please review MR doesn't work against Ward Saves. That's in the FAQ. It would be awesome if it did though, you'd see the MR(3) item in every TG unit. Keep the magic weapons! I'll never say "no" to more skinks, but you can get yourself into a situation where your skirmish units get in their own way. I think you'd get better results by dropping 7 Saurus and adding 5 Temple Guard Less than 30 isn't a waste of points (especially with a Slann). The problem with Saurus is that they are I1 and I2. So before you get to lay the smack down you have to take some punishment first. T4 is good, but everything has T4 these days, so everyone brings units to handle them. TG fight better than regular Saurus, but they both melt at the same speed (technically sword and board Saurus live longer than TG). Saurus really rely on magic to survive, and when you have two blocks of Saurus you have to leave one to the wolves while focusing your magic on the other one (or split your magic and let the wolves eat them both).
Re: 2400 please review Re-wrote the list and it now looks like this, tell me what you guys think . Lizardmen 2400. LORDS: 400 Slann Mage Priest, lore of Life, Harmonic Convergence, Becalming Cogitation, Channeling Staff, Ironcurse icon, BSB. HEROES: 388. Scar Veteran, Light Armour, Egg of Quango, Enchanted shield, Sword of Striking. Scar Veteran, Cold One, light armour, charmed shield, Sword of Might, Dawnstone. Skink Priest, lvl 1, Lore of Beasts, Dispell Scroll. CORE: 604. 34x Saurus Warriors, musician, standard, Spears or hw/shield... Hmm. 10 x Skink Skirmishers. 10 x Skink Skirmishers. 10 x Skink Skirmishers. SPECIAL: 539. 26x Temple Guard, Full Command, Banner of swiftness. 3 x Ripperdactyl, Brave. RARE: 468. Ancient Stegadon, Sharpened Horns, Engine of the gods. Salamander Hunting Pack, 1 extra handler. Salamander Hunting Pack, 1 extra handler. TOTAL: 2399
Re: 2400 please review, new improved(?) list added at the bo I prefer Hand Weapons to Spears, because I believe in the Parry Save, but if you keep your Engine of the Gods near the Saurus (and keep the Stegadon alive) then you wil get more bang for you buck out of the Spears. I'd reccomend starting with Spears and if you find that you can't keep them in Ward-save-range (or you don't often have that 3rd rank left when it is time for your attacks) then switch to hand weapons. I usually play with the Iconcurse Icon, too. But it's only really necessary for the first turn or two of the game for my Temple Guard (since I plan on getting them into Close Combat as soon as possible) and I can usually keep them in the Ancient Stegadon's 6+ Ward bubble for the same results. So I like to put the Icon on one of my Wardless Scar Vets so I can deploy him away from the Scar Vet with a little bit of war machine protection. Of course it all depends on your deployment strategy. I like to but my Stegadon in the middle and put my Core block (usually I use a big Skrox unit) and my Temple Guard on either side of it so that the most models have a little bit of Ward save against a first turn shooting bonanza. Also, remember you can deploy your Cold One Scar Vet inside either unit of Saurus. The Scar Vet won't get a look our sir roll against templates, but he also can't be targeted directly by most things. And he gives the unit Immune to Psychology. It's a nice place to hide a cowboy against a shooty army, especially if you don't= end up with first turn. And one more tip, put your Slann off to the side in your Temple Guard unit (not in the middle) that way if you miscast, you minimize the number of TG that are in base contact/hit by a template. You expose the Slann to a flank attack, but he's pretty resilient, and just don't get charged in that flank! Good luck!
Re: 2400 please review, new improved(?) list added at the bo Thank you! So you think the list looks alright overall? I meen would ut fair well against most opponents? Hard to balance a list i think hehe