8th Ed. 2400 vs Empire

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by Gary_M, Mar 2, 2015.

  1. Gary_M

    Gary_M Well-Known Member

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    As is usual I think I know what I want to take, but can't fit it all in! I am thinking of taking the following:

    Slann, BSB, Becalming Cogitation, Harmonic, Channeling Staff, WD
    425 pts
    OB, CO, Fencers Blades, Glittering Scales, Dawnstone
    255 pts

    SV, CO, GW, A of D
    154 pts
    Priest, Lvl 2 (Beasts), Dispel Scroll
    125 pts

    33 Saurus, full command
    3 x 10 skink skirmishers
    603 pts

    3 terradons
    26 TG, full command & Razor Std
    5 Cold ones, full command, spears
    734 pts

    1 Sallie & snack
    84 pts

    This totals 2380, so I have 20 to play with.

    What I had in mind was the following:
    Ironcurse Icon, but not sure whether this should go to the Slann to protect the TG, or the OB to protect the COR.

    Then either Other Tricksters Shard (not sure I'll get much use out of this), or
    Std of Discipline for the Slann BSB.

    Currently leaning towards the ICI on the OB and Std of Discipline for Slann.

    Finally I've gone with WD on the Slann, I've used this before and had decent results, but I do like Loremaster High Magic too. Both have their proponents on the forum and I don't think there's a right or wrong answer to be honest.

    The one thing I'd like to take but can't fit would be 6 kroxigor (Possibly drop the Slann, and take either Tetto or another Lvl 2 Priest?)

  2. airjamy

    airjamy Well-Known Member

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    Hi, reasonable start, just a few things need changing. First, drop the champion on the COC, you only get the look out sir on your character if you have at least 5 RANK AND FILE models. A savvy player will just cannonbal your character out of the unit, and there is nothing you can do about it.

    I don't really like taking only one Salamander, it can just missfire and leave you with nothing where you would imagine a huge dent in the enemy. They are really strong, and i would take 2 to just make sure at least one shot hits. They almost slways get their points back, pretty much every time unless they missifre like twice.

    I also take it your Sauri have HWS and your skink skirmishers javelins?
  3. Chicken Lips

    Chicken Lips Well-Known Member

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    Just a quick question about the Salamander Hunting Packs - Is there a good reason for combining them in the same unit? Why not just take two separate units that can still fire at different (or the same) targets?

    Sorry, I don't mean to hijack your thread!
  4. Chicken Lips

    Chicken Lips Well-Known Member

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    Since you are facing Empire (My first and largest army), then I'd say that your list is looking rather good.

    A few things that I might suggest:

    1. I'd try to fit in more Cold One Cavalry somewhere. They will tear Empire infantry a new one, but they will also be a good counter to Empire cavalry. You are almost sure to be facing some Demigryph Knights so that Scar Vet on CO will be your best bet at getting rid of them outside of magic. You will also need their speed if you go up against an all mounted Empire list (starting to be much more common and usually what I run). The amount of armor that you will had to go through and their maneuverability will give them the upper-hand as far as choice match-ups. COC are a great counter to that. The Biting Blade on another character would be a good choice as well to help carve through some of those 1+ armor saves.

    2. I really, really like your build on your OB. If you find that he has taken the Van Helstrum's Speculuum, then he will need those items to be survivable. Be wary of wizards that seem to be left a little too undefended or on the front lines. He'll probably have it since he has the worst stat line for Empire characters.

    3. Remember that the Salamander's could be a sitting target for a Captain on a Pegasus. The most common build for a Captasus is to have Full Plate Armor, Charmed Shield, Sword of Might, and Dawnstone. That will give him a 2++ re-rollable armor save, S5, a chance to discount the first hit on a 2+, and the Pegasus attack in a combined profile. The Salamanders will be a huge red flag for him. Be careful that they have adequate support in your deployment phase.

    4. He will most likely have you outgunned. The pressure to come to him will all be on you. Make sure that your Skinks are providing an adequate smoke screen for the rest of your units and move up quickly to put the pressure on.

    5. If he brings a Steam Tank (most Empire players do) then focus on getting at least 5 wounds on it. After that, you don't really have to worry about it as it will probably do damage to itself. Watch out if he is running Life magic though. Those wounds are hard fought for and you don't want him getting any back! It also causes Terror, so after canceling out the Fear your CO cause, you don't want to run the risk of your WS10 character dropping to WS1.

    The Empire relies on synergy of their units supporting one another. If you can isolate them, then they will start to fall apart.

    Hope that helps a bit! Good luck!

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