8th Ed. 2400p LM - Go Big or Go Home!

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by jenshenrik, Oct 18, 2014.

  1. jenshenrik
    Jungle Swarm

    jenshenrik New Member

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    First of all, disclaimer: I'm asking for suggestions for list builds here, not feedback on a list, as I don't have one yet. :)

    New user, and potentially new LM player here :) My local club is starting an escalation league soon, and seeing as I'd like to paint something colorful, I'm considering Lizardmen. I'm very much a casual gamer, more concerned about themes and aesthetics than efficiency and clobbering my opponent. That said, I still like to give my opponent a run for his money, before he tramples all over me :)

    Things I like a lot: Slann in TG bunker. Big dinos :)

    Things I like less: Skinks in blocks. I don't mind bringing a few units of skirmishers, as I like the idea of that, but not rank and file-blocks. I'm still undecided on cohorts with Kroxigors. Also, I generally don't like special characters, but I'll still accept suggestions with those.

    So, how would you build a list on those conditions? :)
  2. Kblock

    Kblock Active Member

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    To start any Lizardman army, you need core and a Hero for a general. Since you are not big on Skink Cohorts, start with a battalion box. This gives you some Saurus warriors and Skinks for a skirmisher unit, plus Temple Guard and Cold One cav (small dinos). This will get you through the first couple of point levels in an escalation league. Then as you increase points, you can add some dinos (Bastilodon and Stegadon or maybe Salamanders or Razordons) and a Slann. And more core will be needed as the point level increases, so more Saurus and/or Skinks.
  3. jenshenrik
    Jungle Swarm

    jenshenrik New Member

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    Sorry, I should have been more clear. Disregard the escalation bit. I'm looking for the final list right now (around 2400/2500 pts), and then I'll work my way backwards from that :)

    I've looked at building som core and adding some stuff
    CORE (607 pts.)
    27 Saurus Warriors
    - FC
    20 Skink Skirmishers
    20 Skink Skirmishers
    SPECIAL (880 pts.)
    30 Temple Guard
    - FC
    This meets the min. core requirement for 2400 pts. and has a nice bunker unit for the Slann. But if I want to add a Slann and a Scar-Vet on a Carnosaur, there's not much room for anything else. I'm counting on the Slann to come in at around 450, and the Scar-Vet at 350. I'd like to include at least some Ripperdactyls as well, and I've been advised to find the points for some Chameleons.

    I'm considering dropping one Stegadon, maybe for a Bastiladon -- love the model, but I'm not too sure on the rules, though. The Solar Engine seems nice, but maybe a bit too random. The two Stegadons are in no way a must, and I like the model diversity in bringing the Bastiladon instead.

    Should I cut down on the size of the TG bunker? Will I just have to realize, that what I want to do simply isn't possible at that point level?
  4. Stuntyogre

    Stuntyogre Member

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    I would highly advise dropping one Stegadon for a Bastiladon, and then turn the other Stegadon into an Ancient Steg. At the early stages of the escalation the Bastiladon will be very powerful and even at the larger point levels he will still be useful. The TG can be as small as 24-46 without hurting the unit too much.
    Ripperdactyls, very awesome, and very fun. I've found it enjoyable to come up with a creative little story about where the Skinks hid the toad and how the target never noticed until it was too late. I'd advise starting with one box, and then if you like it go for a second to try bigger units or two smaller ones
    If you change you skirmisher units into 4x10 instead of 2x20 you will have immeasurably better results
  5. jenshenrik
    Jungle Swarm

    jenshenrik New Member

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    Done. There are some suggested restrictions on minor point levels, though. Basically, its 1+ core pr. 250 pts, max. 1 lord/hero and max 1 special/rare pr. 500 pts. It's a casual league, so they're only suggested guidelines, but I want to try to stick within them for the first 1000 pts. at least. But I don't think we're restricted to using one list per increment, so I'm probably gonna experiment with the special/rare choices a bit.


    I'm including a unit of three as my one special/rare choice in 500 pts, for sure. For now, I'm not planning on adding more, but that may change once I try them on the table :)


    Thanks for the feedback :)

    Here's where I'm at so far
    Slann Mage-Priest
    - BSB
    - Becalming Cognitation
    - Wandering Deliberations
    - Dispell Scroll
    Saurus Scar-Veteran
    - Carnosaur
    - Bloodroar
    - Loping Strides
    - Light Armour
    - Great Weapon
    - Talisman of Preservation
    607 pts. total of min. 600.
    27 Saurus Warriors
    - FC
    4x 10 Skink Skirmishers
    24 Temple Guard
    - FC
    - Solar Engine
    3 Ripperdactyl Riders
    Ancient Stegadon
    Salamander Hunting Pack
    Total 2353
    It's definetly getting closer to what I'd want the list to look like. Not sure whether I should find the points for a cheap Skink Priest to use as a mobile Vassal. Also, I'm not sure about the kit for the Ancient Stegadon. I like the EotG on paper, but is it any good? And how about the two upgrades? I can never judge thsese things on paper only :)
  6. Stuntyogre

    Stuntyogre Member

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    I just started playing as Lizzies in August and have never tried, nor do I own a Stegadon model. From my experience playing vs them as Ogres and Dwarfs, Sharpened Horns is very nice to have. Stampede is something I would purchase initially then when I go around trimming to tweak the list I would drop it pretty soon if I had to.

    Skink Priest is good to have, but make sure you know what you're doing with him and what you want to cast. As a vassal for a WD Slann I'd imagine he is quite useful.
  7. jenshenrik
    Jungle Swarm

    jenshenrik New Member

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    Thanks, I'll keep that in mind.

    Anyone got input on the EotG?

    I'm thinking of taking a lvl 1 beast for the (extra) signature, and maybe giving him the flying cloak for mobility regarding Vassal. If not, he'll probably join the Sauri block. I'll be using him early in the escalation, so I'm getting the model anyways, but if I don't get to use him later on that's cool :meh:
    Alternatively, I'm considering the Trogolodon, but that's more points, less spells, and I hear they're not worth the point cost. But the model's pretty :meh:
  8. Madrck
    Temple Guard

    Madrck Member

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    Even with WD keeping your casting values low (cept maybe boosted searing doom) you said you like the painting bright side of it. Have your TG being ripped apart from the wild energies of a miscast, nothing kills more TG than a slann.

    The channel combo (harmonic convergance+channel staff) is really really good.

    Just give your scarvet armour of destiny as it's better in every way and will save you spending the points on LA and you get +1 better save.

    1 unit of rippas always feels a little underwhelming for me, but 2 is party time and I'm keen to get 3 units on the table.

    Everything else about your list is solid mate.

    The EOTG will help give you +1 to a single spell you cast every round, it will give a nice shinny 6+ward in 6". and a spell you will rarely cast, happens but not often since the rules gimp it without a faq.
    and it will give your opponent 50more points for killing your steg, which happens 9 games out of 10 for me.
    Also the blowpipes are pretty average so losing them is no great lose.
    it's better if you have a BRB lore to get full advantage out of it, but it's fine for it's cost. Neither strong nor weak and it's something you take if you like that kind of thing.

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