Okay, so some of you guys might have seen my thread in the Tac section about this game, and, even though the date of it has been moved to Old-Ones-know-when I figure I'll post this now so you guys can evaluate it (well, if you don't mind, anyways). This is meant to be kind of an anvil with teeth, to hold WoC (and maybe DE) combat unts in place, and then eat them alive (the teeth) or wait for a HE unit (White Lions, huge amouns of Seaguard, or Phoenix Guard) to hit the enemy in the flank. I'm not really worried about the DE side of things, we should be able to mostly take that, I think. One thing I wont change (so don't bother suggesting it) is dropping my Scar Vets. I might drop, say, one for a Priest with Cube, but otherwise.... They're not going anywhere. (Note, Bolt Throwers are no worry, the DE guy hates them). So here's the list: Lords: Slann, Loremaster: Beasts, +1 PD, Becalming Cogitation, Etherial, BSB, Standard of Discipline, Cupped Hands. 510 points Heroes: Scar-Veteran, Cold One, shield, light armour, spear. 117 points. (spear just incase I do charge with his unit) Scar-Veteran, shield, light armour. 93 points Scar-Veteran, shield, light armour. 93 points Scar-Veteran, shield, light armour. 93 points Scar-Veteran, shield, light armour. 93 points Scar-Veteran, shield, light armour. 93 points Core: 30 Saurus, spears, Standard, muso. 378 points 30 Saurus, spears, Standard, muso. 378 points 30 Saurus, spears, Standard, muso. 378 points Rare: 3 Salamanders, extra handlers. 240 points (I figure 3 will actually be able to hurt WoC with their shooing toa reasonable degree... If not, well, I know Elves will die in droves). Pretty simple idea, Saurus each have 1 Scar Vet in them, Slann hovers around the back, sallies go around some flank (quite possibly to knock regen off a Troll unit/take one or two of those beasts down before they reach combat [WoC guy aparently fields 6 in his new list]). Anyways, there you go, C+C welcome.
I would drop one for a priest. Iceshard blizzard would come in handy in that battle. The cube is 'meh.' I think it cost too much for what it can do (the times that I try it, I always roll less than 4+ cause the dice gods hate me). Other than that, where is the mounted scar vet going? You said that you gave him a spear in case his unit charged. That will make him a target because there are no other CoC in the list and he will have to run along side one of the units with no LOS rolls. I might put in some skirmishers just to annoy him.
hi, If you are leaving the slann alone, then I´d give it higher state of conciusness to protect him. even if theres many units that will hold the WoC units bussy, there´s always a chanse of something nasty slipping thru or behind your line.I love big saurus units with Scar-vets, but I would inly run 1 in eatch unit (total of 3 scar-vets) and drop the other ones for a priest or 2 with plaque of tepok, this is where a unit of SSkinks can come in handy. if you drop 2 vets with 93pts and 1 with 117, you´ll have no less than 303 pts to spend on, as i said, 1 or 2 priests, a unit of SSkinks and maybe some items for them. if you still need to free up some more pts you can always get rid or 3 saurus, since 3 scar.vets wil fill that up anyway, another 36 pts here all sallys in the same unit or what? you know you can only have 2 of the same rare unit, so you can always go with 1 unit of 2 and a single one on the other flank. hope I helped// metalhead
Hi, he has it already. Not droping anymore then 1 Scar-Vet, the whole point of this list is to buff them with Beasts, and tear [bleep] up with them, which will rather ineffective with only I in each unit (well, compared to having 2 in each unit). I think you mean 200 points... But you do know that that would leave me with 3 casters, one of which being a Slann? They'd never get a Spell off, and i'd basically only take them to Caddy scrolls (which I will probably do with 1). That 1 can Chillax out back with the Slann, probably. Yes, they are all in the same unit, and I know that you can have 3 in the same rare selection. Most people just tend to go with 2 for either: Survivability, touch opps, or 3 is basically over kill, and a massive priority target. 3 in one slot is perfetly legal..... That's a -1 to hit in CC and at range, right? It probably would, but wouldn't the Slann be sort of gobbling the PD? That, and we still have to have, like, 2 dice at the end of the phase for Drain Magic (seriously, how can we not!? ). True, but for 15 points to maybe end their magic phase? Methinks that is rather worth it ish. The Monted Vet will be going with my 'main'/lead Sarus Block, to make spell casting easier (yes, it is one by 1, but still...) and he has it just incase they do charge, which they probably wont, but I don't have anywhere else to put those points, so might as well. But where to get the points from? I was thinking of having Skinks to screen the Elven units from Xbows, but I dunno...