8th Ed. 2500 point tourney force

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by angry lizard, Jan 24, 2013.

  1. angry lizard

    angry lizard New Member

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    Trophy Points:
    Life slann [general] PLUS 4 SCALE
    Higher state [magical attacks only]
    Iron curse icon. [6+ ward for unit vs art] 5
    Cupped hands [ignores one miscast on 2+]
    Death slann [B.S.B]
    Focus of mystery [all one lore]

    Scar-vet w/shield [death slann unit] A.S;3+
    Gold sigil sword [i10, always strikes first]
    Glimmering scales armour [-1 to hit vet]
    Luckstone [re-roll one armour save]

    Scar-vet w/shield [life slann unit] A.S; 2+
    Sword of swift-slaying [always strikes first]
    Gamblers armour [6+ ward, heavy armour]

    Skink priest [lev2]
    Dispel scroll

    26 saurus with spears and command group

    26 saurus with spears and command group

    2 units of 5 cami skinks
    5cold one riders and command group
    2 packs of 2 salamanders with extra handlers
    Ancient steg with twin blow-pipes
    TOTAL 2492
    my army is at 4+ handicap due to a good\bad list for each army to encourage different and seldom used lists.
    i lost a point for having 2 level 4's [fair enough its pretty nasty]
    cupped hands [anti-lizard sentiment]
    more than one unit of salamanders [people hate cooked horde it seems]
    taking focus of mystery [what can i say,my guys study]

    Your thoughts ladies and gents ?
  2. Lawot

    Lawot Active Member

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    I like it overall, but I have a few thoughts:
    - No skink Skirmishers? I don't know what I would do without a Skink screen harassing my enemies. Especially as a tourney list, they provide so much flexibility.
    - Caveat: I've never run two Slann, so I'm going on Theoryhammer and what I've read here. But I think 2 Level 4's are going to be hurting for power dice. No Rumination on either of them? And your Life Slann can already have miscast protection through the Lore of Life, so I would give Focus of Mystery to him (guarantee you get Throne of Vines), and give Cupped Hands to the Death Slann. Then, either one of them can have Rumination.
    - What's the purpose of the 5-block of Cav? Flankers? Chaff hunters?
  3. Lawot

    Lawot Active Member

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    P.S. Check out the Tactica for more reliable and detailed thoughts on the double Slann.

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