So I just got back into Warhammer for the new Lizardmen book after a 2 year hiatus. I have devised a list and was wondering if anybody could give me some insight. Basic premise is to have a Slann with wandering deliberations casting as many magic missiles and direct damage as possible to whittle down the enemy with Tetteko pushing forward my salamanders hopefully with vanguard to get some good sallie shooting in (plus some comet fun). Then I have a kitted out cowboy scarvet in a Cold One unit to smack the enemy. I also have a lone skink chief on a terradon to clear chaff and or try to assassinate heroes if the opportunity arises. The theory behind the list is that by the time the enemy gets to me, they will be worn down and Gor'rok and the Saurus can mop up. This is more characters than I normally run but with cheaper Scarvets and special chars, I really feel there is an opportunity. Any advice is greatly appreciated. General Slann Mage Priest , BSB, standard of disc, channeling staff w/ Harmonic Convergence, Wandering Deliberations, and Becalming Cogitation Tetto’eko Gor’rok Scar Vet on Cold one w/ gambler’s armor, GW, dawnstone, ironcurse icon Skink chief on terradon with spear, LA, shield, dragonhelm, luckstone, potion of foolhardiness 20 Temple Guard, Full command (bunker for Slann) 25 Saurus Warriors w/ spears, FC (Gorrok goes here for stubborn) 10 Skink Skirms w javs/shields 10 Skink Skirms w javs/shields 2 Salamanders 2 Salamanders 30 Skink cohort with standard and 1 Kroxigor for leadership (Tetto’eko goes here) 5 Cold One Riders (bus for mounted scarvet cowboy)
Seems well balanced and has 4 sallies for infantry and between magic and scarvet and TG you can tackle monsters. You have some chaff for poison shooting /redirection and is strong on magic offence. You do have becalming cogitation, do you think you can go without a scroll? Otherwise I would try it as is and get a feel for strength / weaknesses.
With the channeling staff and becalming I figured that I would be in good shape dispelling wise so decided to go scroll-less. I didn't want to take a skink priest with scroll after all the other characters I have. It is untested and I hope to get a game in the coming week to test it out. Thanks for the feedback.