7th Ed. 2500 vs orcs

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by chihuan, Aug 9, 2008.

  1. chihuan
    Jungle Swarm

    chihuan New Member

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    Well friends,
    Im going to be fighting orcs soon and would like some comments on my army!


    2nd Generation Slann
    Plaque Of Dominion + protection 560

    Skink Priest
    Lvl 2 Wizard 100

    LA + Shield + Spear
    Spawnings of Itzl
    Cold one 121


    40 skinks in units of 10s 240

    16 Temple Guard
    Champ + Bearer
    Chotec 336

    10 Saurus 120

    10 Saurus 120


    4 Krox
    Ancient 252

    5 Cav 175

    6 Cav 210


    Stegadon 235

    Total= 2469 points

    My Slann will join the temple Guard unit. My Priest will ride the stegadon to give eyes to the Slann and my scar-vet will join the unit of 5 cav.

    Comments and criticism?
  2. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    I would suggest losing the Ancient in the cold one unit for starters. Maybe giving a magic banner to one of the cold one units, or both. Maybe a JSoD instead of the Cold one hero, or gearing up the cold one hero a bit more.
  3. Lizard_of_Mictlan
    Jungle Swarm

    Lizard_of_Mictlan New Member

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    I like the idea of a priest on a stegadon. Makes the LOS nice and easy. Have you had success with this before, as I've never tried it.
  4. chihuan
    Jungle Swarm

    chihuan New Member

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    I have never used this before eithier but i think it will work for the slanns eyes and it will protect my priest!

    What banner do you suggest?
  5. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    The Haunchi Totem is always a great one, you make your full march move getting as close as you can then charge in the magic phase using the totem. Then the Sun Standard could help, as could a war banner.
  6. Ninjaskink
    Cold One

    Ninjaskink New Member

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    A point of fact that I don't think you caught is that I don't think you can give the temple guard a sacred spawning. If you could I'd imagine everyone throwing Tlazcotl on them so you have a nigh-unbreakable unit. So your Chotec spawning on them would be illegal and you'll get back some points, which you might want to consider throwing some into a musician for a full command on that unit.

    Secondly, I know several people suggest dumping the ancient in groups of Kroxigor. The benefits gained don't necessarily outweigh the fact that the single model can be challenged and, especially with orcs, the guys doing the challenging may have a chance of taking the big guy down better than the R&F guys you'll otherwise be slamming. Plus with the horde based SCR (unless those orcs for some reason ran all cavalry) your Krox will probably end up getting run down after smashing their lines up for a turn. My suggestion is just go with the four regulars and use them as a flank hammer for your saurus and TG anvil units.

    And finally, I'm not sure if the MSU approach with your two saurus blocks will be justified against the army your fighting against. I'd suggest merging them into one unit of twenty, preferably with full command. You're fighting an army that wins through close combat and SCR, so having small units that won't challenge that kind of meat grinder will probably end up being... well, ground down.
  7. Carlo Marx
    Cold One

    Carlo Marx New Member

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    Or the jag standard. allows 'em to persue 4d6 instead of 3. You'll catch what ever your chasing.

    But as an over account of the army, I fight O&G all the time and have since I started Lizzies (which was a long while ago). you need more saurus. I personally like 3 blocks of 20 in a 2k, so about the same in a 2.5. Fliers are great to take out rock lobbas and doom divers. Salamanders work wonders against goblins. you have plenty of skinks which is good, pull out those fanatics and get rid of 'em, but at least 2 should scout. If you can get behind his line a slow him down he'll hate you forever. I'd drop a unit of cav for kroxigors, str 7 is nice against his chariots (but a JSoD chariot hunter is 100 times better) and high tough troops.

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