lord: slann, 8 sig spells, book of ashur, 1 DD -> PD discipline BSB and banner of discipline. hero: chief with LA, enchanted shield and egg of quango (in a skrox unit) Core: 2 small skrox darts for flanking duty and 39 block saurus warriors. Special: 30 guards, 2 regular stegs, 2 x 5 chameleon skinks. Rare: 2 x 2 salamanders. Main combat blocks in middle. Skrox on flanks, same with stegs and salamanders. Slann in bunker, should be relatively miscast safe and acts like a lvl5. Will throw a lot of low casting spells making it hard for my opponent to properly use his scrolls. The extra PD is almost guaranteed. With lots for salamanders, guards and 2 stegs he have plenty of good targets to shoot at (target saturation). He'll be superior in CC, but my salamanders are the perfect counter and the slann can throw several buffs/augments to swing the combat in my way. An alternative build for the chief could also to put him on a terradon and go for warmachines. Thoughts?
I like your list, however standard of discipline and 30 templeguard are to much! i should skip the standard of discipline and bring down your guard till 26. with 26 you can make a 3x10 setup with the slann in it! It gives you also an additional 71 points! You can spend them to more chameleons, 2x7? and some extra handlers 3 a 4 handlers