8th Ed. 2k - 2.5k Lizards Vs Tomb Kings.

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Tactics' started by synical, Oct 14, 2012.

  1. synical

    synical New Member

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    Hey guys, been posting small ammounts as and when amongst lots of browsing on the forums. Anyway, here goes.

    It's coming up to christmas and during this period i will be playing lots and lots of games (i hope) As it stands my main oponent will be playing a tomb kings army, and i think it will be about 2000 to 2.500 points battle. Ive played about 3 games of 8th adition, ostly small skirmishes as i've only just gotten into warhammer - So, yeah, i'm pretty new.

    ANyway, i was wonderinf if you strategists out there could give me a big help in hand in my upcoming battles. I will list below the units i have (I think i have around 3k points total of army) And would really appreciate an indepth analysis of what is good to take and why it's good to take it if that's all good?

    My list (roughly) Not in order, just the total i have of each unit.

    40 Saurus warriors
    40 skinks (roughly i think i have more - 20 with blowpipes - 20 with javelins)
    8 x cold one cavalry (with command)
    3 x terradons
    2 x kroxigors
    20 x temple guard
    1 skink priest
    2 scar veterans
    1 engine of the gods
    1 salamander
    1 slann priest
    1 kroq gar

    So, i've been reading around to try and get a grasp of what's good and bad, Though i'm still in the process of reading the rulebook to learn 8th edition as i'm very hazey on the rules. I'm also trying to figure out what good lores are to take, and what good magic items to take.

    If you guys could help me with this and explain why those choices are good i'd appreciate it.

    My TK opponent will generally take 1 horde unit of around 40 + skeles with 2 heroes in - 1 quad of 30 archers - some bone giant looking thing, casket of souls, 3 light chariots, 1 sphinx, 1 scorpion, 3 carrion, 8 cavalry - not sure what else i'm missing really, he likes to kit out his characters and keep his mage in the unit of archers.

    Thanks in advance

  2. Smexygor
    Chameleon Skink

    Smexygor New Member

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    Hmmm, from my limited experience with them, to get you started, you'll need redirectors. Those skinks as skirmishers, maybe 6-8 as chameleons, would do you good. Send those chariots elsewhere or chameleon the constructs to death. Only one salamander means you'll have to make damn fine use of him. Archers will pincushion him, so make sure he has several targets to pick from and salamander doesn't look like highest priority. Positioned right it'll eat his characters and archers for breakfast. Toasted lightly.

    Chameleons or terradons need to hit that casket, ASAP. Thankfully with all those skirmishers you should be able to out deploy him and put the blocks to greatest effect. His inability to march can really hamper his movement phase, and a Slann with cogitation and rumination will ruin his magic phase and make yours serviceable. They have some good stuff for magic, don't feel bad about using cogitation. Saurus and temple guard will eat up skeletons. Light or Life are good lores against them. Shadow too, due to low initiative and it being a good lore in general. Get a DeathSlann close enough and say good bye to his army. Pick off his characters, eventually drop a Purple Sun if necessary, and use the leadership drop well, and he's swimming with the fishes. Also a global S/T drop will mean your troops will run rough shod over his and lose even more to crumble.

    Gotta deal with those chariots and monsters. They'll tear chunks out of the blocks and without Life you won't be seeing them back. Low armor means poison, lots of it. Cavalry will be in trouble if it is hit by those chariots, or monsters (don't know their init) but swoop wide and supplement your charge into his block with a flank hit from them and they'll die in droves. Watch out for the war machines if he packs them, your cav won't last long with that, but better them than your blocks.

    Krox are a but screwed in this list, if you had more skinks I'd recommend a Skrox block, but roam them, they are fast, maybe they'll catch something and S6 it to death. Use them as a counter charger or redirectors too. Get creative. 3 would be better.

    Scar vets likely need to be made to either 1. Kill heroes and constructs or 2. Swaths of troops. Mix and match and let them do their work. Out deploying will do wonders to your dropping blocks and salamanders and chameleons and terradons where they need to go. Save temple guard til his Mage drops. Put them as close to him as possible and then march them within 24 so Slanny can discard his 6's and pick him off early. That Mage dies T1 or T2, you should have it in the bag.

    That's all I got. Hope some of it is truthful, take it with some grains of salt and wait til other more experienced players chime in. Cheers and good luck!

  3. synical

    synical New Member

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    Cheers for the strong reply, good read overall. Though struggling with some of your terminology regarding spells/items i think it's what you mean.

    I was looking at taking the lore of light, it seems very strong.

    Could you give any good ideas for item choices for the scar vets and the slann?

    Assuming i gear the slann in a certain way, do i take 1 skink priest in the ancient stegadon with any magic items? Or do i take 2 x scar vets geared for each purpose?

    Thanks again.

  4. Smexygor
    Chameleon Skink

    Smexygor New Member

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    Hmmm. The EotG can give a 5+ ward vs all those arrows. And nuke them as well after the charge. Undead aren't fans of that part of the engine. Give him a Dawnstone to reroll his armor save and he'll live longer. But leave room for a scar vet. You have 500 points to work with, you'll fit a vet in but not two. The stegs tend to either break units or just hold them up. Keep it within the BSB or Slann, if they aren't one and the same, because it is Stubborn. Don't let it get hit by chariots, keep it sway from monsters, but hit his units and grind grind grind. Impact hits, a few attacks, and thunderstomp? That's a lot of crumbling skeletons from combat res. don't forget to drop an Iceshard blizzard on key combats. Great after Slann failed to cast somehow.
    Here's the link to the light tactica


    Good stuff. Use light to win combats handily. The missiles are ok but use them early and after only when necessary. speed of battle and Bironas are the game changers. Throw in pha's and they are hitting on 6's after you've swung three times rerolling to hit. Iceshard would also work against any war machines he uses.

    Scar vet... Hm. Without the book on me, I'd say try things like extra attack sword, or fencer's blades, and for the monster killer potions of strength, ogre? Blade, piraƱa blade, and sword of might maybe. Problem is the 2 wounds and his high strength with likely Tstomps? I dunno if they have them, but if so you better hit before that monster and softened him up with poison. Else you'll likely lose the SV before the monster goes down. Better off poisoning it and using vets against his weaker troops, IMO.

    For Slann take loremaster, becalming cogitation, focused rumination. Cupped hands of the old ones. If with temple guard and you suspect war machines Put ironcurse icon on temple guard champ. Shove them down the archer's throats. Like I said before, keep him within 24" of the other Mage and make him suffer. Make sure it isn't barely within, because he can be within range of the TG but not the Slann and that sucks. So throw a ton of dice early at Bironas and throw a nasty Miscast result at him. One of our strengths is neutering other mages. Use it, abuse it, it's part of how our army works. Anyone who doesn't like it hasn't seen lizardmen played at high points without a Slann. It was embarrassing and they agreed never to try to make me play without one again. priests just can't cover it.

    Pha's and Iceshard should be stacked against necessary combats, break those blocks and his back.of speed and Bironas aren't likely due to low dice or dispelled, this two little spells are a darn good backup. If you get Comet of Casandora you might want to keep it and make his blocks pay for sitting still and being slow.

    All I got for the moment, but let me know how it goes!
  5. zamtap

    zamtap New Member

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    do tomb kings have any your useing light so you can take extra miscasts items? such as i beleive demons do?
  6. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    No, they have no specific means to counter Light. All their magic items and related special abilities affect their magic phase not their opponent's magic phase. The only defensive magic item they have at all is a special character that has a one use item that forces an enemy wizard to take a toughness test or be unable to cast for the rest of the phase. It has no special effect on Lore of Light casters however. They are stuck with regular dispel dice and what's in the BRB.

    The real problem is countering their spells. Heirotitans add to nearby wizard's casting rolls and the Casket of Soul addes power dice. They can throw down almost as many dice as a Slann and their unique Lore can bring back loads of TK casulaties.
  7. synical

    synical New Member

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    Well, as i've got a few practise games in against warriors of chaos - it's giving me a better feel (i'm still new to warhammer)

    I have my game against TK's in december, so quite a while away yet, but it's quite fun trying to prepare and get as much help as i can - i've got to play towin ofc :D

    Thanks for all the insight so far.


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