AoS 2K FOS casual, with potential for 2.5k

Discussion in 'Seraphon Army Lists' started by MykelUmm, Oct 5, 2020.

  1. MykelUmm
    Jungle Swarm

    MykelUmm New Member

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    Bit of a newbie, recently trying to get back into it. My housemate has recently gotten into the hobby as well. atm he has about 1k of Skaven, and I've got about 1k lizards. Played a couple of casual games so far learning as we go, both looking to expand to 2k and beyond. I already own a few of the model, with a SC skink box on the way. I also have a few saurus warriors and knights unbuilt because it was cheaper buying the SC seraphon box for the Carnosaur than the Carnosaur by itself (but the knights I find real ugly and don't really want to use them). Ayway here is my 2k with potential for 2.5k (* = what I already own).

    Allegiance: Seraphon
    Constellation: Fang of Sotek

    *Saurus Oldblood on Carnosaur (230)
    -Command Trait: Old and Grizzled
    -Artefact: Serpent God Dagger
    Lord Kroak (320)
    -Spell: Stellar Tempest
    *Skink Starpriest (120)
    -Spell: Hand of Glory
    Skink Starpriest (120)
    -Spell: Hand of Glory
    *Skink Priest (70)

    *30x Skinks (180)
    -3x 10 Skinks, Skink Alpha
    -Boltspitter, Moonstone Clubs
    20x Skinks (120)
    - 2x 10 Skinks, Skink Alpha
    -Boltspitter, Moonstone Clubs
    *10x Skinks (60)
    -10 Skinks, Skink Alpha
    -Meteoric Javalin, Celestite Dagger and Star-buckler

    *Bastiladon (220)
    -Solar Engine
    Bastiladon (220)
    -Solar Engine

    *Ripperdactyl Rider (80)
    *Salamander Hunting Pack (110)
    Terrradon Rider (90)

    Extra Command Points: 1 (50)

    Total: 1990 / 2000

    Extra 510 points for 2.5k
    Engine of the Gods (260)
    Salamander Hunting Pack (110)
    Kroxigors (from cuetzpal empire) (140)

    Total: 2500/2500

    I've ignored the battalions cause as far as I can tell the Starborn ones arent that great. And I will admit that some of the list is based on what models I think look cool and want to build. But any tips so I can smash my housemate's Rats would be awesome.
  2. Ölig

    Ölig New Member

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    The battalion’s aren’t that great rule wise. compared to other books. I agree. But keep in mind they not only fill the function they have in their rule.
    You get a lower drop count as well. Due to the battalion set up rule. good for starborne I think.
    As well the additional artifact and cp. In my mind these are the first points why I consider to take a battalion. With some terradons you could possibly drop the starpriest two skinks and the terras once.
  3. Vallek
    Cold One

    Vallek Member

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    Your list already contains everything needed for a Shadowstrike Starhost and the ability to just deepstrike your starpriest/priest, a unit (or two) of skinks and/or your ripperdactyls (in any combination) is game changing when objectives are involved. Drop your 30 skink unit with a priest right ontop of an objective and your opponent is going to need to dedicate a fair bit of focus to dislodging you. Additionally, you could wait until around your second turn to pop up your ripperdactyls behind your opponent's army. Lots of people these days don't seem to guard the backs of their forces and often keep their wizards in their backlines. Being able to set up a 12" movement unit 9"+ away from enemies anywhere on the field at the end of the movement phase is literally a guaranteed charge on demand during the charge phase the following turn. Just play smart and set up 14"+ away from your intended target so they can't reliably turn and charge into you and you have the movement to easily set yourself up.

    Ontop of the above tactical opportunities afforded by this set up you also get the extra artifact and extra command point. You could easily shift the Serpent God Dagger onto one of the Skinks then take the Sword of Judgement for your Old Blood and become a reliable monster/hero destroyer. Alternatively you can keep the SGD on him and give one of your Skink heroes a cloak of feathers. 11" flying movement buff machine to tag along with your 12" flying Ripperdactyls.

    Just some thoughts on how a Batallion could actually make this list stronger.

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