AoS 2K - New (old) Thunderquake

Discussion in 'Seraphon Army Lists' started by Joshua Horchler, Mar 7, 2020.

  1. Joshua Horchler

    Joshua Horchler Well-Known Member

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    Here is my take on the New version of the Old Thunderquake. Not sure how good it is but it definitely has some firepower. I wish this was in Starborne because I think the teleport and summoning would go a long way. That being said all the units are tougher and the EOTG and Sallies get combat buffs.

    Kroak - 320
    EOTG - General, Aethquartz broach, +1 Attack Command Trait - 260
    Starpriest - 120
    Priest - 70
    Priest - 70
    5x Saurus Guard - 100
    20x Skinks- 120
    10x Skinks -60
    10x Skinks -60
    1x Salamander Hunting Pack - 80
    Bastiladon - 220
    Bastiladon - 220
    Thunderquake - 150
    BWV (normal) - 40
    Bound Geminids - 70
    Bound Burning Head 40


    Kroak - Built in +1 to cast and access to spell lore. Splash mortals, clear hordes and possibly delete opponents artefacts. He is the biggest lynch pin in this list because it runs on Command Points. Love me the new Kroak. Great CA as well to re-position monsters and fly.

    EOTG- The engine effects are more of a bonus now then the main reason you bring it but in this list you can activate it twice. Healing/Mortals/10xWarriors are all decent. A beast in Combat. -1 hit and Fly. YES PLEASE.

    Starpriest - All around great buff piece. Spell caster and strong buff.

    Priest - MVP MVP MVP. These guys are great. Amazing buffs and basically the old Thunderquake in one scroll. Amazing for 70 points.

    Skinks - Much worse, but cheaper and a little more durable. They can do some serious dmg in big numbers and with the Starpriest buff.

    Sallies - Amazing buffs. Only rend 2 in list, melee monsters, and they get an extra attack for jaws. Sit behind screen shoot and counter charge and delete anything.

    Bastiladons - Cheaper and normalized attacks. Still melt Chaos (F YOU TZEENCH!). When fully buffed, +1 to hit, reroll 1's to hit and double shots, these two will melt anything without amazing saves. +4 wounds compared to the old one so losing the mortal save isnt terrible, but still hurts.

    The new list is interesting. No Summoning other than some random EOTG stuff.... That really hurts my soul. It lost all it's mobility..... and once you lose your skinks you will struggle to cap objectives. It gained a lot of firepower and a hard hitting EOTG so I dont know if it's worse or better. My gut says this type of list might not be very good because it is so CP heavy and doesnt have a ton of mobility and bodies.

    Time will tell! It's the first list i'm going to play. I do wish I had some points for Geminids, maybe I'll drop one of the Priests.

    Bastis arent dead, but we will see what this list can do!
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2020
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  2. Nart

    Nart Well-Known Member

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    Unfrotunately, you can't use 130 pts version thunderquake with Thunder Lizard constellation. You'll need either switch to FoS or DT or find 20 more points for Templehost version.

    Also take a note:

    1) Thunderquake starhost give healing to every unit in the battalion;
    2) Thunderquake templehost gives either run and shoot/charge or +1 attack in melee.

    But I like the list overal. I want to run something similar, but there will be problems with holding objetvies and with skink bravery. Also, consider Aetherquartz brooch artefact. You will burn through CP very quickly.
    Joshua Horchler likes this.
  3. Joshua Horchler

    Joshua Horchler Well-Known Member

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    Good points. I was already thinking this list would need the Aetherquarterz broach even though the Feather is so good. Updated the list. It's not perfect but I think it works much better. Still don't think it's a S tier list but I'm going to put it on the table next weekend hopefully.

    Lose one Sallie :( but overall it improves Kroak a ton because we are bringing spellportal. The new book doesnt stop us from bringing the old Endless spells and the two I'm using don't move.

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