8th Ed. 2v2 tourney O&G + LM, 1st battle report up

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by Pinktaco, Apr 25, 2015.

  1. Pinktaco

    Pinktaco Vessel of the Old Ones Staff Member

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    So my local doll store is having a 2v2 tournament tomorrow. I'll be joining with a good friend of mine. We'll be playing 3 games and I'll follow up with a battle report later or monday.

    Rules are:

    1250pts each army, we're always trustful allies no matter the army we choose.
    Special characters are allowed.
    We share the BSB and General, so only one of each.
    No Khaine End Time magic.
    The new mixed armies are allowed.
    Points are also given for how friendly we are.

    My Army List:

    Oldblood on Cold One, Great Weapon, Armour of Destiny, Dawnstone and The Other Trickster's Shard.
    Scar Vet on Cold One, Warrior Bane, Light armour and Charmed Shield.

    4 units of skink skirmishers to reach core minimum.

    A unit of 6 COR with banner/musician.

    2 x Salamanders w/snack.

    My friend:

    Night Goblin lvl 4 Shaman with Ddispel scroll.

    Black Orc Big Boss (general) with Talisman of Preservation and Enchanted Shield.
    Gobling Big Boss with Great Weapon, Light Armour and BSB.

    30 Savage Orcs Big 'Uns with Extra Hand Weapon.Full Command
    50 Night Goblins with Full Command.
    23 Night Goblins with Bow, Musician.

    Gobling Spear Chukka.

    Snotling Pump Wagon.
    Mangler Squigs.
    Goblin Doom Diver.

    The teams are:

    Team "Sticks `n´ Goats" Bretonnia & Beastmen.
    Team "The axe and lance alliance" Dwarfs & Bretonnia.
    Team "Moby Dead" Vampire Counts & Host of the Eternity King.
    Team "The Cassive Mocks" Orks'n Goblins & Lizardmen (Our team).
    Daemons of Chaos & Gnoblars.
    Warriors of Chaos & Vampire Counts.

    Overall a somewhat casual tournament the way I see it. Our stuff isn't the most competitive stuff either, I mean we could've like stuffed in more savage orcs and a second doom diver, but I think we'll do good.

    The question is... Will the Goblin Shaman eating a mushroom in the magic phase be affected by Tetto'Eko's reroll 1s?

    Overall I'm excited. Going to be fun, hopefully :)
  2. Skinquisitor

    Skinquisitor Member

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    I think its affected.
    Did you include fanatics in the gobbos? Its nice combo to make them vanguard,then in turn 1 release them no matter what :)
  3. Pinktaco

    Pinktaco Vessel of the Old Ones Staff Member

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    So I participated my first tournament yesterday and it was fun. I'll give a Battle Repport in the following, although it's not super detailed with every action in every turn.

    1st match against Team Axe and Lance Alliance (dwarf/bretonnia)

    We were up against two lance units, a unit of longbeards with GW, two units of crossbow dwarfs, two cannons, one organ gun and one trebuche.

    They didn't pray so no ward to the Bretonnia knights, yay. Instead they had a chalice that gave them a 5+ in the unit their lvl 4 mage was in.

    We rolled for vanguard and got a 6. Moved up the mangler squiq and a Salamander to shoot at the longbeards.

    What followed was likely the biggest wtf of all games I've ever played, or well almost. We get first turn despite them having +1. Mangler Squiq rolls like a baws and runs straight through one of the lance unit, completley ripping it apart. Mangler Squiq went off the board and unsure what to do we allowed it to come back on the following round.

    Our units shuffled a bit around, but nothing major. Magic phase! My friend rolled a 5 and 6. We have to reroll ones. Having plenty of spells we started out with a chain-lightning against the weakened knight unit. BOOM they didn't manage to dispell it and we rip another big whole in their unit. Lightning bounced to the nearby second lance, killed one more, bounced further and killed a crew member of the cannon and stopped there.

    Comet was placed between the cannon and second knight unit and nothing else really happened.

    Shooting: Salamander had a good hit on the dwarfs and removed like 5 or so (which was a decent hit considering the size of the unit). Doom Diver had third hit on the lance unit and they were down to 3 knights left.

    Their first turn:

    Fearing the return of the mangler squig and comet he moves the second lance forward and poppes the chalice. Moved all characters into the second lance and. He also feared our night gobling unit due to possible fanatics (we had none) so he was kinda restricted. Longbeards moved forward to us.

    Magic: 2 dice used on throne of vies. Irresistble Force! Our opponents where frustrated and felt quite hit by their unluck and disastors. We reminded them of throne of vines so they could remove the IF by rolling a 2+. Mood went straight back up to heaven. They rolled a 1.... :D
    Rolling on the miscast table nothing really happended. I think a single knight died. Next spell, another miscast D: nothing happended though. Comet goes off, kills another knight, another cannon crew member and destroy their organ gun.

    Shooting. He aims the wounded cannon at my COR bus, pissed by the falled allied and comrades the angry dwarfen unit shoots straight for my OB.Look Out Sir failed, oh shit, ward save on 4+ failed, FVCK he followed by rolling a 6 on the multiple wound roll. OB deaded. :((((( It was alright, I figured, due to them having been so unlucky and lost so much. At least the game was more balanced, although now I was left with nothing but support units.

    That was our first turn. I think we had a total of 3 rounds before time went out. What followed was the longbeards hitting our big goblin unit. My one salamander joined in on the fight from the flank.
    We had a good beating on each other.

    Second lance hit home on the savage orcs and blasted straight through them. Now sh1t was looking bad. No OB and no savage orcs? We had lost most of our hitting power and was getting desperat, BUT the lance was in our territory. My COR still alive with also a scar vet in it flank charged, my second salamander rear charged, our night goblin BSB/lvl 4 mage bunker sandwiched the lance on the other flank.

    I think we got off a hex where they had to reroll 6s.

    He issued a challenge and we didn't really want to commit, but ultimately the SV took the challenge. Nothign really happened though. Overall we won that combat because they had limited fighting power to the flanks and we charged them so no charge strenght bonus. Ohhh yes... We won combat by a million and they fled and was run down.

    In the mean time the mangler squid had used the artillery units in a weird dissappering show.. Or just eaten them all. Regardless it still randomly trolled around and killed stuff. Having completely out-done itself and earned back its point value by A LOT. In a desperat attempt to gain points they shot with one of their crowssbow units into my COR unit. Two models died because FU 2+ armour reduced to 3+. Trebuche hit home and removed more. I was now down to 1 COR and my hero. Removing 75% of a unit = 50% victory points, so they just managed to gain that.

    The game ended here I believe. Victory was ours and what a hilarious game it had been. So many ups and downs from both sides. I was a bit disappointed that my OB didn't get a chance to perfom. He would've made kittens out of those palandins and removed the rest of the unit singlehandedly. Oh well.. Next time... And next time is a tale worth telling from his perspective.
  4. Overlord of Serpents
    Cold One

    Overlord of Serpents Active Member

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    Not to be a butt, but shouldn't this post be in the Battle Reports thread instead of Discussion?
  5. Pinktaco

    Pinktaco Vessel of the Old Ones Staff Member

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    uh perhaps, I completely forgot about that part of the forum. I only look at the disussion and tactic forum and saw another one had made a report on his tournament experience, so I figured I'd plop my take on how the LM army perfomed and my overall thoughts on our army in this regard. Obviously I haven't done this yet due to it being a rather large post.

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