7th Ed. 3 2.5k lists

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by Carlo Marx, Sep 10, 2008.

  1. Carlo Marx
    Cold One

    Carlo Marx New Member

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    2.5 Sacred Host of Tzunki
    Priests use Lore of the Heavens

    HEROS: 421
    Scar-vet- Light armor, great weapon, shield, jag. Charm, aura of quetzl, bs Tzunki- 146
    Skink Priest- lvl 2, 2 power stone, bs tzunki- 155
    Skink Priest- 2 dispel scroll2, bs tzunki- 120

    TROOP: 1084
    20 saurus- standard, musician, bs tzunki- 268
    20 saurus- standard, musician, bs tzunki- 268
    20 saurus- standard, musician, bs tzunki- 268
    10 Skink- javelins, scout, bs tzunki- 75
    10 Skinks- blowpipes, scout, bs tzunki- 75
    10 Skinks- javelins, bs tzunki- 65
    10 Skinks- javelins, bs tzunki- 65

    SPECIAL: 604
    4 Terridons- 140
    4 Kroxigors- 232
    4 Kroxigors- 232

    RARE: 390
    3 salamanders- 195
    3 Salamanders- 195

    TOTAL: 2499
    MODELS: 121
    UNITS: 12
    POWER DICE: 5 + 2 power stones
    DISPEL DICE: 4 + 2 dispel scrolls

    2.5 Sacred Host of Quetzl
    Priests use Lore of Death

    HEROS: 488
    Scar-vet- Light armor, Great weapon, shield, Jag. Charm, aura of quetzl, BS quetzl, BS Tepok- 178
    Skink Priest- lvl 2, Power stone, dispel scroll, BS Quetzl- 155
    Skink Priest- lvl 2, Power stone, dispel scroll, BS Quetzl- 155

    TROOPS: 1036
    17 saurus- standard, musician, bs quetzl- 252
    17 saurus- standard, musician, bs quetzl- 252
    17 saurus- standard, musician, bs quetzl- 252
    10 skinks- javelins, scouts, bs quetzl- 75
    10 skinks- blowpipes, scouts, bs quetzl- 75
    10 skinks- javelins, bs quetzl- 65
    10 skinks- javelins, bs quetzl- 65

    SPECIAL: 546
    4 Terridons- 140
    4 kroxigors- 232
    4 Kroxigors- 232

    RARE: 430
    3 salamanders- 195
    Stegadon- 235

    TOTAL: 2500
    MODELS: 110
    UNITS: 11
    POWER DICE: 6 + 2 power stones
    DISPEL DICE: 5 + 2 dispel scrolls

    With this army (Sacred Host of Quetzl) I could drop a unit of saurus, bump the remaining two up to 20 strong and add another lvl 2 Priest w/Cude of darkness, Blessed mark of the old ones, and BS quetzl.

    2.5 Lizard

    HEROS: 411
    Scar-vet- Light armor, great weapon, shield, jag. Charm, aura of quetzl, bs Tzunki- 146
    Skink Priest- lvl 2, 2 power stone- 150
    Skink Priest- 2 dispel scrolls - 115

    TROOP: 1094
    20 saurus- standard, musician- 258
    20 saurus- standard, musician - 258
    20 saurus- standard, musician - 258
    10 Skink- javelins, scout - 70
    10 Skinks- blowpipes, scout - 70
    10 Skinks- javelins - 60
    10 Skinks- javelins – 60
    10 Skinks- javelins - 60

    SPECIAL: 604
    4 Terridons- 140
    4 Kroxigors- 232
    4 Kroxigors- 232

    RARE: 390
    3 salamanders- 195
    3 Salamanders- 195

    TOTAL: 2499
    MODELS: 131
    UNITS: 13
    POWER DICE: 5 + 2 power stones
    DISPEL DICE: 4 + 2 dispel scrolls
  2. Lounge_Lizard
    Cold One

    Lounge_Lizard New Member

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    Hi! Just some considerations for you:

    At 2.5 K you really should use a lord. If you're going combat, why not an oldblood, and why not putting him in a cold one (that 0+ armour save is the only thing that compensates stupidity)?

    As for the saurus... they were the main reason i chose to play lizardmen, but i DO NOT field them. Why? Their St 4/To 4 have all the markings of an elite infantry unit, but their WS 3 and DISMAL In 1 (yes, they hit AFTER skellies) makes it imperative that you field large units (usually 20). They cost roughly the same points (can't say how many ;) )as a chaos warrior, but without the awesome stats an armour... And full command means a whooping 270 pts. a unit. You may say that WS 3 is the normal for infantry. The problem is that the things that charge your infantry blocks are usually NOT other infantry blocks, but things like knights or dragons or such. WS 3 means you'll hardly hit anything of the sort, and In 1 means your ranks will get depleted before you strike back, and 270 pts is way too much for a sacrificial tarpit.

    Well, those were my 2 euro cents ;).


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