8th Ed. 3000 'Ard Boyz

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by drpieceofme, Sep 22, 2010.

  1. drpieceofme

    drpieceofme New Member

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    Lord- 480

    Slann- BSB, Focus Rumination, Focus Mystery, Becalming Cogitation, Feedback Scroll, Bane Head, Standard of Discipline (Lore of Life)

    Core- 940

    40x Saurus Warriors FC

    40x Saurus Warriors FC

    Special- 1129

    31x Templeguard FC- Banner of Eternal Flame

    8x Chameleon Skinks

    8x Chameleon Skinks

    8x Chameleon Skinks

    8x Chameleon Skinks

    8x Chameleon Skinks

    9x Chameleon Skinks

    Rare- 450

    2x Salamanders

    2x Salamanders

    2x Salamanders

    Total: 2999

    List is fairly simple. Harass the crap out of anything with chameleons that is remotely a threat, starting with warmachines, then stompers. Sallies reduce enemy rank file to rubble so my blocks can have easy cleanup. Chameleons help sallies do the same thing if there is no other immediate threat.

    Slann protects whichever target needs it. Less choices make it easier. The Attribute heal will go to the slann himself (if he gets sniped) or the salamanders if they get wounded.

    The Banehead/Feedback scroll combo should devastate any of my opponents who try to 6 dice a spell. Should give me magical domination after their lvl 4 passes away. Considering doing the basic cupped hands combo, however in case they reserve dispel dice for throne of vines.

    Another combo I was considering taking is the overpriced Oxytol (sniper), Slann w/ banehead and cupped hands. I force a miscast, and shoot for anything but 7 and 10-12. Their caster lord gets double wounded. Oxytol follows up with sniper shots and finishes them off.

    Let me know what you think.
  2. Larinus
    Chameleon Skink

    Larinus New Member

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    I'd personally swap a few chameleons for skinks, but other than that, it looks very...intriguing.

    Have you got any games coming up soon? I'd love to see a battle report with this army. Saying that, you might find that quite a few chameleons run off the board, causing panic throughout your army. Shouldn't have to worry about that too much, being cold-blooded and all that, but just keep an eye on that.

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