8th Ed. 3000 pts vs Daemons

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by Qupakoco, Feb 20, 2012.

  1. Qupakoco
    Skink Chief

    Qupakoco Keeper of the Dice Staff Member

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    Had a great battle today. Was a real nail biter at the very end.

    I had:

    Light Slann
    War Banner
    Cupped Hands
    Focus of Mystery
    Focused Rumination
    Becalming Cotigation

    Cold One
    Gold Sigil Sword
    Gamblers Armour

    Skink Priest
    Plaque of Tepok
    Dispell Scroll

    10 x skirmishers
    10 x skirmishers w/jav
    10 x skirmishers w/jav

    24 x SW w/FC
    24 x SW w/FC & Spears

    32 x Skinks w/FC & 3 Krox

    7 x Chameleons w/Stalker

    4 x Terradons w/Brave

    20 x TG w/FC & VoFFF

    9 x CoC w/Music and Standard
    Standard of Discipline

    1 x Sally w/Extra Handler
    1 x Sally w/Extra Handler

    Total 2997

    Daemons Player had:

    Great Unclean One

    2 x Sorcerers (not sure which ones :oops:)

    32 x Bloodletters w/FC

    25 x Daemonettes w/FC

    25 x Plaguebearers w/FC

    25 X Pink Horrors w/FC

    6 x Bloodcrushers

    5 x Seekers w/FC

    My set up was a bunch of anvil units in the middle of the board and all my hammers on the right flank. I was hoping to slowly roll over all of his units until I wiped all the Daemons off the table, hopefully getting bunches of flank and rear charges. He set up nearly opposite of my, with his anvils in the center and his hammers on the left. So basically we had the same deployment! I put a sally on each flank and the terradons on the side with his hammer units, hoping to soften them up before the close combat started.

    TURN 1
    Daemons go first. He advances forward with all units. His Seekers used their vanguard move to get up close and personal with my HW saurus block. He buffed the Great Unclean One, but luckily he moved his plaguebearers in front of him so I didn't worry too much.

    On my turn, I advanced my left Sally up to start roasting the Seekers. Right Sally moved up to roast Bloodletters. HW Saurus moved into position to recieve a charge from the Bloodcrushers. Everyone else moved up. Chameleons killed a Bloodcrusher. Sallies killed 2 Seekers and 5 Bloodletters (not bad!) Magic failed, but no one exploded.

    TURN 2

    Bloodcrushers charged my saurus. Seekers moved to flank my TG unit. Rest of his units moved up. He got off a spell that inflicted D6 S5 wounds on my Spear Saurus. This spell is awful. I ended up failing the toughness test 4 times! Lost 10 Saurus! Geez! In combat, his Bloodcrushers DESTROYED my HW Saurus. They didn't kill any Bloodcrushers. He ended up breaking the unit and overrunning them. So painful...

    MY TURN!! Saurus with Spears charge the Plaguebearers. TG turns to confront the potential flank attack. I moved 2 units of Javelin Skirmishers between the newly exposed flank and the rest of his army. Even killed a few Pink Horrors and Daemonettes! My left Sally turned to meet the Seekers again. Burnt one of them to the ground. Right Sally got hungry and ate a skink. My Chameleons ran after the Bloodcrushers and inflicted a wound. Terradons moved up to set up a flank attack if needed. Cold Ones realized that there was a huge threat on the TG, so wheeled and began heading that way.

    In Close Combat, my Saurus were decent. Ended up winning by 1. I lost 5 models though.

    I got off a few wounds with Banishment and was able to buff the TG with Speed of Light.

    TURN 3

    Seekers charge my TG to no avail. Killed the remaining 2 Seekers with little effort. Bloodcrushers moved into position for a charge on my TG. Skinks got charged by the Pink Horrors. They chose to stand and shoot, hoping to prevent a flank attack on the TG. One of his sorcerers had Lore of Beasts and turned into a Manticore. That was awesome (not). Needless to say, those skinks were decimated. He elected to overrun with his new Manticore and got a flank charge on the TG :depressed:. The rest of the Pink Horrors ran into the back of my left Sally. He was still facing the other way from torching him some Seekers :D . The other unit of Skinks got charged by Daemonettes. They chose stand and shoot. After all the close combat was done, my Spear Saurus had been reduced to 6 models and my skinks fighting the Daemonettes were reduced to 5. Both fled...

    But on my turn... Everyone rallied! Terradons got a flank charge on the Pink Horrors (yay) and my remaining skirmishers (with blowpipes) killed off a few plaguebearers. My Right Sally roasted the Plaguebearers :smug: . Finally my Skrox unit was in charging distance to the Bloodletters (woot) which started a massive-killfest-stalemate. It was pretty epic. At the end of the game, I had 8 skinks and 3 krox still in that unit while he had 6 bloodletters. It was amazing. We kept switching who won the combat, but either side would only win by 1. Good times.

    Terradons did amazing. My salamander (who was rear charged) was able to hold the combat thanks to the +1 combat resolution from my Terradons. With my monstrous double team, I was able to continually beat the Pink Horrors. Salamander got wounded once. One Terradon was wounded.

    Then the TG and the Manticore fought. I only got 3 TG to attack it, since it was on the flank. I was able to put a wound on it though while losing 3 TG. Somehow we ended up with static combat rez, though it doesn't seem to add up in my head right now.

    TURN 4

    By now, there were close combats amuck. Bloodcrushers finally charged the TG. The Great Unclean One FINALLY did something. He charged my Terradons. I was just happy he ran into a 130 pt unit rather than a 300+ unit. I think the massive mess of units was the main thing preventing him from being effective.

    Daemonettes moved into position for a rear attack on the TG. Plaguebearers moved right in front of my Sally and skinks w/ Blowpipes. They were trying to move up to help out Mr Manticore. Magic wasn't too exciting.

    So my TG unit was flanked by a Manticore and being attacked by Bloodcrushers. Holy crap. I thought the were going to be smashed to pieces. Luckily I had Poison on my Revered Guardian. That helped a lot actually. TG were also buffed again from Speed of Light, so they got to make attacks first, hitting on 3+. Always nice. Killed a Bloodcrisher and wounded another. Put another wound the Manticore. Lost 5 more TG. Made me want to barf, but they didn't break!

    Skinks and Bloodletters continued to hack away at each other. Terradons and Salamander combat went well agian. No wounds on my beasties and 4 on the Pink Horrors. He ended up losing a couple more from his instability.

    On my turn I roasted even more Plaguebearers! I even hit a few Daemonettes... This Sally has put down 15 troops by now. ROCK AND ROLL!!! Skinks killed a Plaguebearer. Cold Ones tried a charge into the Plaguebearers, but failed. I decded he had enough combat rez against my TG, so I rear charged the Bloodcrushers with my Chameleons.

    My mage buffed the TG agian. I also got banishment off, channeling through the Priest. Killed 4 Daemonettes.

    Combat went well for the Salamander again, but this time the Unclean One killed a Terradon! :depressed: Oh well. I still ended up winning the combat, so he lost a couple more Pink Horrors. By this time he was down to about 4 Horrors. The TG combat went ok. Chameleons didn't do anything. TG killed a Bloodcrusher and landed another wound on the Manticore (Is it dead yet?!)

    TURN 5

    This was the last turn as we both had to get going. Daemonettes rear charged my TG, hitting the exposed Slann. Plaguebearers charged my CoC (FINALLY THEY GET TO FIGHT). He would have fared better to have ignored them since my Scar-Vet was in the unit.

    TG finally killed the Manticore. (and there was much rejoice) Between the TG and Chameleons, he was brought down to one Bloodcrusher. Daemonettes didn't even make a scratch. CoC got a bunch of kills on the Plaguebearers. They killed 3 CoC in return, but I was able to win the combat. Instability brought them down to 5 models. Awesome. Terradons lost another model, while the Salamander ate 2 more Pink Horrors.


    After that we called it. I didn't play my last turn because we were running out of time. Overall I got 618 Victory points while he got 398. Not as many as I was expecting for either of us, since our armies were so large. I am sure if we would have played the last turn that my Skrox would have finished off the Bloodletters, CoC would have killed the Plaguebearer, and the Bloodcrushers would have died as well.

    My Priest was handy at times, but didn't get any succesful spells of his own. I forgot to use my Slann's 'Extra D6 to cast' for the entire game. :jawdrop:

    Overall it was pretty fun. It could have been worse if I had to face the Great Unclean One any more than I did. I think that would have helped sway the battle in his favor. I was proud of my TG+Slann unit. It held it's own fo the majority of the game. Adding the fact that I didn't miscast, it really helped.

    So that's it! Hope I didn't make the wording too confusing. Let me know what you guys think! I was really surprised how even the Lizardmen are with Daemons. That was my first time playing them.

    EDIT: Removed individual points values for units in my army (sorry) and fixed a few typos.
  2. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    You skink priest couldn't have legally had the Plaque of Tepoc AND a dispel scroll at the same time but I think you made up for that by nerfing your Slann.
  3. Qupakoco
    Skink Chief

    Qupakoco Keeper of the Dice Staff Member

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    I realize that now. I'll be sure to bring that up to my opponent. What is weird is that I made this list using the Lone Wolf Army Builder software. I wonder if it bugged out when I wrote it up.

    And yah, I nerfed the Slann. Especially since I didn't miscast for the whole game. That and by not using his extra dice to cast. But I really just wanted to have my TG unit have a great chance of winning in combat, hence unit standard bearer + BSB + war banner for a +3 combat rez right of the bat.

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