slann -+1die, Loremaster, bane head, feedback oldblood -SoMight, maiming, Lt armor, 4+ ward scarvet -Armor of destiny, shld Scarvet -hide of Cold,GW 58 saurus with spears, full command 10 skink 9 chamo 9 chamo steg steg sally sally 26 temple gaurd FC should be a pretty tough list. I am going with 60 saurus and 2 heroes as I am tired of losing my units of 30. Beasts have been running right through them with Minitaurs and any things else. critiques welcome
Orcs can have Minataurs now? HaHaHa, just kidding. Uh...looks like an interesting list. I'm VERY leary about the horde but with your OB and SV it'll be a pretty tough unit to crack. My concern is that you don't have much manuverability with this list and fewer units means you opponent can through more at it's flanks and rear because you'll be ungangly. Since your playing against Orcs I'd think about breaking that horde unit in half (5 ranks of 6 wide makes me cringe). Otherwise I think you've got a solid build.
yeah I´d definatly split that sarurus unit up! use 2 units with 29 saurus and 1 svar-vet in each. put the OldBlood in the TGunit. chamo- skinks are good, use them to destroy warmachines like stegs so i´m not going to call them a waste of pts (you are running 3000pts tough) just make sure to use them right so they dont die right away Sallys are awesome against orcs ´n´gobbos, try to burn big units (gobbos are the best target) and hope that they will run because of the panic test caused by the fire good luck!
bah, don't listen to the horde nay-sayers. my 60 block has yet to be broken, its all in how you use it. clearly rushing forward to meet the orcs is just a poor decision. place the big block front and center, put the tg on one flank and everything else holds down the other. basic stuff really. life would probably help you the most. dont underestimate heavens though. get off 1 or 2 comets into those big horde units and youll change the game a lot. id place the comet a couple of inches in front of them so they have to decide to move back and hope it goes off small or move forward and hope it doesnt go off at all. its really quite funny to see people panic when you lay down a comet. you can use wind blast to keep them off of you longer too. the only thing id change is the lack of bsb. you desperately need one. always always ALWAYS bring a bsb. that reroll is worth its weight in gold. dont leave home without it
yeah I am thinking it will become a staple of my army.... any one ever used units of 20 skink skirms with jav's? I am thinking they will be prettty nasty
I typically like 10 but they do not seem to do alot. As I have played 8th it seems all units have gotten large so I was assuming the same would be true for the Skink
I run my skirmishers very shooty so I prefer blow pipes. They are better all around in shooting. I just resign my skinks if they get in combat. The 6+/6+ save does keep them around longer, or at least give them a chance. Effectively it's all about play style and choice. If you like javlins go for it, but blow pipes are more effective in shooting.
So far I've only played a Night Goblin list from the new O&G book. Beware of the Little Waagh's lore attribute that lets them steal dice from your dispel pool to add to their power pool on a 5-6 anytime they successfully cast (not to mention they have their own form of Focused Rumination and get to add an extra dice... though if it's a 1, that caster is done for the phase). The Mangler Squigs also worried me, so I made sure they never got to do anything with Skinks. The nets and Fanatics remain buzzkills as well, but nothing insurmountable. The only other new unit that had me worried initially was the Doomdiver thing, but it misfired and exploded on its first shot, so I can't offer much in the way of advice about it.
turns out the O&G book will not be in so I am playing his DE army instead.... so I am thinking I should be okay with the army above. as for skirmishers I have run them both as blow pipes and Javs and with out fail the javs have out performed. I find that so often you need 7's to hit with double shot pipes that you end up shooting single shots. in that same scenerio you would hit on 5's with the jav's wit hsix being poison. I perfer blow pipes as they rock on the 10 chamo's I will be running, but for skirmishers the jav's have served me better