8th Ed. 600 Points of Fury

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by Scale Seer, Dec 21, 2012.

  1. Scale Seer
    Jungle Swarm

    Scale Seer New Member

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    Saurus Scar-Veteran
    Scaly Skin, Light Armour, Shield, Cold One, Dragonhelm, Dawnstone

    10x Skink Skirmishers
    10x Skink Skirmishers

    10x Saurus Warriors, Musician

    11x Skinks, Kroxigor, Musican

    Salamander hunting pack, extra herder

    My goal in not fitting in a banner on the 2 combat units is mobility. Mobility & stability is what I'm after. I like the 0+ re-rollable armor on the General, tho I'm considering a halberd or AHW in place of the shield.
  2. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    When I see tiny points games my instinct is go all skirmishers but I like your concept better.

    The current build gives you a 0+ Save. Under 8th ed rules you can't ever have better than 1+ so either the Dragonhelm or the shield is wasted points. I would consider dropping the shield and taking a halberd. That will have the unwanted side effect of taking you to 601 points so I would suggest the following remedy.

    I have a strong preference for javelins and shields over blowpipes, but I recognize that points are tight. If you drop one of the Skirmisher units and make the other one javelins, you could use the extra freed up points to make your two blocks slightly bigger. 14 Saurus and 14 Skinks should hit 600 points on the nose by my calculations.

    If that remedy is unappealing to you I would drop the helmet and hold to the shield. Take the ten points freed up by the helmet and take Venom of the Firefly Frog and leave everything else unchanged. Or drop the helmet and take two additoinal skinks to your Skrox block leaving everything esle unchanged.
  3. sorrowquin
    Cold One

    sorrowquin New Member

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    I have had a couple of 500 pts games in the past and I really like your list.

    Scalenex is right in some points though. dropping the shield and taking a halberd is a very good suggestion since the 0+ safe is not valid. Taking a 2nd hand weapon is even better imo.
    Dropping one unit of Skirmishers and beefing up the other units is also a very good idea!
    Trust me, 10 Saurus looks kinda good at this point lvl but you do want more! 14 sounds like a good number.

    In our 500 pts campaign I too started out with 10 and changed to 14 after a couple of games ;)

    Apart from that your mobility is great for these kind of matches. Make sure you use it to full extend and you should be very well off.

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